Monday, November 25, 2019

Two PhD-positions in plant-insect interaction ecology at Lund University



Please spread info about these positions to interested and interesting potential applicants.

Best Wishes,

Øystein and Magne


PhD positions in the evolutionary ecology of plant-insect interactions

Two PhD positions are currently available in the Evolutionary Ecology of Plant-Insect Interactions research group (EEPII) at Lund University (

Research within the EEPII strives to understand the evolutionary forces driving diversification and adaptation in species interactions among plants and plant-feeding insects. We combine genomic, evolutionary and ecological studies to ask and answer questions about the distribution, diversification and conservation of biodiversity within and among species, and in particular how these patterns and processes are affected by the interaction between plants and insects. Our research bridges the gap between zoology and botany by integrating studies of animal- and plant biodiversity.

Position 1:

Position 2:

Deadline for both positions is the 10. January 2020.

Both projects focus on the evolution of fragrance-based pollination systems, are focused on well-established empirical systems (Position 1: Arabis alpina + Lithophragma bolanderi, Position 2: Dalechampia), and will combine field and greenhouse work with macroevolutionary analyses. We strongly encourage interested candidates to apply for both positions. Please note that this requires two separate applications.

Informal inquiries are welcome to Dr. Magne Friberg ( and Dr. Øystein Opedal (




Magne Friberg

Associate Senior Lecturer

Lund University

Department of Biology, Biodiversity Unit



Lund University

Ecology Building, Biodiversity Unit

Sölvegatan 37

223 62 Lund



Office phone: +46 46 22289 68

Cell phone: +46 73 529 33 73