Friday, June 30, 2017

[Oikos-listan] AquaBiota söker 2 vattenbiologer med analytisk förmåga

AquaBiota söker 2 vattenbiologer med analytisk förmåga

AquaBiota har behov av förstärkning inom marin/limnisk biologi med tyngd på statistiska och tekniska analyser i GIS. En lämplig bakgrund kan vara att ganska nyligen ha disputerat inom marin/limnisk biologi eller att ha arbetat några år med olika vattenrelaterade naturvårdsfrågor. Du ska ha erfarenhet av projektledning, vara välbekant med marina och/eller limniska systems ekologi, ha kunskap inom kartering/modellering, analysverktyget R samt olika GIS-verktyg. Programmeringsvana är meriterande.


Anställningen är i nuläget en projektanställning året ut, men kan komma att förlängas. Skicka din ansökan med en kort beskrivande text om dig själv och ett CV senast 9 augusti till:


Kontaktperson: Anders Modig (operativ chef),


Välkomna med ansökan!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

[Oikos-listan] AquaBiota söker 2 vattenbiologer med analytisk förmåga



AquaBiota söker 2 vattenbiologer med analytisk förmåga

AquaBiota har behov av förstärkning inom marin/limnisk biologi med tyngd på statistiska och tekniska analyser i GIS. En lämplig bakgrund kan vara att ganska nyligen ha disputerat inom marin/limnisk biologi eller att ha arbetat några år med olika vattenrelaterade naturvårdsfrågor. Du ska ha erfarenhet av projektledning, vara välbekant med marina och/eller limniska systems ekologi, ha kunskap inom kartering/modellering, analysverktyget R samt olika GIS-verktyg. Programmeringsvana är meriterande.


Anställningen är i nuläget en projektanställning året ut, men kan komma att förlängas. Skicka din ansökan med en kort beskrivande text om dig själv och ett CV senast 9 augusti till:


Kontaktperson: Anders Modig (operativ chef),



[Oikos-listan] Fwd: Karen Embar Travel Prize

Traveling and visit opportunities for graduate students and postdocs.





The Keren Embar Travel Prize is given annually to an outstanding student in ecology to support travel that will open new opportunities in research and education that otherwise are not available at Ben-Gurion University, to facilitate research, or to allow students from abroad to visit the laboratory of a Ben-Gurion University ecologist.  This may include:

1.       Travel to remote field sites and biological stations in Israel and abroad. 

2.       Visits to the laboratory of outstanding evolutionary ecologists from around the world.

3.       Visits to the laboratory of a Ben-Gurion University ecologist by a graduate student from abroad.

4.       Participation in ecology field courses.


The Prize honors the memory of Keren Embar, who tragically passed away while researching the behavioral ecology of voles in Finland.  Keren engaged the world with a creative eye all full of wonder. We will long remember Keren's broad curiosity and the enthusiastic commitment to ecology and evolutionary biology that burned within her.  She had achieved excellence in her field and was overflowing with promise for greater discoveries to come.  Keren was always looking for new opportunities to learn, to travel to new environments, to acquire new skills.  The Keren Embar Travel Prize supports a graduate student or post-doctoral fellow to do what Keren most loved to do.  The Keren Embar Travel Prize includes a cash award of 3,000 NIS.



1.       Graduate students and postdocs in ecology and conservation at Ben-Gurion University or who come from Rosh HaAyin, Israel and are enrolled in an accredited university ecology or conservation biology program.

2.       Graduate students and postdocs in ecology and conservation biology from a university outside of Israel.


Application materials:

1.       CV

2.       Invitation from host, details of course, or information about the biological station or field site.

3.       Short letter (one page) detailing the purpose of the travel and how it will benefit the student.  For those planning on conducting research, an additional short paragraph (up to 300 words) describing the work should be included. 


Obligations of the recipient:

The recipient shall make a short video or Powerpoint presentation detailing their activities and achievements made possible by the prize and shall file a brief financial report listing how the prize money was spent.  They should attend the awards ceremony at which the winner is announced if possible.


Please send application materials as email attachments to Prof. Burt P. Kotler at must be received by August 1, 2017.

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Per Lundberg, Professor (Theoretical Ecology)
Theoretical Population Ecology and Evolution Group
Department of Biology
Ecology Building
Lund University

[Oikos-listan] Postdoc mixed forests

Post-doctoral position on functioning and resilience of mixed-species forests

A better understanding of functioning and resilience of mixed forests has the potential to accommodate measures in forestry for adaptation of forest management, mitigate climate change and increase biodiversity. This post-doc will work within the European research team of REFORM and is expected to initiate, plan and lead research, write scientific articles and supervise graduate students.


Magnus Löf

--  Dr. Jessica K. Abbott
Department of Biology
Section for Evolutionary Ecology
Lund University
Sölvegatan 37
223 62 Lund, Sweden
Phone: 046 222 9304

"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."
- Charles Darwin, Descent of Man

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

[Oikos-listan] Research positions at CEC, Lund Univ

The Centre for Environmental and Climate Research at Lund University announces multiple positions related to ecosystem service and climate research:



Associate Senior University Lecturer in Ecological-Economic Modelling


Svensk annonstext:


Engelsk annonstext:



Five postdocs in the Strategic Research Area ”Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate”


Samlad info  


•PostDoc in Environmental Science with focus on Conservation and Biodiversity Governance


•PostDoc in Microbial Ecology with focus on Biogeochemical modelling


•PostDoc in Soil Ecology with focus on Synchrotron analysis


•PostDoc in Environmental Science with focus on Arctic ecosystems


•PostDoc in Environmental Science with focus on Policy and Ecosystem Services in Farm-forest Landscapes




Henrik Smith

Director CEC


Saturday, June 24, 2017

[Oikos-listan] graduate student position



I wish to inform everyone of a Graduate student position in Biology, with focus on stream fish ecology and habitat use at Karlstad University. The last day to apply is July 25.

The link to the position ( REK2017/198) is:


Best regards

Larry Greenberg

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

[Oikos-listan] Fwd: PhD opportunity in aerial pollen biodiversity and health, deadline 2nd July

PhD position at Bangor University, UK  with Simon Creer



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: PhD opportunity in aerial pollen biodiversity and health, deadline 2nd July
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 13:25:48 +0000
From: Simon Creer <>
To: Andrew Foote <>, Ben Warren <>, Christian Brochmann <>, Christian Schlotterer <>, Delphine Lallias <>, Eline Lorenzen <>, Eric Coissac <>, Fernando Maestre <>, Florian Leese <>, Francisco Nascimento <>, Jeroen Raes <>, Karoline Faust <>, Maria Kahlert <>, Michael Moller Hansen <>, Miklos Balint <>, Philip Francis Thomsen <>, Pierre Taberlet <>, Roger Butlin <>, Susann Wicke <>, Tom Gilbert <>, Tommi Nyman <>, Vasco Elbrecht <>, Vincent Savolainen <>

