Tuesday, August 1, 2017

[Oikos-listan] PhD position in statistical ecology - NIBIO



Kan de distribuere informasjonen om denne PhD-stillinga på e-postlistene til den svenske og norske Oikos-foreininga?


Takk for hjelpa!


Vennleg helsing,

Knut Anders




PhD position in statistical ecology - NIBIO


The Norwegian research institute NIBIO announces a PhD position in statistical ecology. The objective for the PhD project is to develop methods and tools for data integration and modelling of complex ecological interactions in ecosystems. Specifically, the PhD candidate will address questions related to interactions among multiple species and the environment, and how such interactions can be represented in an integrative joint model. Semi-natural grasslands will be used as model system.


We are looking for candidates with an interest in applying statistics and quantitative methods on ecological issues, and specifically how species interact with each other and the environment. To be a candidate for the position, it is required to have a master’s degree (MS/MSc) or equivalent in statistics, numerical ecology or other geo- or biosciences with a strong numerical background. The candidate that gets the position will be enrolled in the PhD program at Institute for mathematics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and the candidate will be supervised by a team including Professor Bob O’Hara from NTNU and Knut Anders Hovstad from NIBIO.


For the full announcement and information on how to apply, please see:



If you have any questions related to the position, please contact me at knut.hovstad@nibio.no or phone (+47) 97 12 14 14.


The deadline for applications is August 20th 2017.


Kind regards,

Knut Anders Hovstad





Knut Anders Hovstad 
Head of Department, Research Scientist PhD

Department of Landscape and Biodiversity

NIBIO, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
Pb 115, NO-1431 Ås
Mobil: (+47) 97 12 14 14 