Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Carl Tryggers postdoctoral scholarship in host-pathogen evolution and sustainable pest control

Dear Oikos List,

I am advertising a Carl Tryggers Stiftelsen-funded 2-year postdoctoral scholarship on host-pathogen coevolution in consistent versus fluctuating conditions, and implications for sustainable biocontrol of insect pests. More details on the project, candidate qualifications, and instructions for applying are available here:

I will retain all applications until at least July 15, or until the position is filled.

Please pass along to any potentially interested candidates!

Kind thanks,


    Luc Bussière (he/him)
    Biologi och Miljövetenskap &
    Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre
    University of Gothenburg
    Box 451
    Göteborg, Sweden
    New email:
    Mobile: +46 73-048 02 33


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

PhD position on nature based solutions in stream-riparian networks

Dear all, see weblink below for details of a PhD position in stream-riparian ecology in Norway, but with some work based at SLU in Uppsala also:

Please forward to any potential candidates you may know of,

Best wishes,


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Adjunkt i biovetenskap med inriktning mot praktisk naturvård vid Högskolan i Skövde

Högskolan i Skövde söker en adjunkt i biovetenskap med inriktning mot praktisk naturvård:


Anställningen är inom ämnet biovetenskap som vid Högskolan i Skövde definieras som studiet av biologiska strukturer, processer och funktioner på olika nivåer från biomolekyler till levande celler, organsystem, hela organismer, populationer, arter och ekosystem. Området innefattar även studiet av de levande organismernas uppkomst och interaktioner med den miljö de lever i. Vidare inkluderas biologiska tillämpningar inom olika områden som medicin, jordbruk, livsmedelsproduktion och natur- och miljövård.


Praktisk naturvård definieras här som att omsätta teoretiska kunskaper och forskningsresultat i det praktiska arbetet med att bevara och utveckla naturområden och ekosystemtjänster. Det spänner bl. a. över att göra naturvärdesbedömningar, dokumentera och följa upp konsekvenser av naturvårdsåtgärder, ta fram skötselåtgärder och göra miljöbedömningar.


Du kommer vara anställd som adjunkt i biovetenskap. Dina huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter kommer vara undervisning samt den administration som kommer av dessa arbetsuppgifter. Undervisningen bedrivs tillsammans med andra lärare inom biovetenskap, framför allt inom specialiseringen mot ekologi. Ekologigruppen bedriver både undervisning och forskning där gruppens forskningsprojekt har en inriktning mot hållbart nyttjande av biologiska resurser och naturvård. Ytterligare arbetsuppgifter kan komma att ingå i befattningen. Se


Vi söker dig som har:

                    avlagt magisterexamen inom biovetenskap, eller annat relevant ämne eller har motsvarande kompetens, eller någon annan yrkesskicklighet som är av betydelse med hänsyn till anställningens ämnesinnehåll och de arbetsuppgifter som ska ingå i anställningen

                    dokumenterad artkunskap inom en eller flera organismgrupper

                    dokumenterad kunskap eller erfarenhet av praktisk naturvård

                    dokumenterad kunskap eller erfarenhet av att använda ArcGIS eller QGIS

                    dokumenterad god samarbetsförmåga

                    dokumenterad god förmåga att uttrycka dig i tal och skrift på svenska respektive engelska.


Vi kommer också att värdera följande bedömningsgrunder vid anställningen:

                    Visat pedagogisk skicklighet med utgångspunkt från aspekter beskrivna i Högskolans anställningsordning.

                    Graden av sådan skicklighet som är ett krav för behörigheten.

                    Organismkännedom med fokus på indikatorer och signalarter.

                    Dokumenterad kunskap inom området ekologi.

                    Dokumenterad kunskap inom området molekylär ekologi.

                    Genomgått högskolepedagogisk utbildning om minst 15 högskolepoäng eller på annat sätt förvärvat motsvarande kunskaper.


Vid denna anställning kommer stor vikt att fästas vid dokumenterad kunskap inom området ekologi samt visat pedagogisk skicklighet med utgångspunkt från aspekter beskrivna i Högskolans anställningsordning.


Anställningen är inledningsvis en tidsbegränsad anställning på 6 månader som omfattar 100 %. Tillträde i augusti.


Högskolan i Skövde arbetar aktivt med ett förebyggande diskrimineringsarbete för att bibehålla och förbättra en inkluderande arbetsmiljö.


Sista ansökningsdatum: 28 juli 2021

Diarienummer: Ref nr HS 2021/625



Upplysningar om anställningen lämnas av avdelningschef Diana Tilevik och ämnesföreträdare Niclas Norrström. Facklig  information lämnas av Anders Johansson (Saco-S) eller Sonja Nohlgren (ST). Samtliga personer nås via Högskolans växel 0500-44 80 00.


Ansökan Du söker anställningen via vår hemsida, genom att klicka på ”Ansök” längst ned i annonsen. Där finner du även information om hur din ansökan ska utformas. Till din ansökan ska följande dokument bifogas:

                    Personligt brev

                    CV med personuppgifter, examina, övriga utbildningar, tidigare anställningar och annan relevant erfarenhet

                    Intyg/betyg och övriga dokument som styrker din ansökan


Kontakta HR-avdelningen på om du har publikationer som inte kan bifogas elektroniskt direkt i ansökan. Publikationerna ska vara högskolan tillhanda senast en vecka efter sista ansökningsdatum.




Tomas Jonsson, Professor i ekologi,

Studierektor för forskarutbildning vid Institutionen för Biovetenskap


Institutionen för Biovetenskap, Högskolan i Skövde

Box 408, 541 28 Skövde


T. 0500-448636




Phd position on dunes as nature based solutions

Dear colleagues,


We have a PhD position available to study interactions between vegetation and dune development. Please spread this vacancy to interested students!

Link to the vacancy here:


Best wishes,






Dries Bonte

Professor of Ecology and Evolution

+32 9 2645213


Ghent University, Department Biology

Terrestrial Ecology Unit

K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35
9000 Gent

Skype: driesbonte
Oikos: synthesising ecology:

FWO Research community EVENET:





Friday, June 18, 2021

Two postdoc positions in community ecology at CBD, NTNU

Hei! På vegner av Ivar Herfindal ved NTNU, Trondheim.




Two 2-years postdoc positions in community ecology are available at Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU. The deadline is 25th June. We are searching for candidates for a project investigating processes impacting the long-term dynamics, stability, and resilience of species communities. The work involves empirical case study analyses, theoretical multi-species modelling, and simulations with the aim to understand spatial and temporal patterns of biodiversity. A central focus will be to combine ecological and evolutionary approaches. Participation in field work for collecting community data is possible but not mandatory.


Read more and apply here:

Associate professor in parasite ecology

Dear all, the Freshwater Ecology group at University of Tromsø, Norway, has now an open Associate Professor position to work on parasite ecology in freshwaters. Please, share the link below to anyone who might be interested in applying to. Application deadline is on 1st October.


Tromsø is a lively and easy place to live and work in, and I can only recommend it!


Best regards,




André Frainer

Research Scientist

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA)

Tromsø, Norway


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Associate Professor in Biology, especially Plant Ecology at Uppsala University


We are recruiting a permanent full-time position (associate professor) in the Program for Plant Ecology and Evolution at the Institute of Ecology and Genetics, Uppsala University, Sweden. This is a broad search looking for the best candidate to complement our existing group.

Please see details here:

See the website for the Program for Plant Ecology and Evolution here:

Please forward to interested candidates!

All the best,


Bob Muscarella

Department of Ecology and Genetics

Uppsala University

Page Title

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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

postdoc position/ Arctic ecosystems



For those of you interested in the arctic – see below about an open Postdoc position in remote sensing from a colleague at University of Helsinki.








Faculty of Science (University of Helsinki) invites applications for





in remote sensing of Arctic ecosystems starting from 1.9.2021 or as agreed for a four years fixed-term employment contract. A six-month trial period will be applied.



The postdoctoral researcher will work on the project "Resilience of Arctic terrestrial ecosystems under bioclimatic change" funded by the Academy of Finland. The project focuses on the impacts of climate change on the Arctic ecosystems at high spatiotemporal resolution but across large extents. The project will provide new knowledge of Arctic bioclimate and ecosystem dynamics and their inter-linkages. This will significantly increase the understanding of the long- and short-term bioclimatic variability in driving ecosystem responses and enable assessment of the resilience of Arctic terrestrial ecosystems.


The main tasks of the postdoctoral researcher are analyzing and modelling remotely sensed (RS) data (e.g. MODIS, Landsat, Sentinel, Planet). The postdoctoral researcher will compile field data with cloud-based RS data catalogues and high performance computing services, and analyze the circum-Arctic patterns of multiple vegetation indices and properties over the past four decades in respect to observed change in Arctic climate. The specific tasks and aims of the work can be partly adjusted according to the skills and interests of the appointed postdoctoral researcher.


The successful candidate is expected to have a PhD degree in remote sensing, physical geography, environmental science, or a related field. We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher with an interest in remote sensing, some background with ecosystem data and/or their statistical analyses, and experience or strong motivation to learn computing skills (e.g., R, Python, GIS and Google Earth Engine; any programming background is highly valued).


How to apply


Please submit your application consisting of (1) a cover letter (incl. research interest), (2) a curriculum vitae and a publications list in a single pdf file using the University of Helsinki Recruitment System by clicking the Apply for the position button below. Applicants who are employees of the University of Helsinki must submit their applications via the SAP HR portal. Deadline for applications is 15 August 2021.


For further information, please contact Professor Miska Luoto, miska.luoto(at)






Kristoffer Hylander  

Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences (DEEP)
Stockholm University
106 91 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 164899

Visiting address: Svante Arrhenius väg 20 A





Follow DEEP on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook
Check out
DEEPs home page


Sunday, June 13, 2021

Microclimate Conference - 29-31 March 2022

Dear colleagues,


In 2022, we organise the Microclimate Ecology and Biogeography Conference in Antwerp (Belgium).

Hybrid format: in-person event, but online possible - 2.5 day conference (29-31 March 2022) + preconference excursion (28 March).

More information, the website, keynote speakers, etc. will be announced later!

Registration and abstract submission open after the summer.

Don't hesitate to forward this information to your colleagues, internal email lists and networks.

Best wishes,

(on behalf of the organizing and scientific committee)

Jonas Lembrechts (Antwerp University)

Koenraad van Meerbeek (KU Leuven)

Pieter De Frenne (Ghent University)

Pep Serra-Diaz (AgroParisTech, Nancy)

Caroline Greiser (Stockholm University)

Pieter Vangansbeke (Ghent University)

Arndt Hampe (INRAE, Bordeaux)

Tommaso Jucker (University of Bristol)

Karen De Pauw (Ghent University)

Camille Meeussen (Ghent University)

Jonathan Lenoir (University of Picardy Jules Verne, Amiens)

Brett Scheffers (University of Florida)



Caroline Greiser

Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences - University of Stockholm - Sweden

Tel.: +46 76 4 15 24 85

Twitter: @linegreis


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

FW: PhD position to work on multi agent model to explain city permebility to butterflies

For anyone interested: a PhD position in Italy using multi agent modelling to explain city permeability to butterflies.


Best wishes, Lars Pettersson



Lars Pettersson

Biodiversitet, Biologiska institutionen

Ekologihuset, Lunds universitet

SE-223 62 Lund


Tel: 046-222 3818, Mobil: 070-611 63 45, Skype: larsp_1

Email:   Twitter: @larspett   Hemsida:


Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning:

Fjärilsövervakningen på Facebook:

Fjärilsövervakningen på Twitter: @dagfjarilar




From: Simona Bonelli []
Sent: den 8 juni 2021 17:31
To: Chris van Swaay; Constanti Stefanescu; Evrim Karacetin; Lars Pettersson; Martin Wiemers; David Roy; Josef Settele; michiel Wallis de Vries
Subject: PhD position to work on multi agent model to explain city permebility to butterflies


Dear all, a colleague of mine, a full professor of physics at Turin University, is interested in collaborating with me in the framework of an H2020 project I'm working on urban green regenerations and butterfly permeability. He asked me to develop a model to explain and then scale up the factors that influence the movement of urban butterflies.

We discussed it and he planned to try this summer with a master student.

At the same time he proposed this topic inside  the PhD school for a position reserved for foreign students. In attachment all the useful data to identify suitable candidates. According to them physicians are poorly interested in such a biological system but a biologist who knows math and physics will be the best candidate.

Please help me in circulating and discovering a good candidate who will work in Turin University maily with physicians but in strict cooperation with me as cotutor and who among you could be interested, I think this is a very interesting approach!

Thank you so much! The deadline is very short. Please send this request to anyone you think may be interested



Simona Bonelli, PhD
Dept Life Sciences and Systems Biology
Via Accademia Albertina 13
10123 Turin - ITALY
Skype: simona.bonelli 

Pre-ad: Two post doc positions in the Insect Biome Atlas Project

Dear All,


The Insect Biome Atlas ( will soon be advertising two postdoc positions. IBA is a five-year international project aimed at characterizing the diversity of insects in Sweden and Madagascar. The project uses metabarcoding of thousands of Malaise trap and soil samples to study the size, origins, structure and function of the insect biomes.


We will be looking for:


1)    An applied statistician / quantitative ecologist with a keen interest in ecology, to work on joint species distribution models, community structure and species richness estimators using large datasets of insect community composition.


2)    A community ecologist with a firm grip on quantitative methods, to work on phenological patterns of insect species and address questions related to spatial variation in ecosystem functions.


The postdocs will have access to unprecedented datasets on insect community composition (and associated microbiomes) compiled through the metabarcoding of >8000 insect community samples collected over 12 months sampling in Sweden and Madagascar. The positions will be associated with the Swedish Museum of Natural History, in close collaboration with Tomas Roslin at SLU Uppsala and Ayco Tack at Stockholm University.


For enquiries, please contact Tomas Roslin ( and/or Ayco Tack ( We expect to officially advertise the 2 positions over the summer with a likely start date in January 2022.


Best wishes




Tomas Roslin, Professor


Department of Ecology

P.O. Box 7044

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

SE-750 07 Uppsala





Spatial Foodweb Ecology Group

Department of Agricultural Sciences

PO Box 27 (Latokartanonkaari 5)

FI-00014 University of Helsinki



Phone (FIN): +358 40 595 8098

Phone (SWE): +46 18 672 383


web pages:


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Monday, June 7, 2021

Postdoc "Modelling Soil Microbial Processes" at Stockholm University

Dear colleagues,

We have a postdoc opening on "Modelling Soil Microbial Processes"
(Closing date: 15/06/2021). Please distribute to potentially interested

The position will be based at Stockholm University, with Bertrand Guenet
and Rose Abramoff (LSCE, Paris) as closest collaborators. This position
is in the context of a large EU project with great networking opportunities:

Our part of the project is about designing modelling strategies to
account for microbial diversity and plant-microbe interactions in
ecosystem models.

Link to the application webpage:

For any questions:

Stefano Manzoni

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Fwd: Research Associate position - Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions program, University of British Columbia

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Research Associate position - Interdisciplinary Biodiversity
Solutions program, University of British Columbia
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2021 13:16:49 +0000
From: Kremen, Claire <>

Dear colleagues,

Please circulate this job announcement widely! It's an exciting
opportunity to help develop a new and impactful program. Note, due date
June 20 – this was meant to go out 2 weeks ago but never left my outbox

Best - Claire

Prof. Claire Kremen PhD (She, Her, Hers)
President's Excellence Chair in Biodiversity

PI, WoRCS Lab, @WoRCSLab

Faculty of Science | Institute for Resources, Environment
and Sustainability | Dept of Zoology | Biodiversity Research Centre
The University of British Columbia | AERL 446 and BRC207 |
Musqueam Traditional Territory

Mailing address:

429-2202 Main Mall University of British Columbia | Vancouver BC |
Vancouver Canada V6T 1Z4

Phone 604 827 2365



*IBioS Research Associate *

The Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions cluster (IBioS) <>

is currently seeking a Research Associate with expertise in any aspect
of conservation social or ecological sciences to assist in developing a
new research program at University of British Columbia. Launched in Fall
2020, IBioS is designed to broaden collaborative opportunities across
and beyond UBC for globally important, policy-relevant biodiversity and
conservation research and partnerships. Spearheaded by UBC Science—in
collaboration with UBC Arts, Land and Food Systems, Forestry and the
Sauder School of Business—IBioS offers a unique opportunity for
scientists with a wide variety of backgrounds, including biodiversity,
business, conservation science, ecology, economics, environmental
science, evolutionary biology, environmental social science,
environmental policy and public health, to collaborate across
disciplines to solve problems.

