Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Four Post-Doc Stipends: effects of peatland forest management on hydrology and greenhouse gases

We are seeking 4 Post-Doctoral researchers to explore ditch cleaning and restoration effects on the hydrology, water quality, and greenhouse gas balances. This work will be carried out at the experimental ditch management infrastructure, called Trollberget Experimental Area within the Krycklan Catchment, located in Northern Sweden. 

Post-Doc 1: Hydrological consequences of ditch-cleaning and restoration

Post-Doc 2: Stream carbon losses of various ditch maintenance strategies

Post-Doc 3: Evaluating the GHG balances of drained and restored peatland forests

Post-Doc 4: Ditch-cleaning effects on the GHG balance of a boreal forest clear-cut 

For more information and how to apply, please visit our Department's website, then click on the red 'open positions' button:

Kind regards, 




Eliza Maher Hasselquist

Researcher (Forskare)

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Umeå

mobile: +46 70 376 9515


Administrator & Umeå Campus representative

for SLU Future Forests


Twitter: @emhasselquist

Permanent email:
