Thursday, February 28, 2019

Two postdocs and two PhD positions

Dear All,


Four positions (two Postdocs and two PhD positions) are available at the Restoration Ecology Group, Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies, SLU, Umeå. The Restoration Ecology Group ( is a well-established and dynamic research group with a focus on biodiversity conservation and restoration. The research group has a very good national and international network, thus providing good opportunities for collaboration.


The positions are placed in four different projects focusing on: evaluation of ecological compensation, effects of wildfire on insects, spread of an introduced tree species and the importance of green infrastructure for biodiversity. Links to full announcements below (PDF’s attached).


Sincerely yours


Joakim, Therese, Anne and Jörgen


Joakim Hjältén
Professor, Deputy Department Chair

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dept. of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies

S-901 83 Umea, Sweden

Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd

Phoner: +46 (0)70-3178183


Research profile:




Founder and coordinator of the Restoration Ecology research group (former forest BioCoRE group)




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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Två forskartjänster vid SLU Aqua Kustlab Öregrund


Vi har två tillsvidaretjänster utannonserade på Kustlab. Det gäller tjänsterna som ”Forskare/Miljöanalysspecialist i beståndsanalys av fisk och populationsgenetik” och ”Forskare/Miljöanalysspecialist i ekosystemanalys och beståndsanalys av fisk”.


Sista ansökningsdatum är 18/3. Kolla gärna SLU:s sida för utannonserade tjänster , sök själv eller sprid information i era nätverk.




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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

PhD possition Umeå

The Department of Ecology and Environmental Science (EMG) Umeå University Sweden opens a 4-year PhD position in Earth Science.  This project will use state-of-the-art paleoecological techniques to reconstruct historical dynamics in soil macrofauna communities in Scandinavia. In addition, the project will use experiments conducted in the contemporary environment to assess the impact of macrofauna on soil processes and freshwater chemistry. The principle supervisor to this project is Docent Jonatan Klaminder See the link below for more information.

PhD-position in arctic plant-soil-microbe interactions at CIRC in Abisko

Dear all,

Please find below an announcement for a PhD position at CIRC in Abisko (Umeå University).




Dear colleagues,

We are currently recruiting a PhD-student to join my group in Abisko and I would be grateful if you could forward the announcement below to suitable potential candidates. This is an open search, without any pre-identified candidates, so all applications are welcome!
My apologies for any cross-postings.

Many thanks,


A PhD-positioin Ecology (4 years) is available in Abisko at the Climate Impacts Research Centre of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University, north Sweden, to study the seasonal dynamics of plant-soil-microbe interactions in arctic ecosystems. Uptake of carbon by arctic plants is strongly limited by their access to nutrients, especially nitrogen, due to competition by microbes. Climate change can alter the interactions between plants and microbes, and can therefore alter nitrogen and carbon cycles in arctic ecosystems. In the Arctic, climate change is especially pronounced during autumn, winter and spring, but their impacts on plant-soil-microbe interactions remain unclear. We are looking for a PhD-student to investigate the seasonal dynamics of interactions for nitrogen between arctic plants and microbes, and how this changes with altered winter, spring and autumn climate. See further:

Application Deadline: 2019-03-14

Ellen Dorrepaal 
Associate professor
Climate Impacts Research Centre
Dep. of Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University
Vetenskapensväg 38
S-981 07 Abisko

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Open post doc positions in Statistical Ecology and Population / Community Ecology in the Research Centre for Ecological Change / Helsinki, Finland

Dear all,

The Research Centre for Ecological Change ( at the University of Helsinki, Finland, is seeking two new post docs.


Statistical Ecology

The post doc takes part in the development of statistical methods for analyzing long-term ecological data and in statistical analyses within the Research Centre for Ecological Change. The methodological work focuses on the development of Hierarchical Modelling of Species Communities (HMSC) and hierarchical multivariate Gaussian processes. More info & apply here by 1st of April


Po­pu­la­tion/​​Com­mu­ni­ty Eco­lo­gy

We are seeking a post doc to analyze extensive ecological datasets. The successful candidate will take part in developing the specific research questions, and in linking spatial and temporal data on the abundance and distribution of species and on community composition to data on habitat structure, population harvesting, fragmentation, land use and/or weather. More info & apply here by 1st of April


Best wishes,

The REC team

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Monday, February 25, 2019

Post doc position and scholarship

Dear all,


We are announcing one post doc position and one post doc stipend in conservation biology. For both, the post doc period is 2 years.


We are looking for a post doc to a position within a project about nature conservation strategies and monitoring of biodiversity in protected areas. The post doc will work within a synthesis project conducted by a group of researchers at Lund University and SLU and financed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The post doc will become a part of a strong international research environment in which both basic and applied research questions are dealt with, both by empirical studies and in synthesis projects. See the full announcement at:


Second, we have tax free post doc scholarship from Carl Tryggers Foundation to the project “Effects of climate change on forest insects – consequences on conservation strategies and pest management”. See attachments for the full announcement.


/Thomas Ranius



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Open position as Senior Lecturer in Marine Biodiversity at University of Gothenburg

Open position as Senior Lecturer in Marine Biodiversity 

We have a position open as Senior Lecturer in Marine Biodiversity at the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of Gothenburg.

The successful candidate is expected to develop a research agenda in marine biodiversity with focus on evolutionary biology

The position is placed at the Department of Marine Sciences – Tjärnö (on the coast ca 170 km north of Gothenburg), which has a strong background in evolutionary biology, easy access to highly diverse marine habitats, including the adjacent marine national park Kosterhavet, and excellent facilities for experimental work, culturing and molecular methods.

Deadline: 2019-04-12

Eva Marie Rödström
Research Coordinator
The Linnaeus Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology (CeMEB)

Department of Marine Sciences
Lovén Centre for Marine Infrastructure - Tjärnö
University of Gothenburg
skype: emxrod
+46 (0)31 786 9630
+46 (0)76 622 9630 
+46 (0)31 786 1333 (fax)

Department of Marine Sciences -

Centre for Sea and Society -

Friday, February 22, 2019

JOBS: 3 Postdocs, 1 PhD-student agroecology theoretical ecology Sweden

Join our team at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in
Uppsala (! We have four positions open. Please spread the word

Postdoc in theoretical ecology to explore ecosystem functioning in
dynamic food webs

Postdoc on population and food web ecology for sustainable crop

Postdoc in modelling plant-environment interactions, with a focus on
perennial crops

PhD-student on crop production adaptations to climate change

Sorry about cross-postings

Riccardo Bommarco @BommarcoLab

Giulia Vico @Vico_Lab

Ola Lundin

Riccardo Bommarco, Professor
Twitter @BommarcoLab
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Ecology,
Box 7044, SE-750 07 Uppsala, SWEDEN
Phone +46-(0)18-672423
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8th European Congress of Mammalogy

8th European Congress of Mammalogy to be held in Warsaw, Poland in September 2019

On behalf of the Local Organising and Scientific Committees we are pleased to invite you to attend the 8th European Congress of Mammalogy to be held 23 - 27 September 2019 in Warsaw, Poland.

We are looking forward to welcome you in Warsaw in 2019!

Please, mark the date and visit the conference website for more information:




Best regards,

Zbigniew Borowski


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Välkommen till ArtDatabankens Flora - och faunavårdskonferens 2019!


Natur i förvandling - främmande arter och naturvård

I år kommer ArtDatabankens Flora- och faunavårdskonferens att handla om främmande arter i svensk natur – vilka risker finns det, hur uppskattas de nya arterna, vem har ansvar för dem, var dyker de upp och går de att bli av med? Och inte minst: hur ska vi hantera dessa arter i det dagliga naturvårdsarbetet?

