Friday, October 23, 2020

Oikos meeting 2021 and new logo / Oikosmöte 2021 och ny logga

Last week, the board of the Swedish Society Oikos met to discuss the Oikos meeting 2021. Given the continuing state of the covid-19 pandemic, we have decided to hold the meeting digitally this time. The physical meeting in Gothenburg is rescheduled for 2023. Continue to save the dates for the digital meeting (8th-10th of February 2021), as the annual general meeting of the society will be included as part of the digital meeting!


On a more positive note, the results of the survey regarding the new logo are in, and we have a winner!



Svenska Föreningen Oikos styrelse träffades förra veckan för att diskutera Oikosmötet 2021. Med tanke på covid-19 pandemins fortsatta utveckling, har vi beslutat att hålla mötet digitalt. Ett fysiskt möte i Göteborg planeras 2023. Fortsätt att spara datumen till det digitala mötet (8-10/2 2021) eftersom årsmötet kommer att hållas i samband med det digitala mötet!


Vi har även lite positiva nyheter – enkäten har visat att vi har en ny vinnande logga!





Dr. Jessica K. Abbott

Senior University Lecturer

Department of Biology

Section for Evolutionary Ecology

Lund University

Sölvegatan 37

223 62 Lund, Sweden

Phone: 046 222 9304



"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."

- Charles Darwin, Descent of Man