Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Postdoc opportunity in Prague

Dear all,

please find attached an add for exciting post doc opportunity in evolutionary plant genomics in Prague.

All the best, Anna

Från: Filip Kolar <filip.kolar@gmail.com>
Skickat: den 3 februari 2023 15:24
Till: Anna Runemark
Ämne: Postdoc in Prague

Dear Anna, thank you once more for a nice chat at the meeting. let's stay in touch regarding polyploid popgen!

 Attached is the current postdoc ad, thank you very much in advance for spreading the word. The starting date is flexible, with supported additional options for raising self-acquired funding.

Best regards

Filip Kolář
Department of Botany
Faculty of Science, Charles University
Benatska 2, CZ - 128 01, Prague, Czech Republic
Institute of Botany

Czech Academy of Sciences

252 43 Pruhonice, Czech Republic

Monday, February 6, 2023

FW: PhD opportunity in alpine plant ecology - biologcial invasions and climate change - *deadline Feb 9th*

Dear colleagues,


Please help spread the word:


We have a vacant PhD position in plant ecology, linked to the RangeX project, assessing the drivers and biodiversity and ecosystem-level impacts of range-expanding species into alpine areas. The project is cross-disciplinary (plant ecology, soil science, pollination ecology) and comparative (experiments in Norway, Switzerland, South Africa and China).  Cool experiments, global datasets, new technological solutions, and a very good project team – what’s not to like?

The job is in Bergen, and our experiment is at Voss, with funding from BiodiversaPlus, and close collaboration with good colleagues and students in Switzerland, South Africa, Sweden, Denmark, France and China, so there will be a lot of international collaboration and opportunities for comparative studies across regions.

Link to our web pages where you can find descriptions of  the project and team :https://rangex.w.uib.no/


Link to the job advertisement: https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/238795/phd-research-fellow-in-plant-ecology



On behalf of the RangeX team,






Professor Vigdis Vandvik                                                             

BIO – Department of Biosciences

University of Bergen

Tel: +47 55 58 33 32 / +47 4730 1794

Twitter: @VVandvik




Thursday, February 2, 2023

Postdoctoral position in policy analysis for multifunctional small waterbodies

Dear All,

We are looking for a post-doctoral researcher to work within our new project on small artificial waterbodies (SAWs).


The work of the post-doc will focus on challenges faced by Swedish municipalities when incorporating SAWs into planning and decision making and will involve: 1) Policy analysis of barriers and opportunities for multifunctional, catchment-scale landscape planning and implementation of SAWs and 2) Analysis of the recreational and social ecosystem services offered by SAWs.


Here is job announcement in English:



And in Swedish:



The position is part of the FORMAS-funded project PUDDLE JUMP: Promoting Upstream-Downstream Directed Linkages in the Environment: "Joined-Up" Management Perspectives.


Please, distribute to any potential candidates!




Associate Professor Malgorzata Blicharska
Senior Lecturer, Department of Earth Sciences
Uppsala University

Malgorzata Blicharska


Check my team at: https://www.waternature4future.com/

Due to my own family/work life balance, you may get emails from me outside of normal working hours. Please do not feel any pressure to respond outside of your own working pattern.

Page Title

När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här: http://www.uu.se/om-uu/dataskydd-personuppgifter/

E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here: http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/data-protection-policy

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Postdoc in Arctic Microbial ecology


We have a 3-year Postdoc position in Arctic Microbiology open here in Gothenburg.

Deadline for application 2023-02-15.


The topic is to investigate the response of Arctic microbial communities to changes in temperature, precipitation, and vegetation, with a specific focus on the methanotrophic community, methane consumption processes and the ITEX network.


For more details on the position and an application link, please see:



Best wishes,



Robert G. Björk

Professor in Ecosystem Science

Alpine and Polar Ecology at the University of Gothenburg (APE@GU)

APE@GU on Twitter


Department of Earth Sciences

University of Gothenburg

P.O. Box 460

SE-405 30 Gothenburg



Delivery address: Guldhedsgatan 5C, SE-413 20 Gothenburg, Sweden


Office phone: +46 (0)31 786 2835

Cell phone: +46 (0)704 54 65 41
Fax: +46 (0)31 786 1986

E-mail: robert.bjork@gu.se

Personal webpage

Twitter; Research Gate; Google Scholar

Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre


Ledig tillsvidaretjänst på SLU: Miljöanalysspecialist – eDNA för limnisk miljöövervakning


