We have a postdoc position in modelling the interactions among plants, environment, and societies, with a focus on forests, open in my group at SLU Uppsala, Sweden.
I would be very grateful if you could forward this opening to qualified and potentially interested candidates, as you see more fit.
We are looking for candidates with strong quantitative skills, interested in developing, evaluating, and applying mechanistic models and stochastic methods, to explore the tradeoffs between sustainability and reduced vulnerability to climate change. Ultimately, we would like to capture how forests and management co-evolve, and affect forests’ sustainability and vulnerability to climate change.
More information and instructions on how to apply are available on the SLU job vacancies webpage, https://www.slu.se/en/about-slu/work-at-slu/jobs-vacancies/?rmpage=job&rmjob=5672&rmlang=UK
The deadline for applications is January 7th, 2022, following the instructions on the calls for applications linked above.
Thanks and best regards,
Giulia Vico
Giulia Vico, Senior Lecturer
ResearcherID: A-6296-2010; ORCID: 0000-0002-7849-2653; Google Scholar Profile
Department of Crop Production Ecology
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden
https://giuliavico.wordpress.com/; https://www.slu.se/en/ew-cv/giulia-vico/
Twitter: @Vico_Lab
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