För första gången i Sverige samlas alla som redan arbetar eller kommer att arbeta med främmande arter för att diskutera dessa svåra frågor. Under dagen kommer ArtDatabanken att berätta om den nya utvärderingen av främmande arters potentiella negativa effekt på svensk biologisk mångfald. Och vi är mycket glada att professor Helen Roy från England, som är en internationell frontfigur inom främmande arter och Citizen Science, medverkar. I år är konferensen dessutom utökad till två dagar. Stanna gärna kvar den 11 april för fler seminarier på samma tema samt praktiska övningar med ArtDatabankens verktyg.

Anmäl dig senast 20 mars och få lägre pris!





SLU Campus i Ultuna


ArtDatabanken är ett kunskapscentrum för Sveriges arter och naturtyper. Vi bidrar till en hållbar förvaltning av naturresurser genom att samla in, analysera och tillgängliggöra data samt beskriva och presentera fakta om biologisk mångfald.





Johan Samuelsson

Program kommunikation


Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Box 7007, 750 07 Uppsala

Besöksadress: Almas allé 8E
018-67 34 09

070-679 34 09



Välkommen till

främmande arter och naturvård

Uppsala 10-11 april




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KaU - PhD in biology: community and food web ecology

Sorry, here is the attachment…


KaU - PhD in biology: community and food web ecology

Karlstad University has currently an opening for one full-time Ph. D. position in biology,

in the field of community and food web ecology (see attachment for complete announcement in English and Swedish).

Contact: Denis Lafage (denis.lafage@kau,se) and Eva Bergman (


Deadline is 14 March 2019.


Kind regards,

Lutz Eckstein



Professor of Plant Ecology

Karlstad University

Department of Environmental and Life Sciences, Biology

SE-651 88 Karlstad, Sweden

phone 0046 (0)54-700 2278


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

PhD course: Stable isotopes for ecologists

Stable isotopes as a tool for ecologists (5 ects), May 2019

Course for PhD students


This is a course for those who want to receive an overview and a more profound knowledge of how stable isotopes can be used in modern ecological research. The focus is primarily on research questions and practical applications, but the underlying theoretical aspects are also covered. Examples of the content are: geological distribution and fractionation, ecological applications, archaeological and paleozoological applications. We will also present several of the software used to analyse and model stable isotopes. An individual practical project is also included. The course on Stable isotopes as a tool for ecologists runs in connection with the course Molecular ecology (15hp). Interested PhD students are welcome to participate.


Time: weeks 20-22 (lectures + project)


Last date for application 2019-03-20. For application and more information, contact:

Anders Angerbjörn +468- 16 4035



Monday, February 18, 2019

Workshop: Machine learning fo Biologists



Reminder for those interested, to register for workshop as per below:


Dear all

We are currently planning the workhsop 'Machine Learning for Biologists' as a part of the DeepDive project. The workshop is taking place from May 13th to May 15th, at the Kaløvig Center close to our department near Aarhus in Denmark. I have attached the invitation for the workshop and hope that you can help distributing it to potential participants within your countries. The deadline for application is 1st of March.


The workshop is intended for PhD students and young scientists with some python programming skills. The workshop is free of charge, but participants should cover own travel costs.


Have a nice weekend.

Kind regards Jesper Bladt


Jesper Bladt
Senior advisor
Department of Bioscience

Aarhus University

Grenaavel 14

8410 Roende

Phone: 8715 8883


/Anders Telenius – Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure

Sunday, February 17, 2019

PhD position: Evolution into Social Ecological Systems

Doctoral candidate position in the project "Cooperation, Evolution and Resource Management"
University of Turku