Stina Drakare


Stf prefekt/Deputy Head of Department
Docent/Associate professor

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Institutionen för vatten och miljö/Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment
Box 7050, 75007 UPPSALA
Besöksadress: Lennart Hjelms väg 9
Telefon: +46 (0)18-67 31 02


Fokus på Mälaren: www.slu.se/malaren


Miljöanalysspecialist – eDNA för limnisk miljöövervakning

Ref SLU.ua.2023.2.5.1-351

Institutionen för vatten och miljö

Institutionen för vatten och miljö (www.slu.se/vatten-miljo) är ett kompetenscentrum för tillämpad miljöforskning med ett nationellt ansvar för övervakning av miljötillståndet i svenska sjöar och vattendrag med avseende på vattenkemi, miljöförorening och akvatisk biota. Forskningen vid institutionen fokuserar på geokemiska och hydrologiska processer, akvatisk ekologi och biodiversitet, samt akvatisk ekotoxikologi och miljökemi. Institutionen har drygt 130 anställda varav ca hälften utgörs av forskare/doktorander och den andra hälften av teknisk och administrativ personal. Vi ingår i SLU:s Mark-Vatten-Miljöcentrum på Campus Ultuna i Uppsala. Den breda kompetensen bland de 300 personerna i klustret i kombination med en välutrustad infrastruktur skapar en unik plattform för forskning av hög kvalitet samt miljöövervakning och utvärdering.

Läs mer om våra förmåner och hur det är att jobba inom SLU på https://www.slu.se/om-slu/jobba-pa-slu/


Som miljöanalysspecialist kommer du att samordna och leda institutionens arbete med att utveckla verktyg, processer och en organisation för miljö-DNA baserad miljöövervakning (eDNA) av limniska ekosystems tillstånd. Uppdraget innefattar en aktiv dialog och informationsutbyte med forskare aktiva inom detta fält samt avnämare från berörda myndigheter och miljöförvaltning såväl inom landet som internationellt. I arbetsuppgifterna ingår även övergripande hantering och sammanställning av olika typer av miljödata kopplat till limniska naturtyper, där naturtypernas status/klassificering enligt olika EU-direktiv och förordningar kopplas till olika DNA markörer. Tjänsten innefattar även samordning av projektrapportering och kommunikation såväl externt som internt.


För denna tjänst krävs doktorsexamen eller motsvarande med inriktning mot akvatisk ekologi, miljövetenskap eller närliggande ämnesområde. Vi förväntar oss även att de sökande har minst en grundläggande förståelse av moderna DNA-baserade metoder och miljöanalys. Tidigare praktisk erfarenhet av miljöförvaltning eller annat relevant utredningsarbete är meriterande. Du bör ha god organisationsförmåga, vara strukturerad, drivande och ha lätt för att sammanställa inhämtad information skriftligt i rapportform. God förmåga att kommunicera på svenska och engelska, såväl skriftligt som muntligt, är ett krav. Övriga meriter som kommer att beaktas i denna rekrytering är praktiska erfarenheter av geografiska informationssystem (GIS), DNA-baserad miljöövervakning, biodiversitetskartläggning samt limnisk ekosystemförståelse.




Tillsvidareanställning. SLU kan komma att tillämpa provanställning.




Snarast enligt överenskommelse.


Välkommen med din ansökan senast den 2023-02-17.


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E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here

4 open positions at University of Oulu

I have four positions open (one postdoc, one PhD student and two research assistant positions). I am especially interested in getting applicants from Sweden as the field work in this project happens in Åland Islands and Swedish skills would be important. Please see attachments.


Thanks you so much for your help!

Kind regards,

Anu Eskelinen


Dr. Anu Eskelinen

Associate Professor in Biodiversity Change and Ecosystem Health

PI of the group Global Change and Biotic Interactions Ecology

Ecology and Genetics Unit, University of Oulu, Finland

Physiological Diversity Department, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Leipzig, Germany

German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research iDiv, Leipzig, Germany



Tuesday, January 31, 2023

ForBIO course i sommaren 2023

Course during the Summer semester 2023

This summer, within the research project Assessing biodiversity of the marine algae belt, a course will be given at the research station in Drøbak, Tollboden Norway (25th - 29th of August). The course will include, among other things, collection of marine animal species. For more information:



Sommarkurs 2023

I sommar kommer det inom forskningsprojektet Biologisk Mångfald i det marina algbältet att ges en kurs på forskningsstationen i Drøbak, Tollboden Norge (25:e - 29:e augusti). I kursen kommer bland annat insamling av djurarter att ingå. För mer information:



Very welcome!/Varmt välkomna!


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

VB: Postdoc in Canada

Dear all,
See below and attached for an interesting postdoc opportunity with Francois Vezina and others in Canada. Perhaps of interest for some of our recent PhD graduates, or other candidates in your networks.


Sorry for potential cross-posting.


Best wishes,



Dr. Andreas Nord 

Associate Professor

Department of Biology
Lund University
SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden

Member Young Academy of Sweden


Phone: +46 704 953 262
Personal website

Google Scholar



Från: Vézina François <Francois_Vezina@uqar.ca>
Skickat: den 25 januari 2023 16:18
Till: Swanson, David <David.Swanson@usd.edu>; Andrew McKechnie <andrew.mckechnie@up.ac.za>; Glenn Tattersall <gtattersall@brocku.ca>; Tony Williams <tdwillia@sfu.ca>; Andreas Nord <andreas.nord@biol.lu.se>; Theunis.Piersma@nioz.nl; Hannah Watson <hannah.watson@biol.lu.se>; Ana Jimenez <ajimenez@colgate.edu>; Jan-Åke Nilsson <jan-ake.nilsson@biol.lu.se>; Agnès Lewden <agneslewden@gmail.com>; Pierre Legagneux <legagneux@gmail.com>; François Criscuolo <Francois.criscuolo@iphc.cnrs.fr>; CHARMANTIER Anne <anne.charmantier@cefe.cnrs.fr>; ANGELIER Frederic <Frederic.ANGELIER@cebc.cnrs.fr>; Maria Stager <mstager@umass.edu>; Gary Burness <garyburness@trentu.ca>; Christopher G. Guglielmo <cguglie2@uwo.ca>; Yufeng Zhang (yzhang24) <yzhang24@memphis.edu>; Verreault, Jonathan <verreault.jonathan@uqam.ca>; Reale, Denis <reale.denis@uqam.ca>; Marco Festa-Bianchet <marco.festa-bianchet@usherbrooke.ca>; Fanie Pelletier <Fanie.Pelletier@USherbrooke.ca>; srmcwilliams@uri.edu; Michal S. Wojciechowski <mwojc@umk.pl>; Alexander Gerson <agerson14@mac.com>; psabat@uchile.cl; Sabrina Clavijo <morrocoyaloca@gmail.com>
Ämne: Annonce postdoc -- postdoc add


Dear colleagues, 


I would be grateful if you would send this add for a postdoc position in our team to your network. I am attaching both a French and an English version.


Thank you for your help and for your time.







François Vézina
Département de biologie, chimie et géographi
Université du Québec à Rimouski
300 allée des Ursulines
Rimouski, Québec
G5L 3A1

Téléphone: 418-723-1986 poste 1971



PhD-course on Animal movement

Please find attached information about coming PhD course in Animal movement analysis in 4-8 September, 2023

Kind regards, 
Anna Skarin

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SND is recruiting a Research Data Advisor

SND is recruiting a new Research Data Advisor,

See description (in Swedish only) following the link below.



From: David Rayner <david.rayner@gu.se>
Sent: den 25 januari 2023 11:43
To: Debora Arlt <debora.arlt@slu.se>
Subject: FW: C2B2 partner update #1


CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.


Hi Debora!


Please spread the word to anyone you know who might be suitable: SND is recruiting a new Research Data Advisor, and included in the job description is supporting marine research projects!


Job description only in Swedish: https://web103.reachmee.com/ext/I005/1035/job?site=6&lang=SE&validator=3038fcf1516ea1184a6da70a891f87da&job_id=28967


Best regards, dave r.



 David Rayner
 Swedish National Data Service
 University of Gothenburg
 +46 (0)738 542 404 



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E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here

Oikos meeting workshop "reindeer grazing and models"


This is just a reminder to register for our workshop on implementing reindeer grazing into models. It will take place during the Oikos meeting on Monday 30 Jan at 13-14.30, Wallenberg Conference Centre in Gothenburg. More information below.


All the best,


Incorporating Arctic grazers into ecosystem models: a way forward

Organizer: Robert Björk and Johan Olofsson

Presenter: Fredrik Lagergren, Lund University

Date and time: Jan 30th 13.00

Length: 1.5 h

Reindeer can shape tundra vegetation by reducing the biomass of preferred forage species such as lichens as well as mitigating climate driven vegetation changes, such as the upward shift of lowland plants and shrub expansion. Yet, only a few efforts on incorporating herbivore effects into ecosystem models exist. Here, we will present a newly developed grazing module and result from some simulations using the LPJ-GUESS model, which is a 2nd generation Dynamic Global Vegetation Model. The overall objective of the workshop is to share knowledge among grazer researchers and model developers, inform on the ongoing research, and evaluate current developments using the LPJ-GUESS model and identify a way forward. Ultimately, the workshop could aid planning future field studies to serve the needs of models and result in the development of mechanistic model with a stronger empirical foundation.

Register to: robert.bjork@gu.se



Dr. Robert G. Björk

Professor in Ecosystem Science

Alpine and Polar Ecology at the University of Gothenburg (APE@GU)

APE@GU on Twitter


Department of Earth Sciences

University of Gothenburg

P.O. Box 460

SE-405 30 Gothenburg



Delivery address: Guldhedsgatan 5C, SE-413 20 Gothenburg, Sweden


Office phone: +46 (0)31 786 2835

Cell phone: +46 (0)704 54 65 41
Fax: +46 (0)31 786 1986

E-mail: robert.bjork@gu.se

Personal webpage

Twitter; Research Gate; Google Scholar

Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Data visualization workshop at Oikos Gothenburg meeting

Final call for signing up for the data visualization workshop on Monday (Jan 30th) at the Swedish Oikos conference in Gothenburg! Please send me an email if you'd like to sign up. More info below!


Storytelling with Data: Data visualisation meets graphic design to tell scientific stories


The workshop will go through the elements of a great graph, how to use colour, layout, shapes and more to tell a story with your figures and will then go into a coding tutorial. Storytelling and dataviz are both very fun topics, so we'd like the workshop to be a jolly opportunity for all of us to pause and reflect on how to better communicate our research and maximise the impact of our figures. Regardless of how much (or little) artistic flair you have, there are many ways to make your graphs catchier and more exciting and we look forward to sharing some of them during the workshop.


To make the most of the workshop, please do the following prep in advance.

  • Charge your laptop, download R and RStudio and check that they are broadly functioning. If you are not able to bring a laptop, please let us know and we can try to figure something out. We will have extension cords but not enough for every person to be plugged in.
  • Install the following R packages in advance. It can be very frustrating if instead of making figures, you are stuck trying to install packages and depending on your laptop, there could be some unforeseen issues, so it's best to try solving them in advance. You can install the packages using the following code:


  • install.packages("tidyverse")
  • install.packages("ggthemes")
  • install.packages("ggrepel")
  • install.packages("viridis")
  • install.packages("broom")
  • install.packages("devtools")
  • devtools::install_github("eliocamp/ggalt@new-coord-proj")


  • Note that you can first check if you have the packages installed already using library(), e.g. library(tidyverse)


  • The ggalt package is the usual trouble maker among these packages. Installing the specific version outlined above from GitHub has worked for many people. If you are not one of them and have tried troubleshooting (e.g., you can google the errors you get) with no luck, you can email gndaskalova@gmail.com for extra help. And if nothing really works, it's just a package, in the workshop we will only use it to change the projection of a map so it's not the most key thing.
  • Think of a memorable image that has left a lasting impression on you (it could be from a paper, the media, an infographic, a photo, a drawing, anything visual) and insert it in this google doc (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zUXlIbEMAJgINW-CEZXHE_B7Q5L0JRkb2HYzngUBcKM/edit?usp=sharing ) together with one sentence text about what made the image memorable for you. Please be careful not to delete other people's images as you insert your own.
  • Bring along a figure you have made, together with a one sentence summary of the key message you want to communicate with the figure. The sentence should have a verb and be specific, e.g., instead of "Histogram of population trends after forest loss." You could say "Vertebrate species experienced similar amounts of population declines as increases after forest loss." The figures don't need to be brilliant or a finished and polished product, but if you do bring some kind of a figure (saved on your laptop is fine), there will be an opportunity to get feedback on it from Gergana. Sharing figures with people who are not directly involved in your research can be a great way to get a fresh perspective and new ideas.


If you haven't used R much or at all, you can complete the following tutorial in advance of the conference workshop https://ourcodingclub.github.io/tutorials/intro-to-r/ and that should prepare you fine enough for what's to come in the workshop.

Looking forward to seeing you there!
Anne and Gergana




Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences

University of Gothenburg

Carl Skottsbergs gata 22B

413 16 Gothenburg

+46 76 618 2547



open positions at Umeå University



Nu är annonserna ute för våra nya lektorat i ekologi och geovetenskap (se länkarna nedan). Sista ansökningsdag är 1 februari 2023. Hjälp oss att sprida annonserna i alla de nätverk som ni har.







The advertisements for new positions as university lecturer in ecology and geosciences/Earth science are out (see the links below). Deadline for applications is 1 february 2023. Please help us to spread the ads in the networks that you have.









Jon Moen
Professor, prefekt / Head of department
Inst för ekologi, miljö och geovetenskap (EMG) / Dept of Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå universitet / Umeå University
SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden
+46 (0)90 786 96 47 / +46 (0)70-227 1513

När du skickar e-post till Umeå universitet så innebär detta att Umeå universitet behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur detta går till, gå till umu.se/gdpr

E-mailing Umeå University means that we will process your personal data.
For more information, please read: umu.se/en/gdpr


Monday, January 23, 2023

Register now! PhD-course in Community Ecology (5 ECTS) 13-17 March. & 27-31 March 2023

Are you studying a species living in isolation? Then this course is not for you...

But most species don’t, so here is an opportunity to advance your understanding of what happens when species interact!


Welcome to the PhD course

Community Ecology –theory, experiments and data analyses (5 ECTS)


13-17 March & 27-31 March 2023


The course provides both fundamental knowledge and insights in recent advances in community ecology. You will learn several methods for studying community change and dynamics, including mathematical modelling, experimental- and time series analyses methods. You will also be able to frame and discuss your research interests in a community ecology context.


The second week of the course is given in Öregrund, where exercises and discussions will be combined with lectures, and a final symposium will be held. Free accommodation provided in a youth hostel or you can commute by bus from Uppsala if you prefer that.


For more detailed information about course content, see attached course syllabus.


When & Where: March 13 - 17 at Ultuna campus and March 27-31 in Öregrund (free accommodation in youth hostel provided, commuting to Uppsala is also possible).


How: Register for the course by sending an email to Anna Gårdmark (anna.gardmark@slu.se) no later than January 27th



Course organizer: Anna Gårdmark (Dept. of Aquatic Resources, SLU), with a range of teachers from SLU departments with an ecological focus, as well as invited guest lecturers from e.g. SU





Anna Gårdmark


Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences


Department of Aquatic Resources

Box 7018, 750 07 UPPSALA, Sweden
Phone: +46104784125,
anna.gardmark@slu.se, www.slu.se/annagardmark


Follow our research group @fishinfoodwebs at Instagram!

& our department as SLUaqua on Facebook





SLU is a water university - Water is essential to life. At SLU more than 400 researchers and experts work with water-related issues, from source to sea. Our knowledge contributes to achieving the global sustainable development goals focusing on water quality, life in water and the human use of water resources.


While I may be sending this email outside my normal office hours, I have no expectation to receive a reply outside yours



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E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here

Modelling transport of radionuclides in ecosystems

SKB is searching for a new  modeler, that simulates transport of radionuclides in surface ecosystems. The permanent position is to make extensive calculations of transport of radionuclides in surface ecosystem and estimate dose to humans and other organisms, This includes transport in soils, sediments, ground water and surface water. A good knowledge of programming (mainly, Ecolego, Matlab/Simulink, Java and Comsol) and experience of modelling dynamic systems (e.g. ecosystems, hydrology, meteorology, pollutant transport)  is required. A very inspiring job in a stimulating environment where science is applied.


Get  more information at




Deadline for application is February, 12

Postdoc on resilience of biological pest control

Hi all,

I am excited to announce that I’m recruiting a new postdoc to work with:

Agrobiodiversity and pest control resilience

The project will address resilience of biological pest control services against agricultural disturbances and against climate change.

The postdoc will study how landuse at different scales determines community structure of invertebrate predators, and how this in turn affects the resilience of pest control services in agricultural fields. The postdoc will lead the Swedish part of a landscape-scale field study across a north-south European gradient, will conduct lab experiments in controlled climate chambers, and will participate in stakeholder workshops. Already existing data is also available. The project includes close collaboration with researchers at SLU, University of Giessen, Germany, University of Verona, Italy, University of Insbruck, Austria and Vilnius University, Lithuania.

For more info and how to apply:

Deadline 15 February.

Please spread the word or apply yourself!

Mattias Jonsson


Mattias Jonsson

Senior lecturer in terrestrial ecology

Department of Ecology/SLU Centre for Biological Control

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)


SLU Biodiversity and Biocontrol lab:


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E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here