Thursday, December 19, 2019

PhD position in Arctic ecology / ecological interaction networks

Dear All,


If at all possible, please spread this ad (enclosed and partly copied below) through any channels that you may think of for reaching the right candidate.


Best wishes and very many thanks





PhD position open at SLU, Uppsala, Sweden:

Biotic interactions in a rapidly warming Arctic


Rapid climate change across the Arctic affects interactions among species, and ecosystem functions driven by these interactions. We use both time series and space-for-time substitution approaches to expose climatic impacts on species interaction structure and on functioning. As focal interactions we use plant–pollinator, plant–fungus and plant–bacteria networks. Among ecosystem functions, we focus on the transport of pollen; the type of association (positive or negative); and plant biomass.


The PhD-student will apply versatile tools to reconstruct Arctic interaction networks. The project combines time series analysis, detailed studies within a region in Northeast Greenland and large-scale surveys across the Arctic, in collaboration with tens of research stations. Overall, data analysis and lab work will dominate over field work in this PhD project, although obtaining hands-on experience with some of the Arctic focal sites will be required.


The successful candidate will enter a research team (; and with thorough experience on Arctic ecology, set in a strong international network of researchers on climate and Arctic biodiversity. Much of our work is based on using molecular tools to describe communities and ecological interaction networks. By the end of the project, the candidate will have gained extensive experience in high-throughput molecular and advanced statistical methods


The online versions can be found here:

In English:  

In Swedish:




Tomas Roslin, Professor


Department of Ecology

P.O. Box 7044

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

SE-750 07 Uppsala



Phone: +46 18 672 383

Cellphone: +358 40 595 8098


web pages:



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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

SITES AquaNET mesocosm infrastructure welcomes new experiments!

Dear OIKOS members,

The Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Sciences (SITES) welcomes applications for new experiments using the SITES AquaNET mesocosm infrastructure in 2020!

SITES AquaNET can offer standardised mesocosms and high frequency sensors systems in 5 lakes in Sweden and can be used to run experiments in one or more lakes spread across a geographical and climatic gradient. The deadline for the first round of applications is February 21 2020. More information about the infrastructure, the support that we can provide and the application procedure can be found here

We are looking forward to your applications and would also be grateful if you could help to spread this information to others that might be interested!

Best wishes,

Silke Langenheder and William Colom (on behalf of SITES AquaNET)




Silke Langenheder


Uppsala University

Department of Ecology and Genetics/


Norbyvägen 18 D

75236 Uppsala



Erken Laboratory

Norra Malmavägen 45
761 73 Norrtälje




phone: +46 (0)18 471 2710


Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science



Page Title

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New postdoc opportunity: climate change and forest ecology


Jonathan Lenoir and I have a joint new open postdoc position on the northern range limits of broad leaved trees in Sweden! Fun work with species distribution models and field experiments!

Read more here:!/menu/standard/file/Postdoc%20on%20climate%20change%20and%20forest%20ecology.pdf


Kristoffer Hylander  

Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences (DEEP)
Stockholm University
106 91 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 164899

Visiting address: Svante Arrhenius väg 20 A





Follow DEEP on TwitterInstagram and Facebook
Check out 
DEEPs home page


Tjänst: Forskare akvatisk ekologi på SLU

Institutionen för akvatiska resurser, SLU söker en forskare i akvatisk ekologi.

Vi söker dig som har ett brett ekologiskt kunnande och har som ambition att bidra till en hållbar förvaltning av våra sötvattensmiljöer och resurser, främst i rinnande vatten. Du utvecklar kunskap inom området akvatisk ekologi och restaurering genom att söka externa forsknings- och utvecklingsmedel och underhåller och skapar nationella och internationella nätverk. Parallellt arbetar du med pågående miljöövervakningsprogram i sjöar och vattendrag. Du skriver vetenskapliga artiklar och rapporterar till nationella och internationella uppdragsgivare. I arbetet ingår även populärvetenskaplig rapportering samt kommunikation med myndigheter och allmänheten. Du deltar i undervisning och handleder studenter. Vi erbjuder en tillsvidareanställning i en stimulerande miljö.

Se vidare:

Vänligen, Leonard

Leonard Sandin
Associate Professor (Docent)

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Institute of Freshwater Research / Department of Aquatic Resources
Stångholmsvägen 2, SE - 178 93 Drottningholm
Tel: +46 - (0)10-478 42 28,

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Monday, December 16, 2019

FW: PhD position at UGent - KU Leuven (Dr Forest)

Dear all,

please find attached an announcement for a PhD position within the scope of the Dr Forest-project. Please distribute widely!

Best regards, thanks in advance, and I wish you a nice end of the year,


-- Kris Verheyen
Ghent University
Forest & Nature Lab

Campus Gontrode
Geraardsbergsesteenweg 267
9090 Melle-Gontrode
GPS: +50° 58' 30.94", +3° 48' 19.30"
Tel. ++32(0)9 264 90 27 Fax ++32(0)9 264 90 92 (watch the cool movie!)

Fwd: Professorship: terrestrial environmental microbiology

FYI - maybe you know a suitable candidate for this full professorship
for terrestrial environmental microbiology at UIBK - please spread the word!

Application deadline is 3 January 2020!


Michael Traugott

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postdoc on multifunctional forest

Dear all,

I would appreciate help to spread the announcement for this postdoc position,


Postdoc - Multifunctional future forest

The postdoc will develop and evaluate multifunctionality metrics for biodiversity and ecosystem services. The basis of the work will be models for biodiversity, species distribution, (meta)population dynamics and ecosystem services. He/she will also apply them in scenario projections. We study how scenarios of socio-economic policy or development, climate change or forest management on different spatial scales (global, EU, national, landscape) may affect the future delivery of ecosystem services, the persistence and community structure of forest species. We also investigate conflicts and synergies between these, e.g. based on optimization. The work is part of the ForestValue project MultiForest ( with partners in Finland, Norway, Germany and Austria.


Best regards,


Tord Snäll


Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences


ArtDatabanken/Swedish Species Information Centre

Box 7007, SE-750 07 Uppsala

Besöksadress: Almas allé 8E

Telefon: +46(0)18-67 26 12, Mobil: +46(0)76-766 26 12


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International Congress of Entomology

Dear all,

If you have not yet see, the International Congress of Entomology,
covering a very broad range of issues, will take place in Helsinki 19-24
July, 2020. The deadline for abstract submission is 31 december, and you
find all the information (program, registration etc) here:



Tuesday, December 3, 2019

PhD position at INRA, France with focus on links between biodiversity and health

Dear all,


In the lab of Nathalie Charbonnel (INRA) and Benjamin Roche (IRD), Montpellier, France, there is an open PhD position on ”Deciphering the links between biodiversity and health: rodents, microbiota and zoonotic pathogens” (see attachment).


Best wishes,





Frauke Ecke
Senior Lecturer
Associate Professor, PhD

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies
SE-901 83 UMEÅ, Sweden
Phone: +46-90-786 8642, Mobile: +46-70-26 36 155

Personal homepage

Environmental monitoring of small rodents:

WILD HEALTH project:

The Swedish Golden Eagle Project:


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Monday, December 2, 2019

Vacancy: doctoral student in forest ecology

Dear list members,


We are recruiting a PhD student to work with plant and pollinator phenology. Please forward to potential candidates.


Burst, bloom and buzz – Deciphering the interactions between trees and climate on forest ecosystem processes


We are looking for a person who, as part of a PhD, will conduct research on the impact of tree species composition, forest density and macro climate on forest understory climate and species communities. We focus especially on the impact of monospecific vs mixed forests. Our emphasis is on understory plants and their associated pollinators, two interdependent species groups with direct implications for forest ecosystem function and services. For this research we will use a macro-climatic gradient spanning 10 degrees Celsius in mean annual temperature, involving field-work from central to northern Europe. This research contributes to filling a major knowledge gap regarding the combined implications on ecosystem functionality of two of the most important drivers of global change, climate and land-use. The successful applicant will have excellent opportunities to work with our international collaborators.


Best regards,

PO Hedwall



Per-Ola Hedwall



Associate Professor

Associate Senior Lecturer


Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre


P.O. Box 49
SE-230 53 Alnarp, Sweden


Tel: +46 40 41 51 87

Mobile: +46 70 560 37 38




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Symposium in Umeå: Perspectives on Trophic Rewilding – reflections on the consequences of large mammal restoration


Perspectives on Trophic Rewilding – reflections on the consequences of large mammal restoration

Thursday, 12 December 2019, 13:00 – 16:00

Lecture room BJÖRKEN at SLU, Umeå


The symposium is organized by the ECOS research school and aims to describe and stimulate discussion of trophic rewilding as part of large mammal restoration. In a series of four talks, researchers from different parts of the world will present examples and their views on the benefits and challenges associated with trophic rewilding. All welcome!


13.00-13.15 Opening by Associate Prof. Joris Cromsigt

13.15-13.45 Associate Prof. Robert Pringle, Dept of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University. Rebuilding a wilderness: Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique.

13.45-14.15 Dr. Marietjie Landman, Dept. of Zoology, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa. Consequences of restoring elephant populations in South Africa.

14.15-14.45 Fika

14.45-15.15 Dr. Liesbeth Bakker, Aquatic Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, the Netherlands. Trophic rewilding in an urbanised delta: incentives and outcomes of trophic rewilding in The Netherlands.

15.15-15.45 Dr. Janina Priebe, Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Umeå University. Tracing ideas of wilderness and rewilding from a historical perspective.

15.45-16.00 Final questions led by Associate Prof. Joris Cromsigt

16.00 Informal mingle with ECOS PhD students


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