Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Third announcement: Symposium on Insect Plant relationships 2021

Dear All,

De deadline for submitting abstracts for the 17thedition of the online Symposium on Insect Plant relationships is approaching quickly (31 May 2021).We still have room for oral contributions.
The symposium deals with all relevant topics on Insect Plant Interaction ranging from Ecology, Evolution, Genomics, Metabolomics, weed control with insects to plant pollinator interactions. Each topic is introduced by a world leading expert in the field. Attached, you will find a preliminary schedule indicating time (Central European summertime (UTC +2)) and themes. Note that we restricted the number of presentations on a day and included several  breaks to optimize the potential to interact with peers.
For more details, registration and submission of abstracts see the website: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/sip2021
Don't miss this opportunity to be an active member of the community of researchers on plant-insect interactions.
Best regards,

Peter Klinkhamer and Klaas Vrieling

Dr. Klaas Vrieling
Plant Ecology and Phytochemistry
SIP 17 will be held at leiden:https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/sip2021

Institute Biology Leiden (IBL)
Faculty of Science, Leiden University
Sylvius Laboratory, Sylviusweg 72, 2333BE
Office # 3.4.08B,   Phone # 31 71 527 5136
P.O.Box 9505, 2300 RA, Leiden, The Netherlands