For anyone interested: a PhD position in Italy using multi agent modelling to explain city permeability to butterflies.
Best wishes, Lars Pettersson
Lars Pettersson
Biodiversitet, Biologiska institutionen
Ekologihuset, Lunds universitet
SE-223 62 Lund
Tel: 046-222 3818, Mobil: 070-611 63 45, Skype: larsp_1
Email: Twitter: @larspett Hemsida:
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From: Simona Bonelli []
Sent: den 8 juni 2021 17:31
To: Chris van Swaay; Constanti Stefanescu; Evrim Karacetin; Lars Pettersson; Martin Wiemers; David Roy; Josef Settele; michiel Wallis de Vries
Subject: PhD position to work on multi agent model to explain city permebility to butterflies
Dear all, a colleague of mine, a full professor of physics at Turin University, is interested in collaborating with me in the framework of an H2020 project I'm working on urban green regenerations and butterfly permeability. He asked me to develop a model to explain and then scale up the factors that influence the movement of urban butterflies.
We discussed it and he planned to try this summer with a master student.
At the same time he proposed this topic inside the PhD school for a position reserved for foreign students. In attachment all the useful data to identify suitable candidates. According to them physicians are poorly interested in such a biological system but a biologist who knows math and physics will be the best candidate.
Please help me in circulating and discovering a good candidate who will work in Turin University maily with physicians but in strict cooperation with me as cotutor and who among you could be interested, I think this is a very interesting approach!
Thank you so much! The deadline is very short. Please send this request to anyone you think may be interested
Simona Bonelli, PhD
Dept Life Sciences and Systems Biology
Via Accademia Albertina 13
10123 Turin - ITALY
Skype: simona.bonelli