Wednesday, January 31, 2018

FW: Seeking bees and hoverflies for allometry study

Hi all,


We are seeking help in collecting pollinating insects (specifically bees and hoverflies) worldwide to help in an ongoing project that is collating existing, and constructing better predictive allometric equations for pollinating insects. This will form an R statistical package set for distribution in 2018 or 2019.


Please see advert attached and pass on to any pollination ecologist you know!


Please contact Liam for further details.






Romina Rader

ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award Fellow

Senior Lecturer in Community Ecology

School of Environment and Rural Science
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351 Australia

Phone 61 2 6773 2857


Staff webpage:


Lab webpage:


Google Scholar citations:
University of New England CRICOS Provider Number 00003G


Oikos list: PhD course: Stable isotopes

Stable isotopes as a tool for ecologists and archaeologists (5 ects), April 2018

Course for PhD students

Stockholm University


This is a course for those who want to receive an overview and a more profound knowledge of how stable isotopes can be used in modern ecological research and in archaeological applications. The focus is primarily on research questions and practical applications, but the underlying theoretical aspects are also covered. Examples of the content are: geological distribution and fractionation, ecological applications, archaeological and paleozoological applications. We will also present several of the software used to analyse and model stable isotopes. An individual practical project is also included. The course on Stable isotopes as a tool for ecologists runs in connection with the course Molecular ecology (15hp). Interested PhD students are welcome to participate.


Time: weeks 17-19 (lectures + project)


Last date for application 2018-03-01. For application and more information, contact:

Anders Angerbjörn +468- 16 4035



Will be handed out during the course.


Preliminary schedule


Week 17:          Introduction.

                             Stable isotopes – geological distribution and fractionation

Stable isotopes – ecological applications

Stable isotopes – archaeological and paleozoological applications

Practical demonstration of laboratories for analyses of stable isotopes


Week 18:          Long lived radioisotopes – principles and applications for source apportionment – examples using Sr and Nd

Tracing trophic interactions with stable isotopes

Analytical tools for stable isotopes in ecology

Practical demonstration of software applications for analyses of stable isotope data

Week 19

Independent work with projects

Oral presentation of reports

Final written report


Oikos list: Call to annual general meeting

The Swedish Society Oikos annual general meeting will be held on
Wednesday February 22nd during the Nordic Oikos conference in Trondheim.
Details and agenda are attached.


Dr. Jessica K. Abbott
Senior University Lecturer
Department of Biology
Section for Evolutionary Ecology
Lund University
Sölvegatan 37
223 62 Lund, Sweden
Phone: 046 222 9304

"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."
- Charles Darwin, Descent of Man

Oikos list: PhD position on rhino poaching



We announced a fully-funded PhD position at the dept of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental studies, SLU Umeå, as part of a larger program that studies the consequences of the white rhino poaching crisis in South Africa. The PhD will be based at our department in Umeå but will spend significant periods in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park in South Africa. I have attached the advert, which can also be found using below link:


Please share with interested students and/or relevant email lists.


Best wishes!




Associate Prof. Joris Cromsigt

Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Wildlife, Fish & Environmental Studies, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Skogsmarksgränd, SE-901 83 Umeå, Sweden

T +46 90 786 8388 M +46 70 676 0097 E


Research Associate, Centre for African Conservation Ecology, Department of Zoology, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Workshop invitation

Workshop invitation
 "How to handle gendered assumptions in evolutionary biology research"
12-13th April 2018 at Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Funded by ESEB's equal opportunity initiative funds ( )
In evolutionary biology research, we often approach questions on males and females differently. Sometimes there may be good reasons for this. However, it may also be an outcome of gender biased assumptions. In this two day workshop we aim to identify and discuss such gender biased assumptions in scientific publications, as a gateway to more deeply analyze the way we make inferences in our scientific reasoning. Furthermore, we aim to constructively put forward guidelines on how we, as scientists, should handle gendered assumptions. Terminology and language use, theoretical as well as empirical research can all carry these gendered assumptions, so by means of this workshop we hope to address some important gaps in evolutionary biology research. See for further information on content and schedule.
To participate, send an e-mail to  before the 15th of March 2018 and provide a short motivation letter (150 words) or use the course web page . Number of participants is limited to 25. Participants will have to arrange travel and housing themselves. Participants are eligible to apply for the ESEB congress attendance aid grants before 16 February 2018, see
Most welcome! Paula & Ingrid
Paula Vasconcelos & Ingrid Ahnesjö, Dept. of Ecology and Genetics/Animal Ecology, Uppsala University, Sweden

