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I would much appreciate help to spread this add for a postdoc position.
Al the best,
Postdoc: Modelling species community dynamics given forest and climate scenarios
Duties: You will conduct hierarchical modelling of plant community dynamics (HMSC), specifically the joint colonization-extinctions dynamics of community members with different traits, as a function of forest and climate variables. The data on >200 plant species have been recorded on the repeatedly surveyed, permanent Swedish National Forest Inventory plots representing ca. 25 million hectare ha of land. You will also apply the models as part of optimization of future forest use to reach objectives on future revenue, biodiversity, ecosystem services and climate. Available are tools/models to simulate future forestry, species distribution and richness, ecosystem services, and climate, the latter based on Life Cycle Assessment. An integrated system is built that will allow identifying/optimizing synergies, tradeoffs and compromises in the use of forests to reach objectives for the future. Results will be used as part of evaluation work conducted at EU scale where more general approaches are used (e.g. Leclère et al. 2020, Nature 585: 551-). The work is funded by the Horizon Europe project ForestNavigator coordinated by IIASA and the ForestValue project SustMultBiomass ( coordinated by us.
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Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
SLU ArtDatabanken/SLU Swedish Species Information Centre
Box 7007, SE-750 07 Uppsala
Besöksadress: Almas allé 8E
Telefon: +46(0)18-67 26 12, Mobil: +46(0)76-766 26 12
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