Wednesday, March 30, 2022

PhD position in ecology/fish ecology at LNU

Dear all,


Please spread the word about this open PhD-position at Linnaeus University, Kalmar, to potentially interested candidates! See the link below.




Hanna Berggren

PhD in Ecology

EEMiS – Centre for Ecology and Evolution in Microbial model Systems

Department of Biology and Environmental Science

Linnaeus University

392 31 Kalmar



cellphone: +46 708 422 172




Monday, March 28, 2022

Påminnelse: Föreståndare SBDI

Föreståndare för Svensk biodiversitetsdatainfrastruktur sökes. Påminnelse: slutdatum 25 april.


Vänliga hälsningar


Anders Telenius

Postdoc: modelling forest-/climate-driven plant community dynamics

Dear all,

I would much appreciate help to spread this add for a postdoc position.


Al the best,


Postdoc: Modelling species community dynamics given forest and climate scenarios

Duties: You will conduct hierarchical modelling of plant community dynamics (HMSC), specifically the joint colonization-extinctions dynamics of community members with different traits, as a function of forest and climate variables. The data on >200 plant species have been recorded on the repeatedly surveyed, permanent Swedish National Forest Inventory plots representing ca. 25 million hectare ha of land. You will also apply the models as part of optimization of future forest use to reach objectives on future revenue, biodiversity, ecosystem services and climate. Available are tools/models to simulate future forestry, species distribution and richness, ecosystem services, and climate, the latter based on Life Cycle Assessment. An integrated system is built that will allow identifying/optimizing synergies, tradeoffs and compromises in the use of forests to reach objectives for the future. Results will be used as part of evaluation work conducted at EU scale where more general approaches are used (e.g. Leclère et al. 2020, Nature 585: 551-). The work is funded by the Horizon Europe project ForestNavigator coordinated by IIASA and the ForestValue project SustMultBiomass ( coordinated by us.


Web ad text:


Tord Snäll


Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

SLU ArtDatabanken/SLU Swedish Species Information Centre

Box 7007, SE-750 07 Uppsala

Besöksadress: Almas allé 8E

Telefon: +46(0)18-67 26 12, Mobil: +46(0)76-766 26 12

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E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here

Postdoc: modelling forest-/climate-driven plant community dynamics

Dear all,

I would much appreciate help to spread this add for a postdoc position.


Al the best,


Postdoc: Modelling species community dynamics given forest and climate scenarios

Duties: You will conduct hierarchical modelling of plant community dynamics (HMSC), specifically the joint colonization-extinctions dynamics of community members with different traits, as a function of forest and climate variables. The data on >200 plant species have been recorded on the repeatedly surveyed, permanent Swedish National Forest Inventory plots representing ca. 25 million hectare ha of land. You will also apply the models as part of optimization of future forest use to reach objectives on future revenue, biodiversity, ecosystem services and climate. Available are tools/models to simulate future forestry, species distribution and richness, ecosystem services, and climate, the latter based on Life Cycle Assessment. An integrated system is built that will allow identifying/optimizing synergies, tradeoffs and compromises in the use of forests to reach objectives for the future. Results will be used as part of evaluation work conducted at EU scale where more general approaches are used (e.g. Leclère et al. 2020, Nature 585: 551-). The work is funded by the Horizon Europe project ForestNavigator coordinated by IIASA and the ForestValue project SustMultBiomass ( coordinated by us.


Web ad text:


Tord Snäll


Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

SLU ArtDatabanken/SLU Swedish Species Information Centre

Box 7007, SE-750 07 Uppsala

Besöksadress: Almas allé 8E

Telefon: +46(0)18-67 26 12, Mobil: +46(0)76-766 26 12

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E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here

Friday, March 25, 2022

Two PhD-positions in agricultural ecology and economy, Uppsala, Sweden

The Department of Ecology and the Department of Economy at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences announce two PhD-candidate positions: in agricultural ecology and economy placed in Uppsala, Sweden.
The students will together investigate how ecological and economic efficiencies change across farms implementing agroecological practices such as diverse crop rotations, cover crops, reduced tillage and reduced nitrogen and pesticide use. The project provides the opportunity to work with actors in the entire food value chain from farmer to consumer, including process industry and retail in the effort to extract added value from sustainable farming and assess capacity for upscaling.

Ecology deadline 6 May

Economy deadline 22 April

For more information contact Prof Riccardo Bommarco <> or Helena Hansson <>

We look forward to your application. Please spread the word

Riccardo & Helena

Riccardo Bommarco, Professor
twitter @BommarcoLab
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Ecology
Box 7044, SE-750 07 Uppsala, SWEDEN
Phone +46-(0)18-672423, Fax +46-(0)18-672890

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Two PhD candidate positions

The Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University, announces two PhD positions:


PhD position in Physical Geography: Managing grasslands for biodiversity and climate




PhD position in Physical Geography: Coastal meadows – habitats on the move




For more information contact or





Regina Lindborg (PhD, Professor)

Deputy Dean of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Department of Physical Geography

Stockholm University, Sweden

Phone: +46 8 164768


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

2 postdocs in aquatic ecology

Hi everyone,


Please help me by spreading this among your students and colleagues.


The Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Umeå (Sweden) invites applicants for two 2-year postdoctoral positions in Aquatic Ecology.


One Post Doc will be focusing on migrating trout and salmon:


One Post Doc will be focusing on present and future population dynamics and management of Arctic charr:


Many thanks in advance and for further information please contact me.

Best wishes, Karin Nilsson



Karin Anna Nilsson


Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå


Tuesday, March 15, 2022

SITES is looking for a New Director

SITES is looking for a new director!
The Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science (SITES) consists of nine research stations distributed across Sweden and is focused on promoting long-term field-based terrestrial and limnological ecosystem research. The director will lead the development of the infrastructure into the new funding phase from 2023 onwards and help to maintain its excellence.
Candidates should have experience in ecosystem science and as a leader of large-scale collaborative projects, preferably involving field stations or other research infrastructures. In addition, the ability to use larger perspectives and to build connections within SITES and with outside collaborators is highly valued. The position can also be combined with the candidate's individual research pursuits. 
You can find more information about the infrastructure on our website and find a detailed description of the position and requirements, as well as the application here: Jobs and vacancies at SLU | Externwebben  

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Thursday, March 10, 2022

Fwd: Looking for two Ph.D. student positions at Dept Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg

Vidarebefordrat mejl:

Från: Rhian Waller <>
Ämne: Looking for two Ph.D. students
Datum: 10 mars 2022 08:54:08 CET


I'm currently advertising for two Ph.D. students working on the reproduction of cold water corals here at the Tjärnö Marine Lab. The deadlines are coming up next week though might be extended. If you have any good candidates please encourage them to apply! 

Deadline 18th March - PhD in Marine Sciences specializing in cold-water coral and sponge ecology with a focus on Alaskan deep ecosystems

Deadline 20th March - PhD in Marine Sciences specializing in cold-water coral reproductive ecology


Dr. Rhian G. Waller
Senior Lecturer
Tjärnö Marine Laboratory
University of Gothenburg

Phone: +46 (0)76 622 9608

**You may be receiving this email outside of normal working hours. Though this works with my schedule, it might not with yours. There is no expectation for me to receive a reply outside of normal working hours. 


Eva Marie Rödström
Research Coordinator
The Linnaeus Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology (CeMEB)

Department of Marine Sciences
Tjärnö Marine Laboratory 
University of Gothenburg
+46 (0)76 622 9630 

Department of Marine Sciences -

Centre for Sea and Society -

Ocean -

Tjärnö Marine Laboratory -


"For there is always light,
if only we're brave enough to see it
If only we're brave enough to be it"
–  Amanda Gorman – 

To get to our next level of greatness depends on the quality of our culture, which depends on the quality of our relationships, which depends on the quality of our conversations… 
Everything happens through conversation!
– Judith E. Glaser –

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Sök bidrag från/Apply for funding from Svenska artprojektet/the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative

SLU Artdatabanken utlyser bidragsmedel från Svenska artprojektet till taxonomisk forskning och nätverkande aktiviteter.

SLU Swedish Species Information Centre announces calls for funding from the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative for taxonomic research and networking activities.


Aktuella utlysningar (For information in English, please see below)


Vi har två aktuella utlysningar:


  1. Bidrag till taxonomiska forskningsprojekt inom dåligt kända organismgrupper eller i dåligt kända miljöer. Sista ansökningsdag är 29 maj 2022. Läs mer och ansök på SLU Artdatabankens webbplats.
  2. Bidrag för nätverkande aktiviteter som syftar till att stimulera till uppbyggnad av kompetens inom systematik och taxonomi. Sista ansökningsdag är 9 maj 2022. Läs mer och ansök på SLU Artdatabankens webbplats.


Välkommen med din ansökan!



(In English)
Current Calls


There are two current calls:


  1. Funding for taxonomic research projects pertaining to poorly-known organism groups or poorly-known habitats. Deadline for applications 29th of May 2022. Read more and apply on the web page of SLU Swedish Species Information Centre.
  2. Funding for networking activities aimed at stimulating the building of competence in systematics and taxonomy. Deadline for applications 9th of May 2022. Read more and apply on the web page of SLU Swedish Species Information Centre.


We look forward to receiving your application!




Elisabet Ottosson



Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences



Box 7007, 750 07  Uppsala

Besöksadress: Almas Allé 8E

Telefon: 018 – 67 2745






Mari Jönsson
Docent/Associate Professor

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

SLU Artdatabanken

SLU Swedish Species Information Centre
Box 7007, 750 07 UPPSALA
Besöksadress: Almas allé 8E

Telefon: 018-67 25 83, mobil: 070-668 44 00



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E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Reminder: call to Oikos annual general meeting

Don't forget the Swedish Society Oikos' annual general meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) at 14.00!


