Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Open research engineer position and coordinated mesocosm experiments in 2023

Dear all,


We have an open position for a research engineer at the Erken Laboratory at Uppsala University during 2023. The person will be involved in the implementation of mesocosm experiments conducted within SITES AquaNet and the EU-project AQUACOSM-plus and conduct and support measurements connected to our lake monitoring programme in Erken. Deadline for application is 13 January 2023.


Here is the link to the job announcement, which contains more information: https://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/join-us/details/?positionId=575765


We also offer the opportunity to join coordinated mesocosm experiments at several SITES field stations in 2023 funded by AQUACOSM-plus Transnational Access. Our first call for an experiment on effects of different organic matter and nutrient fluctuation regimes on plankton communities across time and space is still open until January 10. You can find more information here.


Please spread this information to anybody that could be interested.

Best wishes,




Silke Langenheder


Uppsala University

Department of Ecology and Genetics/


Norbyvägen 18 D

75236 Uppsala



Erken Laboratory

Norra Malmavägen 45
761 73 Norrtälje



E-mail: silke.langenheder@ebc.uu.se

phone: +46 (0)18 471 2710


Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science



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