Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Dept of Aquatic resources is hiring – please spread this info!
PhD-student in Biology/Ecology:
How does global warming influence bioaccumulation of radionuclides in fish?
We are looking for a motivated and enthusiastic person with strong quantitative skills in ecology, and a genuine interest in research & in learning to do research.
The PhD-project aims to resolve how climate warming may change how fish accumulate contaminants, in this case radionuclides from nuclear power plants into the Baltic Sea, as structure and functioning of their food webs change with global warming.
This position is a great opportunity to learn to do research and learn many skills, as you will do field collections of fish and other taxa around the Baltic Sea, analyse archived fish tissues from historical collections and of new samples, collaborate on radiological analyses of these, do statistical modelling of diets and food web structure, as well as use mathematical modelling of dynamics of fish and their prey and concurrent accumulation of radionuclides under climate change. Your scenario analyses with these models will help assess how the risk of biomagnification of radionuclides in fish, arising from nuclear accidents and nuclear power plant operations, are affected by global warming. You will join our team working on the dynamics of fish communities and aquatic food webs, and their responses to climate change, exploitation and other human pressures. Welcome to visit us at www.slu.se/fishinfoodwebs!
Deadline November 15, 2021. Apply, and find more info on https://www.slu.se/en/about-slu/work-at-slu/jobs-vacancies/?rmpage=job&rmjob=5505&rmlang=UK
(Ref SLU.ua.2021.2.5.1-3556)
Anna Gårdmark
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Aquatic Resources
Skolgatan 6, 742 42 ÖREGRUND, Sweden
Phone: +46104784125, anna.gardmark@slu.se, www.slu.se/annagardmark
Follow our research group @fishinfoodwebs at Instagram!
& our department as SLUaqua on Facebook
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