Dear Friends and colleagues
Following on from the original advertisements of our opportunity again to acquire a NERC Industrial Doctoral Training Partnership studentship, with the National Botanic Garden of Wales as CASE Partner (see below and attached), we have recently been alerted by the NERC that if we find it challenging to recruit suitably qualified UK candidates, then we can recruit overseas candidates. Realistically, this would provide a focus on European candidates, since they are charged the same fees as national candidates, but normally they are not eligible to receive a NERC stipend.
Therefore, if you know of strong and motivated European students within your own or other networks that would be interested in pursuing an aerial eDNA pollen biodiversity project, linking with health, we would be really grateful if you could bring this opportunity to their attention please?
With many thanks and best wishes
Si Creer
Dear Colleagues
We are on the search again for a suitable PhD student to join the NERC PollerGEN project team, funded by the recent NERC Industrial Studentships initiative:
Exploring the ecology of airborne pollen biodiversity using environmental DNA analysis and identifying links to hay fever:
We would be really grateful if you could bring this opportunity (flyer attached also) to the attention of interested students and will of course be happy to reciprocate the same and with social media activities in the future.
Hoping that everyone is well, many thanks and best wishes in advance.
Si Creer
Simon Creer
Professor of Molecular Ecology
Molecular Ecology and Fisheries Genetics Lab
Environment Centre Wales Building
School of Biological Sciences
Bangor University
LL57 2UW
Tel: +1248 382302
Fax: +1248 382569
Skype: spideycreer
Twitter: @spideycreer
Rhif Elusen Gofrestredig 1141565 - Registered Charity No. 1141565
Gall y neges e-bost hon, ac unrhyw atodiadau a anfonwyd gyda hi, gynnwys deunydd cyfrinachol ac wedi eu bwriadu i'w defnyddio'n unig gan y sawl y cawsant eu cyfeirio ato (atynt). Os ydych wedi derbyn y neges e-bost hon trwy gamgymeriad, rhowch wybod i'r anfonwr ar unwaith a dilewch y neges. Os na fwriadwyd anfon y neges atoch chi, rhaid i chi beidio a defnyddio, cadw neu ddatgelu unrhyw wybodaeth a gynhwysir ynddi. Mae unrhyw farn neu safbwynt yn eiddo i'r sawl a'i hanfonodd yn unig ac nid yw o anghenraid yn cynrychioli barn Prifysgol Bangor. Nid yw Prifysgol Bangor yn gwarantu bod y neges e-bost hon neu unrhyw atodiadau yn rhydd rhag firysau neu 100% yn ddiogel. Oni bai fod hyn wedi ei ddatgan yn uniongyrchol yn nhestun yr e-bost, nid bwriad y neges e-bost hon yw ffurfio contract rhwymol - mae rhestr o lofnodwyr awdurdodedig ar gael o Swyddfa Cyllid Prifysgol Bangor.
This email and any attachments may contain confidential material and is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this email. If you are not the intended recipient(s), you must not use, retain or disclose any information contained in this email. Any views or opinions are solely those of the sender and do not necessarily represent those of Bangor University. Bangor University does not guarantee that this email or any attachments are free from viruses or 100% secure. Unless expressly stated in the body of the text of the email, this email is not intended to form a binding contract - a list of authorised signatories is available from the Bangor University Finance Office.

[Oikos-listan] Open vacancy for Research Professor in Population Ecology @ Luke Finland

Från: Huitu Otso (Luke) []
Skickat: den 21 juni 2017 15:06
Ämne: Open vacancy for Research Professor in Population Ecology @ Luke Finland


Dear colleague,


feel free to distribute this email regarding an open vacancy for Research Professor in Population Ecology at our Institute (application deadline 31.7.2017, 15:00):



The Natural Resources Institute of Finland (Luke) is responsible for producing national annual estimates of different wildlife populations (game and fish) and their fluctuations, as well as providing recommendations for management strategies in Finland based on solid scientific evidence. The research professor in Population Ecology (tenure track: associate or full professor level) will focus on further strengthening the science base of wildlife management by advancing understanding of the spatio-temporal dynamics and ecology of natural populations, specifically regarding sources of demographic variation in vertebrate populations. The key tasks include developing methods for national monitoring of wildlife, in particular game populations, and analyzing long-term monitoring data on their dynamics, and furthermore, give policy support by forecasting population dynamics under different scenarios of environmental change, management strategies and use of natural resources. The research professor y should have solid expertise in mathematical population ecology, multivariate and spatio-temporal modelling and trophic interactions. Skills in population genetics, bioinformatics, management of large empirical datasets and knowledge on harvested species-modelling are considered advantageous.


More information at:




Best regards,





Otso Huitu, Principal Scientist

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

Forest and Animal Ecology
Kampusareena, Korkeakoulunkatu 7
FI-33720 Tampere




Phone (mobile): +358 50 391 4917                  





[Oikos-listan] post-doc position about macrecology of species interactions at the University of Oulu

Postdoc positions in Oulu, Finland.
Position 1 is about Macroecology and diversity of species interactions.

