Monday, January 29, 2018

Oikos list: PhD position (ecophysiology) at the University of Innsbruck

Dear colleagues,


could you please forward the following information on a funded 3year PhD position at the University of Innsbruck to potential candidates, who have some background / strong interest in plant ecophysiology and / or ecosystem physiology. The PhD student will work on effects of drought legacies and compound stress on the ecophysiology of woody and herbaceous species and the rhizosphere and will involve in ongoing experiments in subalpine grassland and forest and in a multifactor ecosystem experiment (ClimGrass).


The position is formally offered by the University of Innsbruck and has been announced in German:

but is also open to non-German speaking candidates.


Deadline for application is next Friday 2 Feb 2018.


Thank you for sharing the information with potential candidates.






Dr. Michael Bahn, Associate Professor

Institute of Ecology, University of Innsbruck

Sternwartestr. 15, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria


tel. +43 512 507 51630