Monday, January 29, 2018

Assistant professor in Evolutionary Ecology

Queen's University in Kingston (Ontario, Canada) is looking to fill a
tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Evolutionary Ecology.
Candidates who can make use of their field station are preferred.
Deadline for application is February 18th. More details here:


Dr. Jessica K. Abbott
Senior University Lecturer
Department of Biology
Section for Evolutionary Ecology
Lund University
Sölvegatan 37
223 62 Lund, Sweden
Phone: 046 222 9304

"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."
- Charles Darwin, Descent of Man

Oikos list: PhD position (ecophysiology) at the University of Innsbruck

Dear colleagues,


could you please forward the following information on a funded 3year PhD position at the University of Innsbruck to potential candidates, who have some background / strong interest in plant ecophysiology and / or ecosystem physiology. The PhD student will work on effects of drought legacies and compound stress on the ecophysiology of woody and herbaceous species and the rhizosphere and will involve in ongoing experiments in subalpine grassland and forest and in a multifactor ecosystem experiment (ClimGrass).


The position is formally offered by the University of Innsbruck and has been announced in German:

but is also open to non-German speaking candidates.


Deadline for application is next Friday 2 Feb 2018.


Thank you for sharing the information with potential candidates.






Dr. Michael Bahn, Associate Professor

Institute of Ecology, University of Innsbruck

Sternwartestr. 15, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria


tel. +43 512 507 51630





Sunday, January 28, 2018

Oikos list: PhD student and lab manager positions in Copenhagen

Dear colleague,
I have open positions for two PhD students and a laboratory manager/technician in a new ERC Consolidator project on tundra volatile emissions. Please distribute the announcements found via the links below and don't hesitate to contact me if any questions.
Two PhD positions in arctic plant volatiles
Laboratory manager or laboratory technician position in ecosystem-atmosphere interactions
Kind regards,
Professor, PhD, Head of Section

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Doktorand i Ekologi, med inriktning mot betydelsen av fiskvägar och vandringshinder för lekvandrande fisk - vid Linnéuniversitetet


Vi söker en doktorand i Ekologi, med inriktning mot betydelsen av fiskvägar och vandringshinder för lekvandrande fisk, till Institutionen för Biologi och Miljö, Linnéuniversitetet, Kalmar.


Sista ansökningsdag är 14 februari, 2018.



Doktorand i Ekologi med inriktning mot betydelsen av fiskvägar och vandringshinder för lekvandrande fisk

Välkommen till Linnéuniversitetet! Institutionen för biologi och miljö tillhör fakulteten för Hälso- och livsvetenskap. Vid institutionen bedrivs forskning inom bland annat ekologi, mikrobiologi och miljövetenskap. Nu söker institutionen en forskarstuderande i ekologi.

Projektet: Många rinnande vattendrag i Sverige och utomlands är påverkade av dammbyggen förknippade med kraftverk och kvarnar. För att mildra negativa effekter av sådana vandringshinder på växt- och djurliv och göra lekområden åtkomliga för fisk har en del vattendrag försetts med olika typer av fauna passager eller fiskvägar. Vi söker nu en doktorand som ska arbeta inom ett forskningsprojekt som syftar till att undersöka hur olika fiskvägar och vandringshinder påverkar selektion, fenotypisk variation, genetisk struktur, populationsdynamik, evolution och livskraft hos lekvandrande fisk. Arbetet kommer att inkludera en kombination av fältstudier, laboratorieexperiment och genetiska analyser baserade på molekylära data. Studierna kommer att beröra socio-ekonomiskt och ekologiskt viktiga arter som exempelvis lax, öring, gädda och ål.

Forskarstudierna är avsedda att leda till en Filosofie Doktorsexamen. Forskningsuppgiften kommer delvis att genomföras i samarbete med andra forskare inom Centre for Ecology and Evolution in Microbial model Systems (EEMiS) vid Linnéuniversitetet och vid Sötvattenslaboratoriet, SLU. Projektet finansieras av Formas och Stiftelsen Oscar och Lili Lamms Minne. Högskoleförordningen anger att den som är anställd som doktorand skall främst ägna sig åt sin egen utbildning. En anställd får dock i begränsad omfattning arbeta med utbildning, forskning och administration. Sådant arbete får, innan doktorsexamen har avlagts, inte omfatta mer än 20 % av full arbetstid.

Grundläggande behörighet har den som

  • Avlagt examen på avancerad nivå.
  • Fullgjort kursfordringar om minst 240 högskolepoäng, varav minst 60 högskolepoäng på avancerad nivå, eller
  • på något annat sätt inom eller utom landet förvärvat i huvudsak motsvarande kunskaper.