Our project funded by the Kone Foundation tests the applicability of evolutionary models to the study of human decision-making processes in the context of natural resource management. Our approach is interdisciplinary, and combines research questions and methodologies from both social and natural sciences. An important methodology shared by the two disciplines is the game theoretical approach. In the global scale there has been a shift from the Tragedy of Commons approach to the Drama of Commons approach with a more optimistic view on the capacity of local stakeholders to solve problems related to common pool resource management. We are mainly interested to find out in what circumstances a stable local common pool resource management might succeed. Our empirical focus will be on the management of Finnish fish and game resources, reindeer pastures and common forests. A more theoretical focus is finding the key differences and commonalities between the theories used in different fields.
Duties: We recruit a doctoral candidate who would cooperate in data collection, statistical analyses and writing articles with the aim to produce an article-based PhD thesis. Data will be extracted from the long-term datasets collected by Finnish national research institutions (mainly Statistics Finland, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Finnish Environment Institute, The Finnish Wildlife Agency, Finnish Forest Centre, Reindeer Herders' Association) and their local offices. For specific research questions interview studies will be performed. An important theoretical framework throughout the project will be the Social Ecological Systems (SES) theory developed by Elinor Ostrom and her co-researchers.
Qualifications: Essential qualifications are: (1) An MSc or equivalent degree, for example in (evolutionary) biology, economy or some of the social sciences, (2) Experience of quantitative methods and statistics, (3) A genuine and preferably documented interest in combining (evolutionary) biology with a wider societal perspective. Desired qualifications are: (a) Strong statistical skills, (b) Experience in working with public databases, (c) A willingness to learn new methodologies or approaches also from other disciplines. Knowledge of Finnish is not a requirement but is considered an asset as most of the data will be sources in Finnish.
Place of work: University of Turku, Finland
Work group: LuHa - Jon Brommer, Timo Vuorisalo (University of Turku), Lauri Rapeli (Åbo Akademi University), Patrik Karell (NOVIA University of Applied Science), Heikki Helanterä (University of Oulu)
Form of employment: The doctoral candidate recruited for this position will be paid a non-negotiable grant of €28,800/year during four years, for which approximately 14% is to be paid as compulsory social charges (see and of which some part is taxed (see
Extent: 100 %
Starting date: Preferably April 1, 2019 (negotiable)
Application: No later than 28 February 2019. The application is electronic. The link
will take you to a form where you are asked to fill in your contact information, provide names and E-mail addresses of two persons who can provide a reference for you and where you can attach your diploma, CV, and a letter of motivation where you describe why you would be a suitable candidate for the position. Your application will be temporarily stored for the sole purpose of recruiting the position advertised here; it will not be shared with others than the LuHa workgroup members and will be permanently deleted after recruitment is concluded.
Contact person: Associate professor Jon Brommer (, University of Turku; Associate professor Heikki Helanterä (, University of Oulu.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Välkommen till ArtDatabankens Flora - och faunavårdskonferens 2019!



From: artdatabankensluse
Sent: den 15 februari 2019 14:37
To: artdata-alla; artdatabankensluse
Subject: Välkommen till ArtDatabankens Flora - och faunavårdskonferens 2019!


Hej alla!

Idag börjar vi att skicka ut inbjudan till Flora- och faunavård 2019!


Anmäl dig gärna redan nu men senast 20 mars, senare höjs avgifte med 350 kr.


Årets Flora- och faunavårdskonferens med temat ”Natur i förvandling - främmande arter och naturvård”  anordnas 10 april i Uppsala.


Se programmet här >>




Johan Sa, Ulrika, Malin och Mora.


Natur i förvandling - främmande arter och naturvård

I år kommer ArtDatabankens Flora- och faunavårdskonferens att handla om främmande arter i svensk natur – vilka risker finns det, hur uppskattas de nya arterna, vem har ansvar för dem, var dyker de upp och går de att bli av med? Och inte minst: hur ska vi hantera dessa arter i det dagliga naturvårdsarbetet?

För första gången i Sverige samlas alla som redan arbetar eller kommer att arbeta med främmande arter för att diskutera dessa svåra frågor. Under dagen kommer ArtDatabanken att berätta om den nya utvärderingen av främmande arters potentiella negativa effekt på svensk biologisk mångfald. Och vi är mycket glada att professor Helen Roy från England, som är en internationell frontfigur inom främmande arter och Citizen Science, medverkar. I år är konferensen dessutom utökad till två dagar. Stanna gärna kvar den 11 april för fler seminarier på samma tema samt praktiska övningar med ArtDatabankens verktyg.

Anmäl dig senast 20 mars!


