Saturday, April 1, 2017

[Oikos-listan] COTE Summer School announcement (03-07 July)

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Subject: [COTE] Request to relay the COTE Summer School announcement (03-07 July)
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2017 10:49:01 +0200
From: Hélène Katz <>

Dear Jessica Abbott,

The COTE Cluster of Excellence brings together nine laboratories of the University of Bordeaux, France and major national French research institutes involved in research on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (INRA, CNRS, IFREMER and IRSTEA).

This year, it organises its fifth Summer School on the topic: “Weak signals and emerging issues in ecological transition” (Bordeaux, 03-07 July 2017). As part of the COTE training programme, the COTE Summer School gathers PhD students in environmental sciences, each specialised in different disciplines such as ecology, chemistry, biology and even sociology. Scheduled talks and field trips with international scientists will provide participants with a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach on integrative ecology.

We would appreciate if you could forward the COTE Summer School announcement to members of the Swedish Society Oikos and publish it online, in order to inform researchers and their potentially interested PhD students of this opportunity. All information regarding the programme, speakers and application terms is in the files attached to this email or available on the Summer School website (deadline is 09 April, contact is the COTE managers team). We would also appreciate if you could post the announcement on Twitter as well. I attached the Summer School flyer to this email for visual content (PDF and PNG extensions).

I remain at your disposal for any questions or further information.

Thank you very much in advance,

Best regards,

Université de Bordeaux

Helene Katz
Bât A12, Campus de Talence
Bureau 211
T. +33 (0)5 40 00 22 55