Dear All,
In June 2018, we led a workshop at the 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology entitled, "From fungi to flies: broadening the use of functional traits in conservation". During this workshop it became evident that researchers across disciplines define and use the terms "traits" and "functional traits" differently, with implications for communication across disciplines and collaborative research.
Now we would like your help to better characterize that diversity by asking you to fill out this 10-15 minute anonymous survey (Survey Link). We would be very grateful if you would take the survey, even if you do not typically work with traits as we are interested in how people interpret these terms in general.
Full link address to survey
The survey will be available until Friday 14th February.
The survey results will be analysed and included in a manuscript for publication illustrating and discussing the diversity in terminology and how it may affect research outputs and applications. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like further information about the study. You will be given the option to leave an e-mail address and comment at the end of the survey.
Kind regards,
Samantha Dawson, Brad Duthie, Carlos Pérez Carmona, Manuela Gonzalez-Suarez, Mari Jönsson
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