Thursday, January 23, 2020

Applications now open for a PhD level course on ecosystem functioning in Uppsala

Applications are open for the PhD level course "Ecosystem functioning: From theory to application", given by SLUs "Focus on Soils and Water" research school. - see below for a weblink and more information on how to apply.  Please forward to potentially interested students!

Best wishes,


First announcement:
Welcome to apply to the FoSW course
PNG0057 Ecosystem functioning: From theory to application (3 ECTS)
The concept of "ecosystem functioning" has over the last two decades stimulated research focussed on what ecosystems do, as opposed to what they are composed of, and is increasingly important in policy and management because of its strong linkages with ecosystem services. Focussing on ecosystem functioning in inland waters (lakes and streams) and terrestrial ecosystems (soils, riparian habitats, agricultural and forest landscapes), this course will cover basic definitions, the relationship between ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services, and several currently topical themes in ecosystem functioning research. These include the roles of functional traits and calculation of functional diversity (including practical exercises in R), multifunctionality, and an overview of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research. Throughout, a range of practical methods for quantifying ecosystem functioning will be covered, as will the application of these methods in research, biomonitoring and environmental assessment.
Course period in Ultuna/Uppsala: 25 May - 29 May 2020
 (Scroll down until you come to course PNG0057)

First come first serve!
Apply with an email to: or
using the following template:
Given name:
Family name:
PhDstudent (yes/no, if no, please specify):
Enrolled at which department:
Is department part of SLUs NJ-faculty (yes/no):
University: (SLU/other, if other, please specify):

Brendan McKie
Associate Professor (Docent)
Director of Postgraduate Studies

Department of Aquatic Sciences & Assessment
Biodiversity & Ecology Section
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Institutionen för Vatten och Miljö
Sektionen för Ekologi och Biodiversitet
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet

P.O. Box 7050, SE-75007 Uppsala, Sweden

Phone: +46 (0)18 673 155
Fax: +46 (0)18 673 156

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