Dear colleagues,
This is the second announcement for the PhD offer "Response of migratory salmonid populations to global changes".
Due to administrative constraints the application deadline is advanced to 25th July 2018. Interviews for final selection (possible by skype) will be conducted on 30th-31st July and 1st August.
We are seeking an enthusiastic and motivated student to join our group for a 3-years PhD fellow based in the Ecology and Ecosystem Health research Unit at INRA-Agrocampus Ouest (Rennes, Brittany, France).
Funding for the PhD are secured for three years, starting in November 2018.
The PhD stands in the framework of the "Samarch" European Interreg France-Channel-England project; and will involve national & international collaborations.
The project seeks to analyze the impact of marine ecosystem changes on the survival and life history strategy of anadromous salmonids, including Atlantic salmon and Sea trout, and to transfer this new knowledge into stock assessment models. The project has three phases:
1- Analyse individual patterns of growth at sea over time and space from historical scales collections available from 5 populations in France and UK.
2- Develop new size and stage-structure population model to account for trade-offs/correlations between traits and the influence of environmental variability into population dynamics.
3- Use the model for hindcasting and forecasting scenarios to analyse the impact of changes in growth conditions at sea on population dynamics and resilience.
A detailed description of the PhD in attached to the present email (English / French).
Please apply by email (Dr Marie NEVOUX <> and Dr. Etienne RIVOT <>), enclosing the attached PhD Application form (in French or English, see attached). We will also require 1 to 3 recommendation letters using the attached template (your referees need to fill the form and sent it to us by email).
Please distribute this message to anyone that you think may be interested or to any group or institution that might have suitable candidates.
Yours sincerely,
Marie Nevoux & Etienne Rivot
Marie Nevoux
INRA, UMR Ecologie et Santé des Ecosystèmes
Equipe Conservation et Restauration des Ecosystèmes Aquatiques
65 rue de Saint-Brieuc, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Tél : +33 (0)2 23 48 52 35
Web :
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