PhD position in modeling with interdisciplinary focus
The PhD position is based at the Department of Ecology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
(SLU), where we conduct research on populations, communities and ecosystems. We generate knowledge on
how land use and climate affect animals, plants, nutrient cycling and greenhouse gas balance, seeking
solutions to mitigate climate change, preserve threatened species, benefit biological diversity and ecosystem
services in managed landscapes. Active outreach and frequent dialogue with stakeholders are key activities.
To generate cutting-edge research and to promote sustainable natural resource management, we build on
extensive national and international research collaborations.
We are looking for a highly motivated graduate student who will 1) develop quantitative models to translate
legal concepts defined in European law into measurable ecological ones that are applicable across many taxa,
2) develop quantitative models to document the effects of legal protection on species recovery and 3) analyze
patterns of biodiversity-related legal aspects across European countries. The research will involve several taxa,
but with an emphasis on large carnivores. The PhD position is interdisciplinary, being both intensive in
quantitative modelling and requiring an ability to understand legal concepts and their use by stakeholders.
See attached file for more details.