Bedömningsgrunder: Urval görs med hänsyn till de sökandes förmåga att tillgodogöra sig utbildningen på forskarnivå. I bedömningen tas hänsyn till den vetenskapliga skickligheten dokumenterad i vetenskapliga arbeten, särskilt avseende kvaliteten och inriktningen (biologi, evolutionär ekologi, akvatisk ekologi, fiskeribiologi, eller annat närliggande område) på uppsatser på grund- och avancerad nivå, och andra vetenskapliga arbeten. Bedömningen inkluderar även: tidigare erfarenhet av forskningsinriktat arbete med fisk i fältstudier och laboratorieexperiment; kunskap om lekvandrande fisk, fiskvägar och vandringshinder; färdigheter inom statistisk bearbetning och analys, GIS, genetik och molekylära metoder; god förmåga att uttrycka sig väl i tal och skrift, på engelska och svenska; samt körkort.

Ämnesområde för befattningen: Ekologi med inriktning mot betydelsen av fiskvägar och vandringshinder för lekvandrande fisk
Placeringsort tillsvidare: Kalmar


Professor Anders Forsman (, +46-(0)480-446173, mobil +46-(0)706-272738

Prefekt Per-Eric Betzholtz (, +46-(0)480-446249

HR partner Christian Andersson (, +46-(0)470-708506

Du ansöker digitalt Ansökan skall inte mailas direkt till någon av kontakpersonerna. Sista ansökningsdag är 2018-02-14. Märk din ansökan med diarienummer: 2018/48-2.2.1. Ansökan ska innehålla; (i) en kortfattad beskrivning av dig själv och vad du är intresserad av, en motivering till varför du vill genomgå forskarutbildning, samt en redogörelse av meriter och erfarenheter av relevans för utbildningen och forskningsuppgiften; (ii) CV/meritförteckning (med telefon och e-post); (iii) kopior av betyg; (iv) minst två rekommendationsbrev; (v) namn och kontaktuppgifter (inklusive telefon och e-post) till två referenspersoner; (vi) kopia på examensarbete (motsvarande) och eventuella publikationer.


Anders F.


Anders Forsman
Professor evolutionary ecology
Center for Ecology and Evolution in Microbial Systems, EEMiS
Department of Biology and Environmental Science
Linnaeus University
391 82 Kalmar

phone: +46-(0)480-446173
cellular phone: +46-(0)706-272738

Personal Websites:





Google Scholar:



Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Oikos list: Event in Umeå may 26 - visibility of women in science and public perceptions of who a scientist is

Dear Friends,

Soapbox Science is a public outreach event that aims to promote the visibility of women in science, and challenges public (and academic) perceptions of who a scientist is. We have just launched our call for speakers for our 2018 events, which includes the first ever event in Sweden, which will be held at Umeå City Centre!

Now in its 8th year, Soapbox Science has showcased more than 550 top scientists internationally; it is a multi-award winning, and well-cited model for revolutionising diversity in science and widening participation in public engagement of science.

Watch our film for a flavour of what it's like!

Soapbox Science is expanding, with more than 30 events planned across the globe in 2018 – that's over 360 women who'll take to the streets to share their passion for science and mission for equality! As the Umeå event will be the first event in the country, we are anticipating a lot of interest from the public as well as from press. Our events have hosted prominent scientists such as Dame Georgina Mace, Dame Athene Donald, Prof Lesley Yellowlees and Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock alongside early-career scientists. A typical event attracts 1000s of people – some come back every year to meet new scientists; others are new-comers or just passers–by who happen upon the event.

Please encourage your female colleagues (from PhD students to Professors) to apply to speak, to help challenge stereotypes in science and promote the visibility of women in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine).

If you are interested in applying to be one of our speakers please sign up here. The deadline is 23rd of February. The event is free and your talk can be given in Swedish and English both.

We are also looking for student volunteers to help out with the organization of the event.

Soapbox Science Umeå Event:

Date: May 26, 2018

Time: 10:00 to 15:00

Location: Umeå City Centre

Kindly feel free to ask for any further information you may require while registering.

On behalf of the organizing team

Navinder J Singh


Associate Professor 
Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies 
Faculty of Forest Sciences 
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 
SE-901 83 Umea, Sweden 
O: +46 (0)90 786 8538; 
M: +46 (0)70 676 0103



Monday, January 22, 2018

OIkos list: Sentinel North International PhD School - One week remaining to submit your application

*Sentinel North International PhD School - One week remaining to submit your application*

The deadline to submit your application to the second Sentinel North International PhD School is*January 28, 2018*.

