Tuesday, December 17, 2019

SITES AquaNET mesocosm infrastructure welcomes new experiments!

Dear OIKOS members,

The Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Sciences (SITES) welcomes applications for new experiments using the SITES AquaNET mesocosm infrastructure in 2020!

SITES AquaNET can offer standardised mesocosms and high frequency sensors systems in 5 lakes in Sweden and can be used to run experiments in one or more lakes spread across a geographical and climatic gradient. The deadline for the first round of applications is February 21 2020. More information about the infrastructure, the support that we can provide and the application procedure can be found here

We are looking forward to your applications and would also be grateful if you could help to spread this information to others that might be interested!

Best wishes,

Silke Langenheder and William Colom (on behalf of SITES AquaNET)




Silke Langenheder


Uppsala University

Department of Ecology and Genetics/


Norbyvägen 18 D

75236 Uppsala



Erken Laboratory

Norra Malmavägen 45
761 73 Norrtälje



E-mail: silke.langenheder@ebc.uu.se

phone: +46 (0)18 471 2710


Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science



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