Se programmet här >>




SLU Campus i Ultuna


ArtDatabanken är ett kunskapscentrum för Sveriges arter och naturtyper. Vi bidrar till en hållbar förvaltning av naturresurser genom att samla in, analysera och tillgängliggöra data samt beskriva och presentera fakta om biologisk mångfald.



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E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here

Effects of Peatland Forestry on Water Quality

PhD student at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management at SLU, Umeå, Sweden

Effects of Peatland Forestry on Water Quality

Project title: Side-by-side comparison of the effects of management of old forest ditches on water quality: cleaning vs. ecological restoration vs. left alone


Millions of hectares of northern peatlands have been drained for forestry, with new estimates of up to 1 million km of ditches in Sweden alone. Drainage has increased forest productivity in some, but not all areas. The future fate of these drainage ditches can be to: 1) clean them to ensure continued drainage, 2) ecologically restore them to a more natural state, or 3) leave them alone. Most research on peatland forestry and, in particular ditch cleaning and ecological restoration of peatlands, has been done in Finland and our goal is to do a side-by-side comparison of these three different management options in Sweden with the goal of determining their effects on water quality and quantity. Thus, more informed decisions can be made about how Sweden can sustainably manage our forests to ensure high water quality and forest productivity.


Description of position

We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to coordinate this side-by-side experiment and complement it with laboratory work that will study the effects of different soil water levels in a controlled environment. Field work will take advantage of both the infrastructure associated with the long-term Krycklan Catchment Study ( and the nearby GRIP on LIFE Integrated EU Life Project where various forestry management scenarios are being tested for their effects on water quality. There is also the opportunity for the student to travel to Finland to work for a few months to participate in laboratory experiments and article writing.

The proposed work could apply a broad spectrum of hydrological and ecosystem ecology measurements – e.g. discharge, biogeochemistry, soil microbial processes, plant ecophysiology and/or plant diversity – to survey how headwater streams and waterways in boreal forests are impacted by clear-cutting, ditch cleaning, and ecological restoration. This will involve intensive summer fieldwork about an hour drive north of Umeå, Sweden, and periods of laboratory work and sample analysis.


The PhD student should start in April or May of 2019, but starting date is flexible for the right candidate. This position is fully funded for four years with the expectation that she or he will complete a PhD-degree within this time. There may be potential to extend the length of the PhD contract with teaching, but the successful candidate is expected to be primarily researched based. The PhD student will be under the supervision of Hjalmar Laudon and Eliza Maher Hasselquist, at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management, SLU in Umeå, Sweden and will work closely within an international group of researchers with diverse expertise.

Eligibility/entry requirements


·      MSc. in a relevant subject (hydrology, biogeochemistry, ecology, forest science or similar).

·      Willingness to travel and spend long periods of time doing fieldwork.

·      Strong work ethic.

·      Driver's license.



·        Experience with laboratory work in stream chemistry, soil science, and/or biogeochemistry.

·        Experience with quantitative statistical analyses, particularly statistics in R.

·        Experience coordinating projects or with project management.

·        Experience with working independently & organizing own work schedule.

·        Experience with working successfully within a team.

Application Information

The application should be written in English and include the following:

·        CV

·        Cover letter describing yourself and your motivation for applying for this position

·        Short (max one page) description of your scientific background, research interests and your match to the above mentioned qualifications

·        Verified copies of graduation degrees, or equivalent, as well as other relevant certificates (e.g. English-language certificate, if you did not do your previous    studies in Sweden or in a native English speaking country)

·        Name and contact information of two professional references.


Apply no later than March 1, 2019. Evaluations will be based on the application letter, references, interview and relevance of previous experiences.

Apply here:

 SLU has an international character both when it comes to research and teaching. The department of Forest Ecology and Management has a staff of 76 members, of which 12 are professors. Our mission is to advance the understanding of forest ecosystem processes and to assist in developing sustainable forest management practices. For more information about the department, please visit

 For additional information about this position, please contact:

Hjalmar Laudon ( or

Eliza Maher Hasselquist (