Friday, January 15, 2021

FW: Postdoc and PhD positions in Aarhus




From: Toke Thomas Høye <>
Sent: den 15 januari 2021 14:38
To: Toke Thomas Høye <>
Subject: Open positions in my lab


Dear colleagues,

I would greatly appreciate, if you could help spread the word about two positions (one PhD and one Postdoc) for highly motivated candidates in my lab. Both projects are part of international consortia funded by the EU BiodivERsA program and have excellent collaborators.


Note: The deadline for both positions is 1 February 2021.


In short, they will follow up on two papers which we published in PNAS earlier this week:


PhD position in Arctic global change biology

The position is part of the international ASICS Project ( The candidate will do fieldwork in Greenland as part of long-term monitoring programs and analyse time series data on phenology and community dynamics of plants and invertebrates.


Postdoc in alpine plant-pollinator interactions studied by computer vision and deep learning

The position is part of the international RangeX project ( The candidate will use time lapse cameras to record flower visitation rates in local and range-expanding species across multiple mountain ranges and will join a team of biologists and engineers to analyse the images using computer vision and deep learning.


Thanks in advance!


Best wishes,



Toke Thomas Høye, PhD

Senior scientist

Head of section for Biodiversity

Department for Bioscience, Aarhus University

Grenåvej 14, 8410 Rønde


phone: +4587158892

www: Personal, Research lab


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