Most flowering plant species are hermaphroditic, but current understanding of plant reproductive ecology and floral evolution is almost exclusively based on female function. The postdoc will work in a project that addresses key knowledge gaps in our understanding of floral evolution by focusing on the male part. Specifically, the project will study selection via male reproductive success in both the pollination and post-pollination phase, and explore how the importance of the two phases changes in relation to pollination intensity.
The project involves designing and conducting experimental work in a common garden and greenhouse (manipulations of pollination, phenotypic selection, experimental evolution), analyses of phenotypic and genetic data, and writing and publishing papers. The fellowship is placed at the Department of Ecology and Genetics at the Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, and is funded by a tax-free scholarship for two years. The Carl Tryggers foundation provides financial support directly to the successful applicant ( The PI of the project is Prof. Nina Sletvold, and collaborators include Assoc. Prof. Åsa Lankinen (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp) and bioinformatician Douglas Scofield (Uppsala University).
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a PhD degree in Plant Ecology, Plant Evolution, or similar. Experience with designing and running field or garden experiments on plants is a requirement. Additional experience with bioinformatics, genetic analyses and programming in R and other platforms is a plus. Proficiency in English is required. The ranking of candidates will be based on scientific merits within the subject area of the position.
Applications will be reviewed starting 3. February 2023 until the position is filled. Anticipated start date in spring 2023.
Please submit your application as a single pdf to with heading: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Plant Evolutionary Ecology. Include the following information:
- Cover letter motivating your fit with the outlined project
- CV with publication list
- Certificate of PhD degree
- Contact information for two-three reference persons familiar with your work
Prof. Nina Sletvold
Plant Ecology and Evolution
Dept. Ecology and Genetics
EBC, Uppsala University
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