Friday, November 8, 2019

Postdoc position

From: Axel G.Rossberg <>
Subject: PostDoc in Metacommunity Ecology @ QMUL
Date: 8 November 2019 at 15:25:48 CET

Dear Friends and Colleagues

We have an opening for an attractive PostDoc position in theoretical
ecology.  I'd be grateful if you could share this widely amongst
people/groups who might be interested.

Many thanks!



* PostDoc in Theoretical Metacommunity Ecology @ Queen Mary University of London, UK *

The Theoretical Ecology group at Queen Mary University of London, led by Axel Rossberg, invites expressions of interest for a Postdoctoral Research Associate position theoretical metacommunity ecology. We embarking in a 4-year focused research project to extend the theory of co-existence in large, random Lotka-Volterra models and similar systems to metacommunities in spatio-temporally structured environments, and to apply it to questions in conservation ecology at the landscape scale. This will involve a combination of high-performance computer simulations, analytic calculations in the spirit of statistical mechanics, cutting-edge statistical analysis and interpretation of time series of community dynamics derived from both traditional observations and eDNA, and syntheses to inform conservation ecology. The post holder will join a dynamic team of researchers to contribute to this exciting new project.

The project ("Mechanisms and prediction of large-scale ecological responses to environmental change") is funded by the UK's Natural Environment Research Council and will be carried out in collaboration with leading experts in statistical mechanics (Kostya Trachenko, Queen Mary University of London), biodiversity patterns (Anne Magurran, University of St Andrews) and complexity-stability relations (Michio Kondoh, Tohoku University).

A PhD or equivalent in a relevant discipline is essential for this post. Successful candidates will have interest in theoretical ecology and experience applying and developing methods in one or more of the areas of multivariate time-series analysis, parallel computing, statistical mechanics, community ecology, and complex systems. With their application, candidates should include a one-page statement explaining how they might be able to contribute to the project as outlined above with their experience. A demonstrated ability to communicate well, work within a team, deliver projects within an agreed time frame is also essential. The appointee will be provided with further training where necessary.

The post is full-time with a fixed term to run until 5 January 2024. The expected start date 6 January 2020 or as soon as possible thereafter.  The salary is around £39,085 - £44,807 per annum (T.B.C.) and is inclusive of London Allowance. Benefits include 30 days annual leave and a pension scheme.

Candidates must be able to demonstrate their eligibility to work in the UK in accordance with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006. Where required this may include entry clearance or continued leave to remain under the Points Based Immigration Scheme.

If you are interested, please send an informal enquiry with a CV to Axel Rossberg at to receive an email alert once the formal application process starts.

Per Lundberg, Professor Theoretical Ecology
Theoretical Population Ecology and Evolution Group
Department of Biology
Ecology Building
Lund University
SE-223 62 Lund. SWEDEN