Dear All,
The Research Centre for Ecological Change (REC) is looking for eight postdoctoral researchers in biodiversity-ecosystem functioning, community ecology, biodiversity science, statistical ecology and statistics for a fixed term of 2-3 years with a possibility of continuation. The deadline for application is September 11, 2022.
The overreaching aim of REC is to generate a coordinated analysis of long-term ecological data to understand the drivers and consequences of global change on biodiversity. To reveal biotic responses to ongoing environmental change, REC takes advantage of the unique long-term datasets collected in Finland. REC also develops state-of-the-art methodology for analysing long-term spatially structured data sets within a joint species distribution modelling framework.
For the full ad, please refer to the attachment or look here: To apply, please use the ”Apply Now” button available on that web page. Applications received through other channels cannot be considered.
Best wishes
Tomas Roslin
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