Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Re: [Oikos-listan] 3rd Symposium on Ecological Networks and 3rd Symposium on Molecular Analysis of Trophic Interactions, abstract deadline 30 April

Dear All,


With the official deadline for the two symposia in September closing three days ago, we are happy to report that we have rounded up a nice set of attendants. By the official deadline, we had received more than 140 abstracts on fascinating topics – not to mention the lineup of keynote speakers ( ). This bodes for a stimulating week in Uppsala!


Given the last-minute chaos of people missing the deadline, or not even remembering it in the first place, we have decided to re-open the registration system and the abstract submission system for a few more days. Please take this last opportunity to sign up for an exciting event no later than May 10. All other dates mentioned on are naturally unchanged.


Please remember that you need to submit BOTH a notice of interest and the abstract of a talk or poster. These are two different systems, which you access here:

  1. submit a notice of interest and
  2. the abstract of a talk or poster.

or by visiting - and sign up now!


Looking forward to seeing you in Uppsala!


Best wishes,


Tomas Roslin, Mattias Jonsson and Michael Traugott



From: Mattias Jonsson
Sent: den 22 april 2017 22:46
To: '' <>
Subject: 3rd Symposium on Ecological Networks and 3rd Symposium on Molecular Analysis of Trophic Interactions, abstract deadline 30 April


Dear All,


Please note that the submission of abstracts will be closing soon (April 30) for the two symposia held back-to-back in Uppsala 11-15 Sept, 2017: the 3rd Symposium on Ecological Networks and the 3rd Symposium on Molecular Analysis of Trophic Interactions.


Since we aim for a program where all attendants can participate with a talk or poster, you should submit a notice of interest and the abstract of a talk or poster within the next eight days.


All themes from within the broad remits of the respective symposia are warmly welcome. In submitting the abstract, you are asked are to choose from whether you want to submit an oral presentation or a poster -- and whether (should your oral presentation not fit into the oral program) you will still be happy to present it as a poster. Once the final acceptance of abstracts is completed (31 May), you will be invited to update this notice of interest to a final conference registration, at which stage we will also ask you to deposit the conference fee.


Please visit - and sign up now!


Looking forward to seeing you in Uppsala!


Best wishes,


Tomas Roslin, Mattias Jonsson and Michael Traugott



Mattias Jonsson

Associate Professor

Department of Ecology/Centre for Biological Control

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)