Monday, April 30, 2018

Oikos-listan: Assistant Professor position in Stockholm

Tenure-track position: Assistant Professor in Functional Animal Morphology, Stockholm, Sweden

The Department of Zoology at Stockholm University has just opened a search for a tenure-track position in the field of Experimental biology with a focus on physiology or functional morphology.

Stockholm University is among the leading European universities, with education and research in the humanities and natural sciences since 1878, in the lively and dynamic capital of Sweden. The Department of Zoology has around 100 staff employees in five divisions: Animal ecology, Ethology, Population genetics, Functional animal morphology, Systematic zoology, and an external research station. The Division of Functional animal morphology does research in neuroscience, endocrinology, reproductive biology, sensory physiology, behaviour, genomics and evolution in insects, water fleas, and fish with access to imaging, genomics and bioinformatics facilities. The division seeks an internationally prominent applicant who has received a PhD degree no more than five years before the application deadline (28 June 2018). However, an applicant who has received such a degree earlier may be considered under special circumstances. We are looking for applicants with strong records in experimental biology with a focus on the physiology or functional morphology of animals.

Responsibilities include research and some teaching and supervision. For more details and application submission see:

Olof Leimar, Professor
Deputy Head of Department
Department of Zoology
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm