GBIF Data Use Club Practical Sessions: The API and introduction to rgbif and pygbif
Venue: Online
When: 8 February 2023 15:00 - 16:00
The GBIF API (Application Programming Interface) provides users with the ability to perform more complex data filtering than what is available on the website.
This session will give you an overview of the GBIF API and accompanying documentation. We will also introduce key R and Python packages and their associated functions that provide access to the data via the API. The session is aimed at those just starting to access the data via these channels and those who would like a refresher.
The session will cover the following elements:
Register and
Veronika A. Johansson, PhD
Node Manager GBIF Sweden, Projektkoordinator SBDI
Enheten för genetik och bioinformatik
Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
Box 50007 | 104 05 Stockholm
08 51954036 | 0708306021