Monday, July 15, 2019

postdoc: UppsalaU.TheoreticalEvolutionaryBiology


A postdoc position in theoretical evolutionary biology is available in the research groups of Dr. Claus Rueffler and Prof. Göran Arnqvist at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study and the Department of Ecology and Genetics, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, Sweden. The position is for one year, with a very likely extension to two years.


For further details see below. Both Göran and Claus will be present at the 2019 ESEB meeting in Turku. We encourage interested candidates who are also attending this meeting to get in contact with us.


Best, Claus




We are broadly interested is the evolution and maintenance of adaptive diversity at different levels of biological organization. Potential projects include (but are not limited to):


(i) Many organisms occupy different ecological niches during their life cycle. For example, juveniles and adult individuals of the same species use different resources and migrating birds repeatedly forage in different geographic regions. In this project, the postdoctoral fellow will study how such complex life cycles affect the potential for ecological diversification.


(ii) Competition, for example over shared resources, is a major source of negative frequency-dependent selection that facilitates coexistence of different phenotypes. Furthermore, many mathematical models have shown that such diversity can emerge by gradual evolution at so-called evolutionary branching points. Cooperation by division of labor is a potential alternative mechanism favoring the emergence of diversity and this idea is much less explored from a theoretical perspective. In this project, the postdoctoral fellow will explore the conditions allowing for the emergence of diversity driven by division of labor in a variety of models.


(iii) Frequency dependent selection across many loci simultaneously is a biologically plausible scenario, but one which may be ineffectual in terms of the maintenance of adaptive diversity largely due to recombination. In this project, using polygenic models, we will ask how the evolution of recombination rates may interact with frequency dependent selection to shape the architecture of adaptive genetic variation.


Detailed research plans will be developed in collaboration with the successful candidate, and tailored to match her/his individual interests and strengths.


Salary and appointment:

The period of appointment is two years. Uppsala University adopts an individual salary policy but the starting salary for postdoctoral researchers is typically about 34.000 SEK per month and includes full social benefits. Start date is negotiable, but preference will be given to candidates who can start by late 2019 or early 2020.



The Evolutionary Biology Centre at Uppsala University is one of the world's leading research environments in evolutionary biology. The working atmosphere is truly international with a regular recruitment of PhD students and post-docs from abroad. The EBC is part of Uppsala University - the oldest university in Scandinavia - which has approximately 40.000 students and has been top ranked among European Universities in the subject of biology (CHE European ranking). Our labs are part of the Department of Ecology and Genetics (IEG) ( that excels in many aspects of ecology, genetics and evolution and offers an inspiring and vibrant international atmosphere.  The city of Uppsala is a lively college town, less than an hour's train ride away from Stockholm (and even closer to Arlanda international airport) with beautiful and easy accessible surroundings.


The Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS) ( is a national scientific institution, located in Uppsala but chartered by the Government of Sweden as an institute for advanced scientific study. The Collegium is a scholarly community where fellows pursue research of their own choosing in a context of interdisciplinary dialogue and cooperation. The ambition is to provide a creative and stimulating research environment. SCAS hosts scholars from all over the world.


This position is hosted jointly by SCAS and IEG. The effective workplace of the successful applicant will be IEG, but the holder of this position will also be affiliated with SCAS as a Thunberg fellow and will participate in interdisciplinary SCAS events. (Carl Peter Thunberg, 1743-1828, was a disciple of Carl von Linné and successor as professor in botany and medicine).



The successful candidate must have a PhD, or an exam which is judged comparable to a PhD, in theoretical biology or in mathematics/theoretical physics/computer science. In the latter case, a serious and documented interest in ecology and/or evolutionary biology is a must. The PhD should have been completed within three years of the application deadline. Applicants that received their PhD earlier than this date will be considered if special circumstances exist (such as prolonged periods of illness, parental leave, military service, union duties and others of similar character). 


Qualifications and merits:

We seek candidates with a documented expertise in mathematical modeling in evolutionary biology. Experience of tackling problems relating to the evolution and maintenance of adaptive diversity is a merit. Because the holder of this position will collaborate and interact closely with several group members, we will put emphasis on both independence and ability to collaborate. Experience with Mathematica and another programming language suitable for individual-based simulations is highly desirable. Proficiency in English is a requirement.



Application deadline is 2019-09-15, 2019. The application should include (1) a 1-3 page cover letter that clearly states the candidate's research interests, qualification, relevant experience, future research ambitions and specifying the date they will be available to start the position (max. 2 A4 pages), (2) CV including a list of publications, (3) copy of the doctoral degree, (4) contact information to three reference persons (e-mail address and phone number) and (5) any unpublished work that you would like to present in support of your application. The application should be written in English.


For further information about this position, please contact Claus Rueffler ( or Göran Arnqvist ( The trade union representatives are Anders Grundström, Saco (the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations), phone +46 18 471 5380, Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST (the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees), phone +46 18 471 1996, and Stefan Djurström, Seko (the Union of Service and Communication Employees), phone +46 18 471 3315.


You are welcome to submit your application no later than 2019-09-16 (UFV-PA 2019/2556). Please use the link below for access to an on-line application portal:




Claus Rueffler
Associate Professor

Department of Animal Ecology
Evolutionary Biology Centre
Uppsala University
Norbyvägen 18D
752 36 Uppsala

Phone: +46-(0)18-471 2639

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