Friday, December 17, 2021

PhD-student position: Climate change effects on aquatic food web efficiency

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Dept of Aquatic Resources is hiring – please spread this info!


PhD-student in Ecology: Climate change effects on aquatic food web efficiency


Many freshwater and coastal ecosystems are undergoing rapid change in water temperature, nutrient and light conditions due to climate change and other human pressures.  At the same time, climate warming is altering fish and invertebrate body size distributions and ecological interactions in aquatic food webs. This PhD project aims to resolve how such simultaneous changes in abiotic and biotic conditions affect the efficiency of energy transfer from primary producers to fish.


This is a great opportunity to pursue a fully funded PhD project and contribute to our understanding of how food webs in lakes and the sea will respond to ongoing climate change. We welcome you to bring your own ideas to the project and to combine different methodological approaches, including field experiments manipulating pressures, observations of aquatic organisms in environmental gradients as well as to develop dynamic size-resolved food web models. The project will produce novel understanding about ecological responses to environmental change. It will also add knowledge needed to evaluate strategies concerning risk of reduced energy transfer to the top of food webs with implications for the ability of aquatic ecosystems to act as carbon sinks and uphold high production of fish biomass in the future


You will join our team working on the dynamics of fish communities and aquatic food webs, and their responses to climate change, exploitation and other human pressures.


Deadline February 2, 2022. Apply, and find more info on





Magnus Huss

Senior Lecturer & Director of PhD studies


Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Department of Aquatic Resources

Skolgatan 6, 742 42 ÖREGRUND, Sweden




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