There are 4 other posts in biology!

Deadline for application is 30 June.

Position 1: Macroecology and diversity of species interactions (and 4 other posts in biology)

Coevolution among species via species interactions is the major driving force of biodiversity. Yet, the concept of and metrics to estimate species interactions is largely missing from biodiversity studies. The project has two major aims. First, our goal is to create a novel community diversity index, which quantitatively grade communities in terms of the sign, strength and variation of interactions. We will then examine how interaction index varies relative to taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity, stability of the communities and the level of disturbance. Second, we aim to estimate a novel species-specific characteristic, which describes species competitive – facilitative interaction abilities. The association of this new metric with species capability to adapt to global changes is then examined. The project uses comprehensive and long-term bird survey data from Europe and moth data from Finland. We will use a state-of-the-art statistical modelling technique, Joint Dynamic Species Distribution Modelling, developed by one of the PIs of the project, Dr. James Thorson, in extracting species associations from the survey data.

The position is approximately for 2.5 – 3 years, depending on the starting salary of the recruited person. The start date of the position is flexible but should preferably take place in autumn 2017, and definitely by the end of 2017. Position may involve occasional teaching. The location of the position is at the Research Unit of Ecology, Faculty of Sciences.

Research Group. Principal Investigators of the project are Dr. Jukka Forsman (University of Oulu, Finland) and Dr. James Thorson (National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Seattle, USA). The recruited post-doc is expected to visit Dr. Thorson and learn modelling techniques. Other collaborators of the project are Vincent Devictor (University of Montpellier, France), Mikko Mönkkönen (University of Jyväskylä) and Panu Välimäki (University of Oulu, Finland).

Qualification requirements. Applicants must have a PhD in ecology, evolutionary biology, statistical modeling or related areas. The recruited post-doc is expected to be enterprising and have excellent English communication skills, as well as experience programming in the R statistical environment. Following qualifications and experience is considered as an advantage: managing and analyzing large data sets, species distribution modeling, experience in estimating diversity indexes (taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic), statistical modelling, experience in applying GIS-data on biological systems, and global change studies.

Contact persons for further information. Project leaders Jukka Forsman, email: jukka.forsman (at), tel.: +358 2494 481951 and Dr. James Thorson, email: James.T.Thorson(at)

The University of Oulu in Northern Finland, with approximately 16,000 students and 3,000 employees, is an international, multidisciplinary research university with a rich pool of creative and intellectual talent. The strengths of the University include broad, multidisciplinary research interests, a modern research and study environment, and wide cooperation with international research and educational institutes (

The salary will be based on the levels 5 – 6 of the demand level chart for university-level teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid (maximum of 46.3 % of the job-specific component). The salary is thus in practice roughly 3,500 – 4,000 € per month, depending on the appointee's qualifications and experience.

Application Procedure
The following documents must be attached to the application:
1) Brief curriculum vitae in English
2) List of publications in international peer-reviewed journals
3) Brief description of research merits
4) Brief (1 – 2 pages) research and action plan in English
5) Contact information of two or three (2-3) persons whom may be asked to give a statement of the candidate

Applications, together with all relevant enclosures, should be submitted using electronic application form by 30.6.2017. NOTE: Mark the number of the position you are applying.

More info and a link to recruiting system:

Oikos-listan mailing list
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[Oikos-listan] Fw: PhD position at Helsingfors University

--  Dr. Jessica K. Abbott
Department of Biology
Section for Evolutionary Ecology
Lund University
Sölvegatan 37
223 62 Lund, Sweden
Phone: 046 222 9304

"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."
- Charles Darwin, Descent of Man

From: Ellen Schagerström <>
Sent: 15 June 2017 13:22
To: Jessica Abbott
Subject: PhD position at Helsingfors University


Not sure if my previous mail to the list itself ended up where it should.

Would be glad if you could put this out on the list.

All the best



Within the Baltic Bridge collaboration between Stockholm and Helsinki universities, we are looking for a highly motivated student to apply for a PhD-position in Finland working with population genetics. See attached advertisement.

