Saturday, April 27, 2019

PhD-position about bioenergy, biodiversity and ecosystem services

Please circulate to any potential candidate!


PhD-position at Department of Biology, Lund University about the potential to use marginal agricultural land for bioenergy production and the biodiversity and ecosystem service consequences of doing so.  


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Kräftor och akvakultur - konferens Campus Visby 27-30 augusti 2019

Välkommen till en lokal, regional och internationell konferens om kräftor och akvakultur på Gotland! Huvudtemat för konferensen, vars officiella namn är ”IAA Gotland 2019 - Crayfish and Aquaculture” är sötvattenskräftor och kräftodling, med ett sidotema om småskaligt vattenbruk. För mer information:


Sprid gärna denna information brett till andra som kan vara intresserade. Återkom också till denna hemsida för uppdaterad information och nyheter.



Welcome to a local, regional and international conference on crayfish and aquaculture that takes place on Gotland! The main theme of the conference, whose official name is "IAA Gotland 2019 - Crayfish and Aquaculture" is freshwater crayfish and crayfish farming, with a side theme on small-scale aquaculture. For more information go to the web address above or go straight to:


Please spread this information widely to others who may be interested. Updated information and news will appear on this website so please check back.



Apologise for possible cross postings



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Thursday, April 18, 2019

FW: Tjänst: Bi-rådgivare, Jordbruksverket




min chef Thorsten Rahbek Pedersen bad mig, pga min biolog-bakgrund, sprida information om tjänsten nedan.


Vet ni någon som är intresserad av en tjänst kopplat till bi-rådgivning på Jordbruksverket så finns ytterligare information i länkarna nedan.


Trevlig påsk!




Louise Aldén

Rådgivare växtskydd

Rådgivningsenheten Söder


Besöksadress: Elevenborgsvägen 4, 230 53 Alnarp

Tfn 036-15 84 04

E4 award dead line 1 May

Dear all,

Please find a link to the Ecography E4 Award. Deadline for submitting a proposal is 1 May. The Winner will get 1000 Euros and the runner-up receives 500 Euros.

Thank you very much and have a nice day.

All the best, Maria Persson

Managing Editor


Utlysning - forskning inom radioekologi och interndosimetri för radionuklider genererade vid ESS



SSM utlyser medel för forskning inom radioekologi och interndosimetri kopplat till radionuklider genererade vid ESS. Se bifogade filer.








Andrzej Wojcik, Prof. D.Sc.


Centre for Radiation Protection Research, MBW Department

Stockholm University, Svante Arrhenius väg 20C, room 515

106 91 Stockholm, Sweden.

Tel: +46 8 16 1217, Fax: +46 8 16 4315

Tel. mobile: +46 762 122 744

Web page:  



Tuesday, April 16, 2019

internship announcement, June-August 2019

Hello all.


I am in need of student interns for this summer’s fieldwork season (June 10 – August 16). The fieldwork will take place in the Swedish mountains and deadline for application is April 22.


I kindly ask you to spread this information to interested students.


Thanks for your help,

Alessia Uboni



Alessia Uboni, PhD
Postdoctoral researcher

Department of Animal Nutrition and Management

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden


Guest researcher at the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, University of Oslo, Norway


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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Post-doc position in Aquatic Ecology, Lund

Dear all,
Please find enclosed ( the announcement for a post-doc position in Aquatic Ecology, specifically "Freshwater biodiversity in a changing climate". Please feel free to spread the anouncement to your network/L-A

Lars-Anders Hansson
Prof. Limnology
Lund University, Sweden

Have you seen our books?
Brönmark, C. & Hansson, L-A. The Biology of Lakes and Ponds, Third Edition, Oxford University Press 2017.
Hansson, L-A & Åkesson, S (eds): Animal Movement Across Scales. Oxford University Press 2014.
Brönmark, C & Hansson, L-A (eds): Chemical Ecology in Aquatic Systems. Oxford University Press 2012.

