Monday, June 1, 2020

Postdoc: Modelling, predicting metacommunity dynamics

Dear all,

I would appreciate help to spread the announcement for this postdoc position.


Modelling and predicting metacommunity dynamics

Duties: You will develop models for spatial metacommunity dynamics of epiphytes or deadwood fungi. We have extensive data on the colonization-extinction dynamics of most metacommunity members in both study systems. The modelling will test for effects of environmental conditions, species interactions, species traits and phylogenies. There is also possibility to do fieldwork. Finally, you will make projections of metacommunity dynamics assuming scenarios. We study how socio-economic policy, climate change or forest management on different spatial scales (global, EU, landscape) may affect the future delivery of ecosystem services and metacommunity structure of different organism groups. The work is funded by The Swedish Research Council and by Formas.


Best regards,


Tord Snäll


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Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

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