Thursday, September 1, 2022

PhD position Aarhus University - phosphorus biogeochemistry in managed peatlands

Please spread the info about a PhD position Aarhus University below.

Best wishes, Leonard


From: Dominik Henrik Zak <>
Subject: PhD position Aarhus University


Dear all,


we would be happy if you could spread the word (below : -)!


We are seeking for a PhD candidate working on phosphorus biogeochemistry in managed peatlands. Applicants should be familiar with element cycling and chemical/microbial processes in soils. Experimental experience with soil analyses and geochemical methods applied to soils and water will be an advantage. The applicant should be interested in both field and laboratory work and need to hold or obtain a drivers licence.


The position should start December 2022 but latest January 20223 and working place will be Aarhus University. Further details and application link can be found here:


We are an engaged wetland group at Aarhus University having profound experiences on hydrology, biology, geochemistry and modeling of water and nutrient fluxes.


The last two years we have instrument several amazing wetland sites to be used as “living labs” and we would be very happy to settle a fruitful PhD project in such a place.




Many thanks and best regards,


Dominik and Hans


Dominik Henrik Zak, PhD

Senior scientist, 

Inst. of Ecoscience, Aarhus University

Vejlsøvej 25, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark

phone +45 93508477



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