Två års visstidsanstäöllning forskare/miljöanalysspecialist



Vi har en visstids anställning som forskare/miljöanalysspecialist på två år utlyst vid Kustlaboratoriet, institutionen för akvatiska resurser, Sveriges Lantbruksunviversitet. Personen vi söker kommer i huvudsak att jobba med rumsliga analyser och redskapsutveckling. Sista ansökningsdatum är 21/4.



Sprid gärna annonsen!



Ann-Britt Florin
Biträdande avdelningschef

Docent i ekologi

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Institutionen för akvatiska resurser (SLU Aqua)
Skolgatan 6, 742 42 Öregrund
Telefon: 010-478 41 22, mobil: 076-126 80 62
SLU Aqua på Facebook

Vår vision: Starka fiskbestånd i friska vatten.

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

PhD-student position on effects of Extreme weather

Dear colleagues,

We are looking for a candidate for a new PhD-student position in Ecology at Stockholm University. The student will work in a Formas-financed project entitled: "The effects of extreme drought on woodland key habitat biodiversity and opportunities to enhance resilience".

Last day for application is already April 23 so please distribute to potential candidates as soon as possible!

Please feel free to contact me for further information:

Link to Swedish version:'


Link to English version:

Best regards,

Kristoffer Hylander

Summary from the Formas-application:

Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and it is likely that such event disproportionally affect biodiversity. The summer of 2018 was characterized by an extreme drought in Sweden. We here propose to investigate how such an event affects species of conservation concern in woodland key habitats (small areas of high conservation quality embedded in a managed matrix). We evaluate the effects on several important forest biodiversity groups with different functional responses to drought: vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens. The project consists of four interlinked work packages (WP). In WP1 we evaluate the effects of drought severity on the focal species along a precipitation gradient among woodland key habitats, using spatially and temporally high resolution data on rainfall patterns. Species occurrences from before the drought year will be compared to post-drought occurrences. WP2 will address the hypothesis that microclimatic edge effects are stronger during extreme droughts (and thus a larger forest area is affected), by using a two unique retrospective methods: moss growth patterns and blueberry dendrochronology. WP3 is composed of two field experiments in which drought and potential buffering mechanisms (shade and soil moisture) that may mitigate effects of extreme drought, are manipulated. Finally, in WP4 we summarize our recommendations for mitigation and adaptation actions to increase the efficacy of conservation for policy and management against droughts.


Kristoffer Hylander (Prof.)

Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences

Stockholm University

10691 Stockholm

08 164899

0765 525267

Open post-doc position on vegetation-climate interactions at NINA - Tromsø

On behalf of Jarle Bjerke, Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA).

Available position:
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in vegetation-climate interactions

The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research has a 2-year postdoctoral position vacant at the Department of Arctic Ecology located at the Fram Centre in Tromsø, Norway.
About the position
The successful applicant will join the international team of researchers in the project VANWHITE: "The vanishing white: management of stressors causing reduction of pale vegetation surfaces in the Arctic and the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau". The project is financed by the Research Council of Norway and by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

NINA is Norway's leading institution in applied ecological research and has approximately 270 employees. The Department of Arctic Ecology has ca. 30 research scientists, postdocs, PhD students and research assistants of numerous nationalities. More information about NINA and Tromsø can be found at<> .

VANWHITE will develop realistic strategies to maximize the climate-regulation ability of northern lands - especially pale, cold-adapted vegetation surfaces - for the benefit of local societies and the global community. This will require a more detailed knowledge on the role of arctic, subarctic and alpine terrestrial ecosystems in the climate system. This includes elucidation of the carbon economy and albedo of pale ecosystems in contrast to darker ecosystems, increased understanding of the past dynamics and current status of pale ecosystems, and identification of the major global and local stressors and their impacts on the climate-regulating capacity of these ecosystems.

