Monday, September 23, 2019

Post doc related to citizen science at SLU, Uppsala

Dear All,


See here for a very cool post doc related to citizen science at SLU (Uppsala):


Here’s a brief project description:


Postdoc - Finger on the pulse of Nordic nature: a socio-techno-political investigating of national biological recording platforms


Modern-day technology allows for the gathering of unprecedented volumes of biological records, by both skilled field naturalists and lay citizen scientists, shaping our understanding of species distribution and abundance worldwide. Many countries have developed national digital infrastructures to accumulate this wealth of biological records in standardised formats. Those systems fulfil numerous functions, which include encouraging public engagement with nature and providing data to assist in land management, conservation and policy-making and inform planning and development schemes. However, developing and maintaining such digital systems is difficult and resource demanding, but together with managing relationships with recorders likely to determine the biological recording capacity of a nation.


This project will investigate key but poorly understood aspects of national biological record systems, including their arrival, workings and evolution; underlying drivers and aspirations; network of actors and their understanding of respective systems, possibilities and potential struggles; and the relationship to other (e.g. international) biodiversity information facilities. Thus, the research aims to make ‘visible the invisible’, i.e. what it takes to develop and maintain such national reporting systems, how decisions are taken and why. The research will bring urgently needed insights to the rapidly expanding field of environmental citizen science, which is increasing reliant on complex and inter-connected reporting systems and takes those largely for granted.


For more information please contact


René van der Wal

Professor of Environmental Citizen Science

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

Dept. of Ecology,

Ulls väg 16

75651 Uppsala


+46 (0) 18672357



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