Tuesday, July 11, 2017

[Oikos-listan] PhD positions on Round Goby in Basel

Please spread the information about two new PhD positions at the University of Basel, Switzerland to potential applicants. Among other things, German speaking skills is a merit since the work involves interviews with local people.




Ann-Britt Florin
Biträdande avdelningschef

Docent i ekologi

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Institutionen för akvatiska resurser (SLU Aqua)
Skolgatan 6, 742 42 Öregrund
Telefon: 010-478 41 22, mobil: 076-126 80 62
ann-britt.florin@slu.se  www.slu.se/akvatiskaresurser
SLU Aqua på Facebook

Vår vision: Starka fiskbestånd i friska vatten.

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