Wednesday, April 5, 2017

[Oikos-listan] PhD-position on carbon sequestration in forest soils

The Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA) at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has a vacant 3 year PhD–position within forest sciences



Research project

Forests have an important role in mitigating climate change, and carbon (C) sequestration from the atmosphere by forest ecosystems is, by no doubt, one of our most valuable ecosystem services on Earth. The focus of the proposed project will be on the belowground C stock, as about 80 % of the total amount of C in the boreal forest biome is stored in the soil. Fungi have recently been shown to play unexpected key-roles here, as large proportions of the boreal soil C actually are derived from fungi, and not from plants. Our main aim is to quantify and characterize the fungal input of long-lasting C-based compounds to the soil in different boreal forest types. We also aim at comparing this fungal input with that from plant litter to better understand the relative importance and functional role of fungi. The PhD student will benefit from joining an ongoing research collaboration in which spruce, pine and beech forest sites are already established. By combining detailed analyses of biomass and biogeochemical parameters with experimental additions of fungi and plant remains to the belowground community, we aim at improving our understanding of how and why fungi are important for the long-term storage of C in boreal forest soils.


Main tasks

Field sampling in southern Norway

Lab work, including elemental analyses and analyses of ergosterol and phenolic compounds (HPLC)

Publication of scientific papers

The successful candidate must submit a PhD education plan approved by MINA within the first months of appointment, and complete the PhD within the PhD scholarship period.