Monday, October 3, 2022

Postdoc in forest modeling – from ecology to improved silviculture

Dear All,

There is a postdoc position in Forest modeling available with SLU Forest Ecology and Management in Umeå in Sweden in collaboration with IIASA in Austria.


This modeling work is a central component of the project "Science for enhanced forest productivity", which aims to improve forest management based on a better understanding of the eco-physiological underpinnings of tree growth and forest management methods. Findings from empirical studies are incorporated in our model, which is based on the eco-physiological processes: photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, and nutrient uptake. To predict how all the processes in a tree are coordinated, we use the concept of eco-evolutionary optimality. At the larger scale we will also address forest stand dynamics and the effects of tree species selection and diversity. The model will be used to predict how tree growth and ecosystem-processes respond to climate change, rising CO2 and new management practices.  

Ultimately, our results should be used to guide the adaptation of forest management to climate change and societal demands. For example, which tree species and forest age structure support high resilience and productivity in the future climate? How can precision fertilization and new site preparation methods maximize tree survival and growth? What are the consequences of alternative management strategies for carbon sequestration and biodiversity?  

The position will be based at SLU in Umeå. In addition, you will have the opportunity to visit the main supervisor Oskar Franklin at IIASA in Austria. IIASA is a leading institute for global change research and systems modeling and an important collaborator for SLU. 

Full info here: