Thursday, January 31, 2019

postdoc SLU Uppsala

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Species Distribution Modeling in northern Europe

Ref SLU ua 2019.2.5.1-207

The Department of Ecology conducts internationally strong empirical and theoretical research and education aimed towards sustainable forestry, agriculture and conservation. Our research on populations, communities and ecosystems forms the basis for our research on the effects of land use and climate on animals, plants and soil. We aim at finding solutions that will contribute to improve greenhouse gas balances, conserve threatened species, support biodiversity and ecosystem services, sustainable wildlife management, and pest management in forest and agricultural landscapes, as well as in urban areas. However, we also work with basic questions concerning the ecology, evolution and dynamics of populations and especially from a perspective of climate, landscape and landuse change.

This Future Bird Scenarios project is based on funding from the BiodivERsA-Belmont Forum. The aim is to understand how future environmental change will affect avian distributions and the important ecosystem services that birds provide to human society. We will combine information on bird numbers from national survey programs and citizen science portals along with geographic data on land use, climatic conditions, and networks of conservation reserves. The project includes four integrated work packages (WPs) of which the postdoctoral researcher at SLU, Uppsala will mainly work with package 4: Identifying cross-seasonal interactions between breeding and nonbreeding seasons on avian responses to climate and landuse change (Tomas Pärt, SLU, Sweden). Other WPs are: 1) identifying the functional traits that the best predictors of the effects of environmental change on bird distributions (Jon Brommer, Univ. Turku, Finland); 2) assessing the risks for mountain birds where changes in land use and climate change are impacting alpine habitats (Brett Sandercock, NINA, Norway, and Åke Lindström, Lund Univ., Sweden); and 3) determining if current networks of protected areas are sufficient for future conservation needs (Aleksi Lehikoinen, Univ. Helsinki, Finland). The postdocs will work in close collaboration with the other WP teams and with collaborators at Cornell University (Wesley Hochachka, Cornell Lab of Ornithol., USA).


The postdoc will investigate changes in bird distributions during breeding and winter and whether these relate to climate and landuse change. New statistical models, as e.g. those developed for eBird data in North America, will be applied in a new context to model bird distributions in northern Europe.


As postdoctoral appointments are career-developing positions for junior researchers, we are primarily looking for candidates with a doctoral degree that is preferrably within 3 years of the application date.The PhD degree should be in biostatistics, quantitative ecology, or a related discipline . Other required qualifications are: 1) proven research productivity with publications in the peer-reviewed literature, and 2) good communications skills with fluency in English. Although not required it is also a merit to 3) show good abilities in collaborations and to work independently, and 4) have  experience of working with large complex datasets, GIS, Bayesian modelling and/or species distribution modeling. A foundation of knowledge in the ecology of migratory birds may help, but is not required.

Place of work:


Form of employment:

Postdoc position for 2 years .





Starting date:

According to agreement


We welcome your application no later than 2019-02-21, use the link below


Contact person

Tomas Pärt



Jonas Knape

The advertisment and links to application



We are looking forward to see your application!

Tomas Pärt 
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Ecology
Box 7044
SE-75007 Uppsala

phone: +46 18 672704


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E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here

Oikos Årsmöte / Oikos Annual General meeting

En uppdaterad kallelse till Svenska Föreningen Oikos årsmöte är bifogad.

An updated agenda for the Swedish Society Oikos annual general meeting
is attached.


Dr. Jessica K. Abbott
Senior University Lecturer
Department of Biology
Section for Evolutionary Ecology
Lund University
Sölvegatan 37
223 62 Lund, Sweden
Phone: 046 222 9304

"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."
- Charles Darwin, Descent of Man

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Ecology & Behaviour 2019

Abstract submission for Ecology and Behaviour 2019 is now open! The deadline is Friday 15th February.


What: 14th meeting Ecology & Behaviour 
Where: Toulouse, France 
When: May 19-24 2019 
For whom: students and researchers interested in evolutionary biology, ecology and behavior


The association "Rencontres Ecology & Behaviour" (AREB), founded in 2005 by a group of students, organizes each year an international conference on evolutionary biology, ecology, and animal behaviour. Fantastic invited researchers confirmed their presence: 
  • Intraspecific interactions: Charlotta Kvarnemo and Mike Wilson 
  • Non-genetic heredity: Lucy Aplin and Etienne Danchin
  • Phylogeny and population genomics: Knud Jønsson and Ludovic Orlando 
  • Cognition: learning and memory: Alice Auersperg and Audrey Dussutour 
  • Conservation and global change ecology: Mike Bruford and Camille Parmesan 
  • Interspecific interactions: Camille Bonneaud and Frédéric Santoul
  • Ecophysiology and ecotoxicology: Mathieu Giraudeau and Lieven Bervoets
To submit an abstract for an oral presentation or a poster, please login on our website and go to "Submissions". Abstracts should be written in English and not exceed 250 words.

We offer registration, accommodation and lunches to students exhibiting their work during the conference. Registration fees (including lunches) for postdocs and researchers are 70€ and 130€, respectively. We also have a special deal for low prices accommodations on the university campus (100€ for the week). Please visit our website or follow us on twitter (@EcoBehav2019) for more information. Do not hesitate to share this email with anyone you believe may be interested in attending.

We look forward to seeing you in the Ville Rose!

Maxime Pineaux, for the E&B organising committee (EDB lab, Toulouse)

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Senior Research Fellow in Land Use and Environmental Change at ECI - Oxford University


The Land Use and Environmental Change Institute (ECI) at Oxford University has an open position for a senior research fellow.


From: Pam Berry <>
Sent: tirsdag 29. januar 2019 16:07
To:; Erik Stange <>; David Barton <>;;;;; Graciela Rusch <>;;
Subject: Senior Research Fellow in Land Use and Environmental Change

Hello fellow OpenNESS people

I hope you do not mind me emailing you but, ECI has just advertised the Jackson Senior Research Fellow in Land Use and Environmental Change post on the University website ( ECI is good place to work and this does provide an interesting opportunity for someone to come and work across some of our teams. I am happy to answer some questions, but will have to be careful as I am involved in the appointment process. Please circulate it further as appropriate.

Hope all is going well post-OpenNESS

Best wishes

FW: Phd vacancy with Hans Jacquemyn

Dear members of the oikos-listan,


Please find in attachment a vacancy for a Phd in orchid ecology and evolution. Can you spread this in your network?


Best wishes,
Dries Bonte





Dries Bonte

Professor of Ecology and Evolution

+32 9 2645213


Ghent University, Department Biology

Terrestrial Ecology Unit

K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35
9000 Gent

Twitter: @BonteDries
Oikos: synthesising ecology:

FWO Research community EVENET:






Monday, January 28, 2019

Spennende stillinger ledige ved Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA)

Nå er det mange spennende stillinger ledig ved flere av NINAs avdelinger. Her er noe for enhver smak, enten du jobber med økologi, genetikk, statistikk eller samfunnsfag. Vi søker etter både prosjektmedarbeider, forskere, postdok, koordinator og leder.

Les mer på

Postdoc position in Plant Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics at Uppsala, now with correct link!

Postdoc position in Plant Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics at Uppsala University


We seek a postdoc to join a project examining how adaptive genetic variation and demographic processes influence evolutionary response and population dynamics in a changing environment. The research uses the short-lived, perennial herb Primula farinosa as a model system, and focuses on the importance of variation in floral traits and life history in relation to differences in the intensity of biotic interactions and climate along a latitudinal gradient.


Tasks of the postdoc include the establishment and monitoring of experiments in the field, modelling of ecoevolutionary processes based on available demographic data collected in the field for seven years, statistical analysis and manuscript preparation. Three overarching questions will be addressed: (1) How is population viability influenced by variation in mutualistic and antagonistic biotic interactions and climate?, (2) How does variation in biotic interactions and climate influence the genetic structure of plant populations?, and (3) How does the presence of genetic variation in traits of adaptive significance and evolutionary responses influence population viability in a changing environment? Specific subprojects can be tailored to the skills and interests of the successful candidate.


The project is a collaboration between the labs of prof Jon Ågren at the Department of Ecology and Genetics, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, and prof Johan Ehrlén at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University.


We are looking for a candidate with a keen interest in population biology and eco-evolutionary dynamics. Previous experience of modelling, and field or experimental work is desirable. Proficiency in English is a requirement.


The successful postdoc candidate should have a PhD completed within 3 years of the application deadline (reasons such as prolonged periods of illness and parental leave can motivate a longer period). The postdoc position lasts for two years.


Deadline for application is 28 February 2019


Please find the announcement, with all information about how to apply, at:


For informal enquiries, please contact Jon Ågren,, +46-18-471 2860


Some publications from the project:


Thomann, M., J. Ehrlén, and J. Ågren. 2018. Grazers affect selection on inflorescence height both directly and indirectly and effects change over time. Ecology 99:2167-2175.


von Euler, T., J. Ågren, and J. Ehrlén. 2014. Environmental context influences both the intensity of seed predation and plant demographic sensitivity to attack. Ecology 95:495-504.


Ågren, J., F. Hellström, P. Toräng, and J. Ehrlén. 2013. Mutualists and antagonists drive among-population variation in selection and evolution of floral display in a perennial herb. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110:18202-18207.


Vanhoenacker, D., J. Ågren, and J. Ehrlén. 2013. Non-linear relationship between intensity of plant-animal interactions and selection strength. Ecology Letters 16:198-205.



Welcome with your application!


Please, distribute to potential candidates.



Jon Ågren






Jon Ågren

Plant Ecology and Evolution

Department of Ecology and Genetics

Evolutionary Biology Centre

Uppsala University

Norbyvägen 18 D

SE-753 36 Uppsala



Page Title

När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här:

E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here:

Postdoc in Plant Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics at Uppsala University

Postdoc position in Plant Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics at Uppsala University


We seek a postdoc to join a project examining how adaptive genetic variation and demographic processes influence evolutionary response and population dynamics in a changing environment. The research uses the short-lived, perennial herb Primula farinosa as a model system, and focuses on the importance of variation in floral traits and life history in relation to differences in the intensity of biotic interactions and climate along a latitudinal gradient.


Tasks of the postdoc include the establishment and monitoring of experiments in the field, modelling of ecoevolutionary processes based on available demographic data collected in the field for seven years, statistical analysis and manuscript preparation. Three overarching questions will be addressed: (1) How is population viability influenced by variation in mutualistic and antagonistic biotic interactions and climate?, (2) How does variation in biotic interactions and climate influence the genetic structure of plant populations?, and (3) How does the presence of genetic variation in traits of adaptive significance and evolutionary responses influence population viability in a changing environment? Specific subprojects can be tailored to the skills and interests of the successful candidate.


The project is a collaboration between the labs of prof Jon Ågren at the Department of Ecology and Genetics, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, and prof Johan Ehrlén at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University.


We are looking for a candidate with a keen interest in population biology and eco-evolutionary dynamics. Previous experience of modelling, and field or experimental work is desirable. Proficiency in English is a requirement.


The successful postdoc candidate should have a PhD completed within 3 years of the application deadline (reasons such as prolonged periods of illness and parental leave can motivate a longer period). The postdoc position lasts for two years.


Deadline for application is 28 February 2019


Please find the announcement, with all information about how to apply, at:


For informal enquiries, please contact Jon Ågren,, +46-18-471 2860


Some publications from the project:


Thomann, M., J. Ehrlén, and J. Ågren. 2018. Grazers affect selection on inflorescence height both directly and indirectly and effects change over time. Ecology 99:2167-2175.


von Euler, T., J. Ågren, and J. Ehrlén. 2014. Environmental context influences both the intensity of seed predation and plant demographic sensitivity to attack. Ecology 95:495-504.


Ågren, J., F. Hellström, P. Toräng, and J. Ehrlén. 2013. Mutualists and antagonists drive among-population variation in selection and evolution of floral display in a perennial herb. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110:18202-18207.


Vanhoenacker, D., J. Ågren, and J. Ehrlén. 2013. Non-linear relationship between intensity of plant-animal interactions and selection strength. Ecology Letters 16:198-205.



Welcome with your application!


Please, distribute to potential candidates.



Jon Ågren




Jon Ågren

Plant Ecology and Evolution

Department of Ecology and Genetics

Evolutionary Biology Centre

Uppsala University

Norbyvägen 18 D

SE-753 36 Uppsala



Page Title

När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här:

E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here:

Oikos list: Sveriges Entomologiska Förening söker ny redaktör för Entomologisk tidskrift!


 Sveriges Entomologiska Förening söker ny redaktör för Entomologisk tidskrift


Vi söker nu dig som vill bli en betydande person i det entomologiska Sverige!

Huvudansvaret för ET:s redaktör är att sammanställa och redigera inkomna manus samt att sätta ihop varje nummer inom den tidsram som finns. Normalt ges tre nummer ut per år.

God kännedom om hur vetenskaplig publicering går till är ett krav. Kunskap och förståelse för hur man grafiskt sammanställer en tidskrift är också nödvändigt.

Du har naturligtvis också mycket god förmåga till arbete med texter. Samarbete på olika sätt kan också bli aktuellt med vår andra tidskrift Yrfän, och även att tillsammans med styrelsen utveckla ET för framtiden.

För arbetet utgår en ersättning vi kommer överens om tillsammans. 

Är du intresserad eller har frågor?

Hör då av dig till Linda Strand,, tel. 0703-175936.


Hälsningar Thomas



Thomas Harry

Telefon: 070-465 70 41



Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Three new positions in Marine Evolutionary Biology at the Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg,

Thank you for your help! 
/Eva Marie
Eva Marie Rödström
Research Coordinator
The Linnaeus Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology (CeMEB)

Department of Marine Sciences
Lovén Centre for Marine Infrastructure - Tjärnö
University of Gothenburg
skype: emxrod
+46 (0)31 786 9630
+46 (0)76 622 9630 
+46 (0)31 786 1333 (fax)

Department of Marine Sciences -

Centre for Sea and Society -

Eva Marie Rödström
Research Coordinator
The Linnaeus Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology (CeMEB)

Department of Marine Sciences
Lovén Centre for Marine Infrastructure - Tjärnö
University of Gothenburg
skype: emxrod
+46 (0)31 786 9630
+46 (0)76 622 9630 
+46 (0)31 786 1333 (fax)

Department of Marine Sciences -

Centre for Sea and Society -

FW: Post-doc position at University of Gävle.

Research on sustainable cities:


Ämne: Post-doc position at University of Gävle.



Hej alla….sprid gärna i era nätverk…


Se nedan länk om postdoktoral position på Högskolan i Gävle med regionalt fokus och samskapande inom området Smarta och Hållbara Städer och Samhällen:



Dear all….Pls spread in your networks…


There is a new post-doc position at the University of Gävle with regional focus on co-creation towards Smart and Sustainable Cities and Societies:



Stephan Barthel

Director of Urban Studio:


Reader and Senior Lecturer


University of Gävle

Stockholm Resilience Centre






När du skickar e-post till SLU så innebär detta att SLU behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur detta går till, klicka här
E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here

Post doc in Evolutionary Genetics, Uppsala. Deadline 9/2

En 2-årig post-doc ute på Institutionen för Ekologi och Genetik, Uppsala, med sista ansökningsdag 9/2.

Sprid gärna till intresserade kandidater. Annonsen följer nedan.

Vänliga hälsningar,



The Department of Ecology and Genetics at Uppsala University are looking to hire a post doc with experience in evolutionary genetics on a 2-year contract.



Mutations form the raw material for evolution and do not only affect rates of adaptation and extinction but also cause fundamental human health problems. New evidence has demonstrated that mutation rates can vary systematically both across the genome and with the health of individuals. In many species, including humans, there are also systematic differences between the two biological sexes, with frequently observed male-bias in mutation rate. These findings have broad implications for a wide range of evolutionary and demographic processes but the ultimate causes for the observed variation remain a matter of considerable debate. The successful applicant will take an approach combining experimental evolution and genome sequencing to understand the role of sexual selection in shaping within- and between-population variation in mutation rate.

The first aim is to explore the molecular basis for a link between investment in sexually selected traits and germline DNA repair by comparing gene expression in experimental evolution lines of seed beetles stored from a previous experiment. 

The second aim is to use DNA sequencing to explore the type and location of mutations left unchecked by the DNA repair system in individuals challenged to engage in sexual competition. This will explore heterogeneity in DNA repair across the genome and link this variation to trade-offs with investment in sexual reproduction.

The candidate will work in close association with the host Dr. David Berger and PhD student Julian Baur, and share lab space and interact with members of the groups of Prof. Göran Arnqvist and Dr. Elina Immonen. Currently, the beetle lab consists of 8 members and occasional project students.



The Evolutionary Biology Centre hosts one of the world's largest aggregations of evolutionary biologists and Uppsala University was recently ranked 7th in the world in evolutionary biology (CWUR 2017). The Department of Ecology and Genetics is an international environment with staff from all over the world. Our research spans from evolutionary ecology and genetics to studies of ecosystems. A number of high-profile projects address natural and sexual selection, local adaptation, speciation, molecular evolution, microbial diversity, and ecosystem processes. For more information, see: Uppsala University is the oldest university in Scandinavia and the city of Uppsala is a vibrant college town with beautiful surroundings conveniently situated 40 minutes by train from Stockholm.



A Phd degree in evolutionary, quantitative, population or molecular genetics, or equivalent. We seek highly motivated candidates with a broad interest in evolutionary biology. Experience with sequence data is a merit, including familiarity with laboratory molecular methods and experimental design, and/or analytical methods and statistical programming (e.g. R, Python, C).



The postdoc is funded by a tax-free 2-year scholarship from Carl Tryggers Foundation, amounting to 23,000 SEK per month.



Application deadline: Application sent in before February 9, 2019 will be given priority. The position will be open until filled.

Send an e-mail to with the subject heading 'POST-DOC APPLICATION', with the following documents combined into ONE pdf file:

- A cover letter describing your research interests and suitability (1 page)

- A CV detailing your education, previous positions and other achievements (max 3 pages)

- A list of your publications (submitted manuscripts can be included)

- Contact details of 2-3 references who can be contacted by telephone or

  e-mail before or after the interview.


Prospective candidates will be invited for interviews in person or over Skype in February 2019.


Informal inquiries can be directed to:

Lab home page:



We are looking forward to receiving your application

--   David Berger  Animal Ecology  Department of Ecology and Genetics  Evolutionary Biology Centre  Uppsala University
Page Title

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E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here:

Monday, January 21, 2019

PhD-student in the Arctic fox project

There is an open PhD-position in Ecology at the Department of Zoology at Stockholm University.

We will study the life history of arctic foxes with a demographic, evolutionary or genetic perspective and test to what extent this is related to climate change and global warming. We will also analyse the conservation actions that currently take place to support the arctic fox population in Scandinavia. The PhD position is financed by Fjällräven International AB and the department of Zoology. We hope to start the project during the spring of 2019.

For more information, please contact Karin Norén, telephone: +46 8 16 40 34,, or Anders Angerbjörn, telephone: +46 8 16 40 35,

For further information and application details see

Anders Angerbjörn


Department of Zoology

Stockholm University


Oikos biodiversity symposium 4 Feb - registration extended

Registration for biodiversity satellite symposium extended – until Friday 25 January:


4 February 2019, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden

Oikos satellite symposium:

Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure (SBDI) - New opportunities for data driven research


What data are there? How can I use them?


New methods for data collection and analysis, such as citizen science and autonomous observation techniques are quickly developed and adopted. Structured monitoring data, and molecular and genomic information add to the data contents exponentially. At the same time, ecologists increasingly engage in well-organized community networks. Those trends lead to a fast accumulation of available data and enable more inter-disciplinary and scalable ecological research. - A major facilitator in this process is the emerging landscape of biodiversity information systems, which offer services for easier access and publication of relevant data. These infrastructures have the potential to offer fundamentally new ways to conduct ecological science in the future. Two of today’s Swedish biodiversity infrastructures, the Biodiversity Atlas Sweden BAS and the Swedish LifeWatch SLW, will become a joint Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure providing new opportunities.


The symposium will include presentations and demo sessions. During the afternoon you can experience and test Swedish biodiversity data infrastructures, and discuss with analysis experts about your research question.


Read more and find a tentative programme here: (and also attached)



Note that you should register separately from the registration to the main Oikos meeting.

Participation in the Biodiversity symposium is free.

Please register by sending an email to:, and indicate whether you want to contribute with a talk (we have still a couple of slots available)



more about the Oikos 2019 meeting 5-7 February:






Debora Arlt

support and training Analysis Portal and WRAM


Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Artdatabanken - Swedish Species Information Centre, Box 7007, 75007 Uppsala

Swedish LifeWatch,

Telefon: 018-67229, 072-2491138,


Department of Ecology, Box 7044, 75007 Uppsala






När du skickar e-post till SLU så innebär detta att SLU behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur detta går till, klicka här
E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here

PhD-student on Biodiversity in Wetlands

There is an open PhD-position in Ecology and Evolution at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences at Stockholm University.

The project for the PhD-student is 'Managing constructed and natural wetlands for arthropod diversity in agricultural landscapes'. The focus within this PhD project is on terrestrial biodiversity (spiders, beetles and flies) as well as on trophic interactions, in a comparison between different wetland types, both natural and human made. Trophic interactions will be quantified using molecular tools.

For further information and application details see

Help with survey on the use of "traits" in ecology

Dear All,

In June 2018, we led a workshop at the 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology entitled, "From fungi to flies: broadening the use of functional traits in conservation". During this workshop it became evident that researchers across disciplines define and use the terms "traits" and "functional traits" differently, with implications for communication across disciplines and collaborative research.

Now we would like your help to better characterize that diversity by asking you to fill out this 10-15 minute anonymous survey (Survey Link). We would be very grateful if you would take the survey, even if you do not typically work with traits as we are interested in how people interpret these terms in general.

Full link address to survey

The survey will be available until Friday 14th February.

The survey results will be analysed and included in a manuscript for publication illustrating and discussing the diversity in terminology and how it may affect research outputs and applications. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like further information about the study. You will be given the option to leave an e-mail address and comment at the end of the survey.


Kind regards,


Samantha Dawson, Brad Duthie, Carlos Pérez Carmona, Manuela Gonzalez-Suarez, Mari Jönsson




När du skickar e-post till SLU så innebär detta att SLU behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur detta går till, klicka här
E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here

Friday, January 18, 2019

PhD position in boreal forest fire ecology

Hi all,

We are recruiting for a new PhD position measuring the recovery of ecosystem services after boreal forest fire.

Position details & application)

Project summary) The forest fires which raged across Sweden in the summer of 2018 caused tremendous damage and were distributed across nearly the entire country, spanning a climate gradient of ~0 – 9 °C mean annual temperature. These characteristics make the 2018 Swedish boreal forest fires the ideal natural experiment for examining the effects of between natural temperature regime and wildfires and their impacts on ecosystem processes. So, for the PhD project we propose to set up measurements along a network of forest sites spanning southern to northern Sweden which burnt in 2018 to quantify the impact, and potential for recovery, of core ecosystem properties and services after fire in Swedish boreal forest. Our approach will pair extensive field measurements across Sweden with intensive laboratory measurements and an integrative modeling analysis.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Kallelse årsmötet / Annual general meeting

Kallelse till Svenska Föreningen Oikos årsmöte i Uppsala onsdag den 6/2 är bifogad.


Announcement of the annual general meeting of the Swedish Society Oikos, Wednesday February 6th in Uppsala, is attached.



Dr. Jessica K. Abbott

Senior University Lecturer

Department of Biology

Section for Evolutionary Ecology

Lund University

Sölvegatan 37

223 62 Lund, Sweden

Phone: 046 222 9304



"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."

- Charles Darwin, Descent of Man


Monday, January 14, 2019

PhD position in Marine Ecology at UNIS, Norway

Dear all,


A PhD position in marine ecology is available at The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), in collaboration with the Norwegian Polar Institute and the University of Oslo.


The position is part of the large Nansen Legacy project and will focus on the joint impacts of climate change and pollution on organisms in highly seasonal marine food chains.


More here, including how to apply:


Application deadline is 1 February.


Great if you could pass along to potential candidates.


Best wishes,





Øystein Varpe

Professor, Department of Arctic Biology, University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS)




Postdoc position - animal movements, connectivity, cumulative impacts at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

From: Manuela Panzacchi <<>>
Sent: mandag 14. januar 2019 14:18
To: NINA Terrestrisk - Alle <<>>; NINA Tromsø <<>>; NINA Akvatisk - Trondheim <<>>
Subject: Postdoc position - animal movements, connectivity, cumulative impacts

New postdoc position on movement modelling, connectivity conservation and cumulative impact of anthropogenic activities on reindeer in Scandinavia

Please feel free to circulate to anyone who may be interested


Manuela Panzacchi, Researcher I

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research • NINA<>
Høgskoleringen 9, NO-7034 Trondheim, Norway
• Mobile: +47 90911097 • Website<> • Check this: Renewable Reindeer<>

Friday, January 11, 2019

Two PhD positions at Karlstad University

Karlstad University has currently an opening for two full-time Ph. D. positions,

one with focus on either the role of mussels for ecosystem function or host-parasite interactions (Doktorandannons_ecosysy_host parasite) and

one with focus on vegetation and landscape ecology (annons_vegetation).

Deadline for both positions is 31 January 2019.


Kind regards,

Lutz Eckstein



Lutz Eckstein

Professor of Plant Ecology

Karlstad University

Department of Environmental and Life Sciences, Biology

SE-651 88 Karlstad, Sweden

phone 0046 (0)54-700 2278


Symposium: Phenological shifts and their impact on Society. 4 February 2019, Uppsala (REMINDER).

A friendly reminder (registration open until 15 January) about:

Phenological shifts and their impact on Society
- Application of phenology research in planning and decision-making
Symposium in connection to the Oikos Conference in Uppsala 2019

When: 4 February 2019, 9.30-16:00
Where: SLU Campus Ultuna, Uppsala

For programme and registration, please see:

Last day to register: 15 January.

Phenological shifts, i.e. changes in the timing of seasonal events, are well-documented effects of climate change, with potentially large impact on nature and society. These effects include biodiversity conservation, spread of invasive species and conditions for growth, pests or frost damage in agriculture and forestry, as well as on human health (allergies). The goal of the symposium is to discuss how deliverables from phenology research and data monitoring may be used by stakeholders in their planning and decision-making, and by the general society for discovery and adaption to a changed climate.

The symposium is organized by the Swedish National Phenology Network (SWE-NPN), as a joint effort of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (head organization of SWE-NPN) and the Lund and Gothenburg Universities, through the BECC consortium (Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate).

Ola Langvall, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, researcher and coordinator of the Swedish National Phenology Network
Åslög Dahl, Gothenburg University, researcher in BECC
Jacob Johansson, Lund University, researcher in BECC

Happy new year and best wishes on behalf of the organizers,
Jacob Johansson PHD
Research fellow
Theoretical Population Ecology and Evolution Group (ThePEG)
Department of Biology
Lund University
Grand Challenges in Ecosystems & the Environment
Silwood Park Campus
Imperial College London
Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate (BECC) 
Universities of Lund and Göteborg