The applicants should have completed a PhD-degree in terrestrial global change biology and/or associated subjects (e.g. land-climate feedbacks, remote sensing, general ecology). The candidate should be fluent in English and preferably also a Scandinavian language (oral and written) and should preferably also have experience with field work in arctic and/or alpine environments. The postdoctoral fellow will generate and analyze field and remotely sensed data relevant for understanding the role of arctic and alpine vegetation types in the local and global climate system. Knowledge on albedo and carbon measurements and non-vascular vegetation (lichens and bryophytes) is much welcomed but not a prerequisite. The project will involve field work in the Nordic Arctic Region including Svalbard. The fellow will also contribute to quantify the impacts of herbivores, human land use and air pollution on arctic land surfaces.

Host institution and international partner institution
The postdoctoral fellow will be based at NINA's Department of Arctic Ecology at the Fram Centre in Tromsø. Under the auspices of the Norwegian Government, the Fram Centre is a nucleus for international polar science, policies and management (<>). The research group in Tromsø includes three senior scientists, two PhD students and research partners at Uit - The Arctic University of Norway. In addition, the project consortium includes senior scientists in global change and environmental economics at Chinese, US and other Norwegian universities and institutions. A 6-month overseas stay at one of the partner universities should be expected.

NINA offers
* Salary will start on Norwegian pay scale level 66 (currently about 586 500 NOK annually).
* Good welfare, pension and insurance arrangements.
* Flexible working hours.
* A welcoming and inspiring working environment.
* Beautiful surroundings

Candidates should submit their application with references via e-mail to Siri Svendsen,<>, attaching the following:
* Letter of application describing the reasons why he or she is particularly suited for the position (maximum 500 words)
* CV, containing a complete overview of education, supervised professional training and professional work, including a list of scientific publications and scientific public outreach activities.
* Scans of certified copies of diploma for completed degrees. These must be in English or a Scandinavian language.
* PDF documents of PhD thesis, manuscripts not yet published and book chapters should be attached, while it is generally not necessary to attach PDFs of journal articles (but publication list should include DOI and/or URL to these publications). If PhD thesis is not ready by the application deadline (but will be complete soon, i.e. well before the tentative starting date), a draft version should be included, and it will be possible to submit the final thesis at a later stage.

Selected candidates will be invited for interview. We encourage all qualified candidates to apply, irrespective of gender, physical ability or cultural background.

Tentative starting date: 1 September 2019.

Further information about the position is available by contacting Senior Researcher Dr Jarle W. Bjerke, e-mail<>, tel +47 918 64 155.

The application deadline is April 29, 2019.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Summer field research assistant position in Sweden



I am seeking one field research assistant to assist me with plant and pollinator sampling in Skåne County, southern Sweden, from 1st of June 15th to September, 2019. The deadline for applications is May 1st. Students interested in landscape and pollinator ecology are encouraged to apply. More information below:


Timeline: 1st of June 15th to September, 2019 (with some flexibility).


Location: Field sites based around Skåne.


Compensation: Monthly salary will approximately be 20’000 SEK depending on experience.


Primary Responsibilities: Netting and identifying pollinators in wildflowers edges and clover fields, carrying out flower community composition surveys, carrying out flower pot experiments and data entry.


Secondary Responsibilities: Assessing seed set and fruit measurements on potted and wild flowers. 


Required Qualifications: Bachelor degree in Ecology/Biology/Entomology or another related major by the time the project starts. Driving license. Ability to walk transects and collect pollinators would be highly advantageous. Ability to sample data with high attention to detail. Basic computer skills (excel) and a cheerful attitude when working outdoors for long periods of time (sometimes on weekends).


Desired Qualifications: Interest in identifying insects and plants.


To apply: Please send a cover letter (up to 500 words), contact information for one reference (phone and email), and a current CV by the 1st of May to:


Laura Riggi

Subject : Pollinator Research Position 2019



Ecology Department

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Uppsala, SW



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