Please forward to potential candidates.

All the best

/Ellen Schagerström


Ellen Schagerström


Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och botanik

Stockholms Universitet

106 91 Stockholm


Monday, June 19, 2017

[Oikos-listan] VB: post-doc position about macrecology of species interactions at the University of Oulu

Postdoc positions in Oulu, Finland.
Position 1 is about Macroecology and diversity of species interactions.

There are 4 other posts in biology!

Deadline for application is 30 June.

Position 1: Macroecology and diversity of species interactions (and 4 other posts in biology)

Coevolution among species via species interactions is the major driving force of biodiversity. Yet, the concept of and metrics to estimate species interactions is largely missing from biodiversity studies. The project has two major aims. First, our goal is to create a novel community diversity index, which quantitatively grade communities in terms of the sign, strength and variation of interactions. We will then examine how interaction index varies relative to taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity, stability of the communities and the level of disturbance. Second, we aim to estimate a novel species-specific characteristic, which describes species competitive – facilitative interaction abilities. The association of this new metric with species capability to adapt to global changes is then examined. The project uses comprehensive and long-term bird survey data from Europe and moth data from Finland. We will use a state-of-the-art statistical modelling technique, Joint Dynamic Species Distribution Modelling, developed by one of the PIs of the project, Dr. James Thorson, in extracting species associations from the survey data.

The position is approximately for 2.5 – 3 years, depending on the starting salary of the recruited person. The start date of the position is flexible but should preferably take place in autumn 2017, and definitely by the end of 2017. Position may involve occasional teaching. The location of the position is at the Research Unit of Ecology, Faculty of Sciences.

Research Group. Principal Investigators of the project are Dr. Jukka Forsman (University of Oulu, Finland) and Dr. James Thorson (National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Seattle, USA). The recruited post-doc is expected to visit Dr. Thorson and learn modelling techniques. Other collaborators of the project are Vincent Devictor (University of Montpellier, France), Mikko Mönkkönen (University of Jyväskylä) and Panu Välimäki (University of Oulu, Finland).

Qualification requirements. Applicants must have a PhD in ecology, evolutionary biology, statistical modeling or related areas. The recruited post-doc is expected to be enterprising and have excellent English communication skills, as well as experience programming in the R statistical environment. Following qualifications and experience is considered as an advantage: managing and analyzing large data sets, species distribution modeling, experience in estimating diversity indexes (taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic), statistical modelling, experience in applying GIS-data on biological systems, and global change studies.

Contact persons for further information. Project leaders Jukka Forsman, email: jukka.forsman (at), tel.: +358 2494 481951 and Dr. James Thorson, email: James.T.Thorson(at)

The University of Oulu in Northern Finland, with approximately 16,000 students and 3,000 employees, is an international, multidisciplinary research university with a rich pool of creative and intellectual talent. The strengths of the University include broad, multidisciplinary research interests, a modern research and study environment, and wide cooperation with international research and educational institutes (

The salary will be based on the levels 5 – 6 of the demand level chart for university-level teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid (maximum of 46.3 % of the job-specific component). The salary is thus in practice roughly 3,500 – 4,000 € per month, depending on the appointee's qualifications and experience.

Application Procedure
The following documents must be attached to the application:
1) Brief curriculum vitae in English
2) List of publications in international peer-reviewed journals
3) Brief description of research merits
4) Brief (1 – 2 pages) research and action plan in English
5) Contact information of two or three (2-3) persons whom may be asked to give a statement of the candidate

Applications, together with all relevant enclosures, should be submitted using electronic application form by 30.6.2017. NOTE: Mark the number of the position you are applying.

More info and a link to recruiting system:

Oikos-listan mailing list
To unsubscribe go to, or send a request to

Thursday, June 15, 2017

[Oikos-listan] FW: Postdoc postition available: pathogen diversity and evolution in the beech bark disease system, NH, USA

IUFRO Mailing List
To post a message to all list members, send email to:
List info and Archive:
Postdoc postition available: pathogen diversity and evolution in the beech bark disease system

The Garnas lab ( seeks a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist to study 1) patterns and consequences of microbial diversity in the beech bark disease (BBD) pathogen complex and associated bark communities; and 2) impacts of divergent life histories among the dominant BBD associates on pathogen gene flow and population structure across the range of the disease. Within this framework, the successful candidate will be encouraged to develop his/her own ideas to advance basic and applied knowledge around fungal evolution in the context of a complex, multi-player decline disease. 

Brief background 

Beech bark disease (BBD) is a widespread decline disease arising from complex interactions among a non-native scale insect and at least two putatively native pathogens that differ in key aspects of their biology and ecology. Recent work also suggests that associated microbes may play a role in disease development and/or attenuation. In addition to being highly relevant ecologically (e.g., to wildlife and to forest stand development), the BBD system represents fertile ground for scientific inquiry, with many key questions that are currently unexplored. 

Details of the position and skills sought 

The ideal candidate will have both experience and a proven publication record that demonstrates a keen interest and background in population genetics and/or bioinformatics as well as facility with the core concepts of eco-evolutionary dynamics. While the research will be primarily lab and bioinformatics-based, a non-trivial field component to help augment current collections across the range of the disease may be required, together with fungal isolation and culture curation. Experience working with fungi is preferred but not required. 

Funding is for 2 years at with an annual salary of $48K plus benefits. Target start date is October 1, 2017

The University of New Hampshire and the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment are home to a vibrant community of productive researchers with a strong commitment to student success (see: and Located in the town of Durham, UNH is a beautiful campus surrounded by forest and natural landscapes. Only 30 minutes from the sea and less than 2 hours from the White Mountains, outdoor and other recreational activities abound, including right on campus. 

Interested applicants should please send the following as a single pdf file to

  - CV 

  - Statement of purpose that summarizes research goals/interests/trajectory and relevant experience 

  - 2-5 relevant publications, with an annotated list of the applicant’s role/contribution for each 

  - Contact information for three references 

Position will be open until filled. Review of applications will begin on or around the first week of July.  Apologies for cross-postings.

Monday, June 12, 2017

[Oikos-listan] Professorship in Conservation Biology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

Please spread to potential candidates and in your networks,
or put together an application yourself!

Professorship in Conservation Biology at the Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Department of Ecology, Uppsala, Sweden

Anna Lundhagen, Associate Professor (Docent)
Prefekt, Head of Department
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Institutionen för ekologi
Department of Ecology
Box 7044, 750 07 Uppsala
Besöksadress: Ulls väg 16
Telefon: 018-67 23 70, mobil: 0703-95 57 80,
Riccardo Bommarco, Professor
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Ecology
Box 7044, SE-750 07 Uppsala, SWEDEN
Phone +46-(0)18-672423, Fax +46-(0)18-672890
Oikos-listan mailing list
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Sunday, June 11, 2017

[Oikos-listan] ECCB2018 Call for Symposia

Dear all,


Next year’s most exciting conference in Conservation Biology is taking  place in Jyväskylä, Finland. The call for symposia, workshops and thematic poster sessions are now open at


Remember to check our webpage regularly for updates


On behalf of the Society for Conservation Biology, Europe Section


Bege Jonsson

SCB-ES President
Prof. Bengt Gunnar Jonsson

Dept of Natural Sciences

Mid Sweden University

SE-851 70 Sundsvall, Sweden

+46 10 1428941


Friday, June 9, 2017

[Oikos-listan] Conference on Problems of studying and preserving the plant world of Eurasia

Hi All,

During March this year a representative of our department went to Apatity, Russia to attend a conference on 'The use of modern information technologies in botanical investigations'. He has now been asked to spread information regarding another ecological conference, this time in Siberia. For further information see mail below and attached file. Registration is still possible so please disregard the date below. You can also contact Alla Verhnicova for more information






Veronika Johansson
GBIF Project assistant / Data manager

Department of Bioinformatics and Genetics

08-5195 4036

070-830 60 21


Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
Box 50007 

104 05 Stockholm

Visiting address: Frescativägen 40




Dear colleagues!

Let us invite you to take part in the II All-Russian Conference with the international participation "Problems of studying and preserving the plant world of Eurasia", dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Leonid Vladimirovich Bardunov (1932-2008).

The conference will be held on September 11-15, 2017 in Irkutsk at the Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of the SB RAS and in Kyren, a township in the Republic of Buryatia in the territory of the Tunkinsky National Park in the picturesque foothills of Eastern Sayan.

Those wishing to participate in the conference, please send an application form and a questionnaire by e-mail addressed to Denis Alexandrovich Krivenko before May 3, 2017.

For more information, see the First Information Letter (see the file attached).

The Organizing Committee will be grateful for the distribution of this letter to interested persons.

We will be glad to see you at the conference!

Respectfully, Organizing Committee.


Оргкомитет конференции "Проблемы изучения и сохранения растительного мира Евразии



Wednesday, June 7, 2017

[Oikos-listan] Fwd: 9 postdocs i Finland

Nine open postdoc positions in ecology and evolution:

Prof. Per Lundberg (Theoretical ecology)
Theoretical Population Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Group
Biology Department
Lund University
SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden

Friday, June 2, 2017

[Oikos-listan] Web Ecology Newsletter

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Web Ecology Newsletter, please forward to your society members
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2017 08:47:29 +0200
From: Jutta Stadler <>

Web Ecology Newsletter 2017

Published on behalf of the European Ecological Federation

Dear ecologists, please forward this newsletter to your colleagues.

After the completion of our 2016 Volume, including more than 20 valuable contributions, we are working hard at Web Ecology to complete an equally interesting 2017 Volume, which already include articles about the costs of salt tolerance for dice snakes, the use of non-invasively sourced DNA from Koalas for pedigree studies, or the high value of artificial sand quarry wetlands for the conservation of amphibians. To complete this volume, we are looking forward to your submissions in any of our modalities, including standard articles, reviews, short communications, and Agora: Ideas and Concepts. We will also publish a contribution by winner of the renowned Haeckel price, which this year was awarded by the European Ecological Federation to Prof. Carlos M. Herrera. Stay tuned!


Web Ecology will also be present at the joint BES, GfÖ, NECOV, and EEF joint annual meeting: Ecology across borders to be held in Ghent, Belgium, from 11-14 December 2017.

Please note that in the context of the conference we offer the possibility to get your contribution published in the format of a short communication even before the congress starts in December! Moreover, you are welcome to propose potential special issues about your session or symposium. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information! We will be happy to consider your submissions for publication.


Web Ecology is indexed by Scopus, and it is currently being evaluated by Clarivate (former Thompson) to obtain an SCI impact factor. Our acceptance rate stays at 50%, and our median time from submission to publication stabilized around 5 months. At the moment our publication fees are waived, thus being an excellent choice to publish your work in a quality journal fast, free, and in Open Access.

We want to thank to the European Ecological Federation for their continuous support, to our Editorial Board, which maintained the high standard of scientific rigor and quality which characterizes Web Ecology since its inception in year 2000. We are still considering candidatures for potential Subject Editors, write us with your suggestion for potential candidates.

Finally, both Web Ecology and the European Ecological Society are being quite active on their respective Twitter accounts. Please follow us @Web_Ecology and @EuropeanEcology

With our best wishes,

 Daniel Montesinos and Jutta Stadler

Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor

@Web_Ecology  @EuropeanEcology



--   Dr. Jutta Stadler  Dept. Community Ecology  Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ  Theodor-Lieser-Str. 4  D-06120 Halle/Saale  Germany  Phone: 	++49 (0) 345 558-5313  Fax:	++49 (0) 345 558-5329    -----------------------------------------------------------  Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ  Registered Office: Leipzig  Registration Office: Amtsgericht Leipzig  Trade Register Nr. B 4703  Chairman of the Supervisory Board: MinDirig Wilfried Kraus  Scientific Director: Prof. Dr. Georg Teutsch  Administrative Director: Prof. Dr. Heike Graßmann