Wednesday, December 22, 2021

open: 4 year Ph.D. position in Turku, Finland (DL 31-01-2022)

Dear all,

--- Please distribute the advertisement below to anyone who may be interested:

Four year position as Ph.D. student funded by the KONE foundation in the project:
Investigating conservation actions improving bird responses to climate warming in Europe

Full description:

A four year PhD project at the University of Turku (Turku, Finland) and supervised by Dr. Elie Gaget and Prof Jon E. Brommer, in collaboration with Dr. Martin Jung from IIASA (Laxenburg, Austria). The project will use information about the management practices funded under the EU LIFE programme inside Natura 2000 protected areas, and 40,000 abundance time series of almost 450 bird species (breeding and non-breeding) across Europe. Using hierarchical modelling based on local abundance time series, the candidate will quantify past and forecast future population changes with regards to interactions between conservation measures and climate warming. The framework will take into account species habitat preferences, functional traits and shifts in ecological niches over time to provide additional context to the expected species population changes.

Jon E. Brommer, Ph.D.
Professor in Ecology
Department of Biology
University of Turku
FI-20014 TURKU
Lab URL: