Från: Huitu Otso (Luke) []
Skickat: den 21 juni 2017 15:06
Ämne: Open vacancy for Research Professor in Population Ecology @ Luke Finland
Dear colleague,
feel free to distribute this email regarding an open vacancy for Research Professor in Population Ecology at our Institute (application deadline 31.7.2017, 15:00):
The Natural Resources Institute of Finland (Luke) is responsible for producing national annual estimates of different wildlife populations (game and fish) and their fluctuations, as well as providing recommendations for management strategies in Finland based on solid scientific evidence. The research professor in Population Ecology (tenure track: associate or full professor level) will focus on further strengthening the science base of wildlife management by advancing understanding of the spatio-temporal dynamics and ecology of natural populations, specifically regarding sources of demographic variation in vertebrate populations. The key tasks include developing methods for national monitoring of wildlife, in particular game populations, and analyzing long-term monitoring data on their dynamics, and furthermore, give policy support by forecasting population dynamics under different scenarios of environmental change, management strategies and use of natural resources. The research professor y should have solid expertise in mathematical population ecology, multivariate and spatio-temporal modelling and trophic interactions. Skills in population genetics, bioinformatics, management of large empirical datasets and knowledge on harvested species-modelling are considered advantageous.
More information at:
Best regards,
Otso Huitu, Principal Scientist
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Forest and Animal Ecology
Kampusareena, Korkeakoulunkatu 7
FI-33720 Tampere
Phone (mobile): +358 50 391 4917