The position is based in the University of British Columbia's Vancouver

In addition to their academic credentials with a focus on biodiversity
conservation and/or environmental sustainability issues, the ideal
candidate will have higher education research management experience,
including skills in research project organization, coordination and
management; facilitation of collaborative research and grant writing;
and implementation and evaluation of research.

*Job description*

*/Research/**– *Contributes to collaborative interdisciplinary research
in solutions-oriented conservation science as a core IBioS research team
member, by participating in design, grant writing, project development
and implementation, analysis, report writing and publications.

*/Research coordination/*//- Coordinates and facilitates IBioS
collaborative research projects, working with the faculty members,
postdoctoral students and graduate and undergraduate students across the
entire research cycle, from grant writing and project development, to
coordination, implementation and evaluation of the research program, to
developing final products such as publications, presentations and
outreach materials.

*/Knowledge mobilisation/*– Coordinates and facilitates IBioS efforts to
mobilize knowledge based on IBioS research, including facilitating
development of new academic programs, outreach products and outreach
programs, and development of an IBioS online presence through its
website and social media

*/Partnership building/*– Assist with developing and maintaining the
IBioS relationship with academic, governmental, non-governmental and
private sectors, both in Canada and internationally

*/Financial management/*– Assist in overseeing the budget plan and
financial reports of the IBioS cluster

*Knowledge and Skills Desired*

* Extensive knowledge of the current social, ecological, and economic
issues affecting biodiversity both locally and globally, backed by a
solid publication track record
* Passion for solutions-oriented work in biodiversity conservation.
* Proven research expertise, which could include literature reviews,
protocol development, field research design, quantitative and
qualitative data analysis, and familiarity with publication procedures.
* Demonstrated experience and success in researching, writing and
managing research funding or other grants.
* Demonstrated coordination skills with a strong track record for
developing positive relationships and the ability to effectively
plan, organize and support collaborative research. Training in
facilitation is considered an asset.
* Interest in interdisciplinary research
* Ability to develop and maintain cooperative and productive working
relationships with stakeholders and supporting a dynamic and
creative team. Strong project management skills with the ability to
conduct needs analyses, plan, organize, manage, monitor, complete,
evaluate multi-year projects within allocated time and resources and
identify, obtain and effectively manage people, materials, budgets.
* Excellent organizational skills with the ability to prioritize and
work effectively under pressure to meet deadlines. Ability to
communicate effectively in English, both verbally and in writing.
Strong interpersonal, conflict resolution and negotiating skills
with the ability to deal effectively with a diversity of
people/cultures especially when dealing with controversial issues.
* Experience in grant management desired. Demonstrated knowledge of
UBC's organizational structures, relationships, policies, and
protocols is an asset.


* PhD in a relevant social or environmental science discipline,
including environmental education, sociology, anthropology,
environmental sciences, ecology, forestry, conservation biology,
geography, data science and many others. Subsequent or prior work
experience in a relevant field desired; Prior work with
environmental NGO or government agencies is an asset.

Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and
diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been
underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members
of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under
the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief,
religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First
Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person. All qualified candidates
are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will
be given priority.

The anticipated start date is Sept 1, 2021. This is a three-year term
appointment with possibility of renewal. Expected salary is commensurate
with qualifications and experience (Range: $55,000 - $75,000). UBC
offers Research Associates a wide-ranging benefits plan that includes
extended health and dental coverage, and more. Research Associates are
eligible to participate in the Faculty Pension Plan.

<>Job Ref JR2225

CV and Cover letter required – please clearly identify in your cover
letter how your experience matches with the desired qualifications

Names and contact information for three recent references; ideally one
of these will be a former employer and one your PhD supervisor.

*Deadline: June 20^th 2021*

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