Tuesday, January 22, 2019

FW: Post-doc position at University of Gävle.

Research on sustainable cities:


Ämne: Post-doc position at University of Gävle.



Hej alla….sprid gärna i era nätverk…


Se nedan länk om postdoktoral position på Högskolan i Gävle med regionalt fokus och samskapande inom området Smarta och Hållbara Städer och Samhällen:



Dear all….Pls spread in your networks…


There is a new post-doc position at the University of Gävle with regional focus on co-creation towards Smart and Sustainable Cities and Societies:



Stephan Barthel

Director of Urban Studio:


Reader and Senior Lecturer


University of Gävle

Stockholm Resilience Centre






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