From: Jessica Abbott
Sent: den 15 februari 2022 14:36
To: '' <>
Subject: call to Oikos annual general meeting


The annual general meeting for the Swedish Society Oikos will be held over Zoom on Wednesday March 9th at 14.00. See the attached agenda for more information.





Dr. Jessica K. Abbott

Department head/Senior University Lecturer

Department of Biology

Section for Evolutionary Ecology

Lund University

Sölvegatan 37

223 62 Lund, Sweden

Phone: 046 222 9304



"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."

- Charles Darwin, Descent of Man


Friday, March 4, 2022

open postdoc position in Aquatic ecology at EMG Umeå University

Hi all

Please spread this among your students and colleagues.

The Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University, Sweden invites applicants for a 2-year postdoctoral position in aquatic ecology focusing on natural drivers and anthropogenic impacts on population dynamics, production and size structure of lake living salmonid top consumers ( postdoctoral researcher will join and work inthe international research project "Holistic evaluation and restoration measures of human impacts on freshwater ecosystems across biogeographical gradients (FreshRestore)", co-funded by the European Commission ( and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 

Many thanks in advance and for further information please to contact me



Pär Byström, Associate professor, supervisor animal experiments

Department of Ecology and Environmental Science

Umeå University

SE 901 87 Umeå Sweden

phone: +46 - (0)90 - 786 9493

mobilephone: +46 - (0)70 - 5217643



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Postdoc in plant ecology with focus on root pathogens and nutrient uptake in crops

Please find below the advert for a 2-year postdoc in our group at the SLU in Uppsala, Sweden.
Subject of the position: Plant ecology – focus on root pathogens and nutrient uptake in crops
The deadline for application is 20th April 2022.
Martin Weih
Professor of Plant Ecology

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Department of Crop Production Ecology
Box 7043, SE-75007 Uppsala
Visiting address: Ulls väg 16
Phone: +46 18-67 25 43,
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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Interdisciplinary Postdoc on Pollinators, Dijon, France

Please find below the advert for an 18-months postdoc with Dr Juliette Young at INRAE Dijon France.

The topic is "Interdisciplinary postdoctoral position: Understanding worldviews, values and evidence supporting pollinator conservation in Europe"

It forms part of our European research project "Safeguarding European Wild Pollinators"

The deadline for application is 27^th March with a start date of 1st June 2022. <>

Riccardo Bommarco, Professor
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Ecology
Box 7044, SE-750 07 Uppsala, SWEDEN
Phone +46-(0)18-672423, Fax +46-(0)18-672890
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Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Post doc in behavioural ecology

A 2-year post doc position in Behavioural ecology is open at University of Gothenburg, Sweden 

Deadline 28 March 2022. Start: 1 September 2022 (or earlier, as agreed upon).

The position is in the subject of animal ecology, with a focus on evolutionary behavioral ecology. The research questions concern how a recently published definition of sexual selection affect the demarcation between natural and sexual selection, with a special focus on female mating competition, as well as evolution of female ornaments. Some sub-studies are planned to be conducted in collaboration with researchers at the Univ of Western Australia, Australia, potentially also at the Univ of Idaho, USA. 

The aim of the project is to empirically explore the above-mentioned questions, experimentally and in comparative studies. Tasks and techniques include field collection and experimental work with insects (Kawanaphila nartee), possibly also with fish (Pomatoschistus minutus). Literature studies are also included, where the data will be analyzed with meta-analytical techniques. Phylogenetic analysis may also be considered. A time period of 1-2 months per year will be spent in Western Australia. A shorter visit to Idaho may also be included in the project. In addition to experimental design, data collection and analysis, the writing of scientific articles is a very important task. 

Use this link to apply (and to find more detailed information about the position, eligibility, etc): 

Please pass on the information to interested candidates.

Regards, Lotta Kvarnemo

Charlotta Kvarnemo
University of Gothenburg
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Box 463
SE-405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden

+46-70-486 3832

PhD position on belowground plant responses to grazing and snow cover changes in boreal ecosystems

Dear colleagues,

I am looking for a PhD student working on belowground plant responses to grazing and snow cover changes in boreal ecosystems, and I hope you can help me spread this information to suitable candidates!

The aim of the project is to study and quantify how reindeer grazing and changes in snow cover influence plant growth and decomposition patterns above- and belowground. The holder of this position will investigate plant community composition, seasonal plant (root) growth, decomposition of plant material, root influences on carbon cycling, and how these change with altered winter conditions and reindeer grazing regimes in boreal forests and fens. Johan Olofsson (Umeå University) and Maria Väisänen (University of Oulu, Finland) will be co-supervisors for this position. More information on the position and Umeå University can be found via the link below.

The deadline for application: March 31st, 2022, and we welcome all applications!

Thanks for your help, and apologies for cross-postings.

Best wishes,
Gesche Blume-Werry

--   Gesche Blume-Werry  Assistant Professor  Department of Ecology and Environmental Science  Umeå University  Umeå, Sweden  --------