Monday, March 1, 2021

PhD position in policy analysis and stakeholder involvement

Dear All,

We are looking for a PhD student to work within two Horizon 2020 projects: PONDERFUL and NEXOGENESIS. The focus of the work is on policy analysis and stakeholder involvement. 

See attached announcement and here:
Deadline for applications is 7 April.

The work of the PhD candidate will be focused on analysing policy context at multiple governance levels (from EU to local sites in different countries) to identify enabling factors and barriers for implementing pondscape Nature-based solutions (PONDERFUL) and water-related policies into a Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems nexus (NEXOGENESIS). The work will be done in close collaboration with research partners in different countries and with relevant stakeholders. In addition, the PhD candidate is expected to help coordinating activities in the case studies and engagement with stakeholders, and take part in project meetings and contribute to communication and dissemination activities.

I would be thankful is you can distribute this to potential candidates.


Best regards,

Malgorzata Blicharska 

Associate Professor Malgorzata Blicharska
Senior Lecturer, Department of Earth Sciences
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