Taking place on board the Canadian research icebreaker*CCGS Amundsen*deployed in Baffin Bay and the Fjords of Baffin Island, Nunavut (Canada), the Sentinel North International PhD School is a unique opportunity to participate in an ocean research program focusing on the links between light, marine ecosystem services and health in the North.

Participants will experience an exceptional transdisciplinary training, in close interaction with top scientists, in a highly technological environment bringing together a wide range of disciplines such as optics, physical and biological oceanography, biochemistry and remote sensing.

We encourage graduate students and postdoctoral fellows of all relevant fields of research to seize this opportunity.

Get all details here:

*École doctorale internationale Sentinelle Nord - Plus qu'une semaine pour soumettre sa candidature*

La date limite pour soumettre votre candidature à la deuxième École doctorale internationale Sentinelle Nord est le*28 janvier 2018*.

Organisée à bord du brise-glace de recherche canadien*NGCC Amundsen*, déployé dans la mer et les fjords de l'île de Baffin (Nunavut, Canada), l'École doctorale internationale Sentinelle Nord est une occasion unique de participer à un programme de recherche océanographique visant à cerner les liens entre la lumière, les services écosystémiques marins et la santé dans le Nord.

Les participants de l'école vivront une expérience de formation transdisciplinaire exceptionnelle, en étroite interaction avec des scientifiques de haut niveau, dans un cadre technologique de pointe mettant de l'avant un large éventail de disciplines telles que l'optique de l'environnement, l'océanographie physique et biologique, la biochimie et la télédétection.

Nous encourageons les étudiants de 2e et de 3e cycle et les stagiaires postdoctoraux de toutes les disciplines dont le champ de recherche est pertinent avec les thèmes de l'École à saisir cette occasion.

Consultez tous les détails ici :







*Marie-France Gévry*, /M.Sc./

Coordonnatrice des programmes de formation   - /Training programs coordinator/

Sentinelle Nord   - /Sentinel North/

*Université Laval *

Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon, bureau 3432-D 1045, Avenue de la Médecine

Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6

418-656-2131, poste (/ext/) 8910 <>

IAFS_ENG_facebook <>


3 positions in bioeconomy and natural resource management in Raseborg, Finland

3 positions (full time) as Senior Researcher for the four year period 1.3.2018 - 28.2.2022 or according to agreement, at Novia University of Applied Sciences in Raseborg

Novia UAS runs a Research Team within the field of bioeconomy and natural resource management where circular economy and the promotion of sustainable production and use of natural resources create the framework of the activities.

Novia University of Applied Sciences acts along the Swedish-speaking parts of the Finnish coastline. With over 4000 students and a staff of about 300, Novia is the largest Swedish-speaking university of applied sciences in Finland. High-class and state-of-the-art degree programs provide students with a proper platform for their future careers.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

[ASAB-MAIL] Interviews of ecologists and evolutionary biologists blog

From: Debora Arlt []
Sent: 19 January 2018 18:49
To: Jessica Abbott <>
Subject: FW: [ASAB-MAIL] Interviews of ecologists and evolutionary biologists blog


This came through another e-mail list – I think this is an interesting read about some known and influential ecology and evolution papers, and thought this was worth to share.


Enjoy the read,





Debora Arlt


Department of Ecology, SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Box 7044

75007 Uppsala, Sweden





From: teaching and research, in animal behaviour [mailto:ANIMAL-BEHAVIOUR@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Hari Sridhar
Sent: den 18 januari 2018 18:45
Subject: [ASAB-MAIL] Interviews of ecologists and evolutionary biologists blog




My name is Hari Sridhar and I'm a post-doctoral researcher at the Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science. Since early 2016, I have been conducting a series of interviews of ecologists and evolutionary biologists. In each interview, I revisit an old "well-known" paper in ecology/evolution/behavior, with the primary author, to find out about 1. the making of the paper 2. the impact the paper had on the author's career and research and 3. the author's current stand on what was said in the paper. The idea is to construct, what one might call, 'shadow papers', which capture the past and future of the original published articles. The interviews are now all available at:


This is an ongoing project and I will post new interviews as and when they are ready. 


Thank you. 




Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Invitation to international workshop on Beaver Management 15-16 May 2018, Sundsvall, Sweden - first call

Hej, (See below for invitation in English)


Inom EU-projekt WAMBAF (Water Management in Baltic Forests) kommer vi att anordna en internationell workshop om bäverförvaltning 15-16 maj 2018 nära Sundsvall (se bilagan).


Du är mycket välkommen att delta! Programmet är preliminärt och vi ser gärna fler presentationer om frågor och utmaningar kring förvaltningen av bävern i Sverige och andra baltiska länder.


Med vänlig hälsning,


Frauke Ecke



Dear all,


In the EU Interreg project WAMBAF (Water Management in Baltic Forests), we will arrange an international workshop on Beaver Management 15-16 May 2018 near Sundsvall, Sweden (see attachment).


You are mostly welcome to participate! As you can see, the program is preliminary. We are keen in getting presentations on beaver management from various countries. Priority countries for such presentations are listed in the preliminary program, but presentations on “hot” beaver topics related to beaver management in other countries are mostly welcome.


If you want to give a presentation, please contact me. If you want to register for the workshop, please contact Magnus Martinsson (see invitation).


In the beginning of December we will send an updated version of the program with more details regarding the venue, reservation of hotels etc.


Please feel free to spread the invitation. Sorry for any cross-posting


Best wishes,


Frauke Ecke




Frauke Ecke
Senior Lecturer
Associate Professor, PhD

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies
SE-901 83 UMEÅ, Sweden
Phone: +46-90-786 8642, Mobile: +46-70-26 36 155

Personal homepage

Environmental monitoring of small rodents:

The Swedish Golden Eagle Project:


Monday, January 15, 2018

Oikos list: ECCB 2018 deadline extended

The 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology (ECCB 2018) attracted over 500 abstract submissions before the January 10th deadline.


Due to many requests to consider further submissions, the abstract submission deadline is extended by a couple of weeks, to January 31st - but this is the first and last extension, so get in now if you want to join us in Jyväskylä, Finland in June!


ECCB 2018 features some special things:


- All abstracts are peer-reviewed by authors of other abstracts, plus peers assigned by the Scientific Committee, using the unique quality peer review process developed by Peerage of Science.


- If your abstract is accepted, it gets a DOI and is published in the University of Jyväskylä Open Access repository JYX - you get an open access peer-reviewed publication out of your trip to Finland, with zero extra charges! (If you do not want your abstract published, that is OK too: after submission you can choose "Do Not Publish").


- Ever wished a conference would give you a dedicated place where people who missed your talk, or who had a comment but no time to say it, could meet you later? Or what if your talk is on the last day, and you wish there was a place to promote it during one the first days and attract people to come hear you? ECCB 2018 does this! Just choose "Oral + Poster" as your submission type, and you are set to have both.


- Free childcare, and Congress is open for children below the age 16, no registration needed.


- And of course, there is a chance you might meet us, the founders of Peerage of Science in person... (but do come nontheless!).


Kind regards

Janne-Tuomas Seppänen

Janne Kotiaho

Mikko Mänkkönen




Dr. Jessica K. Abbott

Senior University Lecturer

Department of Biology

Section for Evolutionary Ecology

Lund University

Sölvegatan 37

223 62 Lund, Sweden

Phone: 046 222 9304



"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."

- Charles Darwin, Descent of Man


Oikos list: Professor in functional ecology of limnic systems

Professor in functional ecology of limnic systems

Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences(SLU), Uppsala, Sweden

An appointment as professor in functional ecology in limnic systems is vacant at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment at SLU, Uppsala.

Functional ecology in limnic systems is the study of processes that operate from organism to ecosystem levels and how they affect the characteristics of the systems. The subject area comprises applied research of how aquatic organisms’ activities and characteristics affect ecosystem functioning within or among lakes and streams.

Read details and how to apply at: (in English) (in Swedish)

Final date for application: 2018-03-15

Contact person

Ingrid Hemström

Adminstrative Officer

018-67 10 47


Willem Goedkoop

Head of Department

018-67 31 12


Stina Drakare

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Institutionen för vatten och miljö / Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment
PO Box 7050

SE-750 07 Uppsala

Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9, Uppsala
Phone: +46 18-67 31 02,




Dr. Jessica K. Abbott

Senior University Lecturer

Department of Biology

Section for Evolutionary Ecology

Lund University

Sölvegatan 37

223 62 Lund, Sweden

Phone: 046 222 9304



"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."

- Charles Darwin, Descent of Man


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Phd student vacancy

Dear colleagues,


We have a vacancy for a Phd student position to study the links between coastal dune self-organisation, flooding resistance and diverse aspects of biodiversity.

The position is open until a suitable candidate is found but we plan to fill the position before April-May 2018.


I would be very grateful if you could pass this to potentially interested students.


Thanks for your assistance,






Dries Bonte

Professor of Ecology and Evolution

+32 9 2645213


Ghent University, Department Biology

Terrestrial Ecology Unit

K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35
9000 Gent

Twitter: @BonteDries
Oikos: synthesising ecology:

FWO Research community EVENET:

