the Swedish Oikos 2019 conference (4-7 February 2019 in Uppsala) is taking shape, and you now have the opportunity to contribute by (i) proposing sessions, (ii) nominating an early career plenary speaker, and (iii) arranging satellite symposia.
Please see below for details on and deadlines for contributing.
Looking forward to your contributions!
Greetings from the Oikos 2019 organizing group:
Jan Bengtsson, SLU, Alistair Auffret, SLU, Anna Gårdmark, SLU, Eva Lindström, UU, Frauke Fedderwitz, SLU, Jonas Josefsson, SLU, Kristin Scharnweber, UU, Leonard Sandin, SLU, Magnus Huss, SLU
Planned Oikos 2019 Themes:
- Eco-evolutionary dynamics
- Global change ecology – from individuals to ecosystem responses
- Landscape ecology
- Behavioral ecology – Decisions that matter
- Trophic interactions
- Microbial ecology – Small things with big effects
(i) Proposing a session
In addition to the six themes already planned (above), we welcome proposals for sessions organized around other topics. The organizing committee will select two proposed sessions to be included in the program. Sessions can be of various formats, of a length of maximum 1.5 hours. Be creative! Proposers commit themselves to evaluating abstracts submitted for the session, should the suggested session be selected for the program.
Note that the sessions shouldn't be habitat- or organisms-based. If you want to arrange such, it is welcome as a satellite symposium (see iii below).
To propose a session, provide a max 1 page description and motivation of the session, and contact details to the organizers that commit themselves to organizing the session and evaluating corresponding abstracts (should it be selected). The subject field of the email should read SESSION PROPOSAL. Email to Oikos2019@slu.se no later than October 22nd.
(ii) Nominating an early career scientist as plenary speaker
In addition to the plenary speakers already invited (a great list!), you are welcome to nominate an early career scientist whom we will invite to give a plenary lecture. By early career we aim for approximately the final year as a PhD-student or during the first couple of years as postdoc. The nominated candidate should have graduated from, or currently be affiliated with, a Swedish university. The early career scientist chosen for plenary will have the same conditions as other invited plenary speakers, with hotel and travel paid for. Candidates are of course welcome to nominate themselves!
To nominate an early career scientist for plenary talk, provide a short motivation including the broad area that the suggested plenary would be on, attach a key paper by the nominee, and information on the connection to a Swedish university. The subject field of the email should read EARLY CAREER PLENARY PROPOSAL. Email to Oikos2019@slu.se no later than October 22nd.
(iii) Arranging a satellite symposium
If you want to arrange a satellite symposium in connection to Oikos 2019, you are welcome to do so at SLU Ultuna campus (Uppsala) on the Monday February 4th before the Welcome Reception & Pub in the evening that opens the conference. In that case, please let us know and we can help arrange rooms for the symposia.
To notify on arrangement of satellite symposium, please send us an email to declare your general interest in arranging a satellite symposium, including title of the symposium, expected number of attendants, and contact details to the organizers of the satellite symposium. The subject field of the email should read SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM. Email to Oikos2019@slu.se no later than October 22nd. --
Alistair Auffret Associate Senior Lecturer in Landscape Ecology
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Department of Ecology
Box 7044, 750 07 Uppsala
Visiting address: Ulls väg 16
alistair.auffret@slu.se ---
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