Monday, June 25, 2018

Oikos list: PhD offer: Response of migratory salmonid populations to global changes

Dear colleagues,

We are seeking an enthusiastic and motivated student to join our group for a 3-years PhD fellow based in the Ecology and Ecosystem Health research Unit at INRA-Agrocampus Ouest (Rennes, Brittany, France).

Funding for the PhD are secured for three years, starting in November 2018.

The PhD stands in the framework of the "Samarch" Europeand Interreg France-Channel-England project;

The project seeks to analyze the impact of marine ecosystem changes on the survival and life history strategy of anadromous salmonids, including Atlantic salmon and Sea trout, and to transfer this new knowledge into stock assessment models.

A detailed description of the PhD in attached to the present email (English / French).

The closing date for application is 30th of September 2018. Please apply preferentially by email, enclosing your CV and a cover letter. Applications will be reviewed on a regular basis during the summer period until the closing date

For further information and application, please contact Dr Marie NEVOUX ( or Dr. Etienne RIVOT (

Please distribute this message to anyone that you think may be interested or to any group or institution that might have suitable candidates. 

Yours sincerely,


Etienne Rivot & Marie Nevoux




Marie Nevoux
INRA, UMR Ecologie et Santé des Ecosystèmes
Equipe Conservation et Restauration des Ecosystèmes Aquatiques
65 rue de Saint-Brieuc, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Tél : +33 (0)2 23 48 52 35

Web :



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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

PhD course in South Africa



SLU's research school ECOS (Ecology and Society), in collaboration with the Nsasani Trust in South Africa, are offering an exciting PhD course on "Global Perspectives on Adaptive Wildlife Management". This course aims to bring together students from European and South African universities to jointly analyze and contrast global wildlife management challenges, and learn about how the adaptive management framework can be used to manage these challenges.


It is a highly interdisciplinary course covering broad fields such as political science and ecology, and students will be interacting with a diverse group of European and South African scientists and wildlife managers. The core part of the course is a 16-day field trip to the Nsasani trust's educational campus in Kruger National Park, South Africa.


Application deadline is 1 September 2018. Make sure to not miss this deadline because the number of student spots in this course is limited. Please note there is no course fee.


More information can be found on attached flyer and on


Best wishes from the core course organizing team,


Joris Cromsigt

Sabrina Dressel

Karen Vickers

Camilla Sandström


Associate Prof. Joris Cromsigt

Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Wildlife, Fish & Environmental Studies, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Skogsmarksgränd, SE-901 83 Umeå, Sweden

T +46 90 786 8388 M +46 70 676 0097 E

Environmental Sciences group, Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University, the Netherlands


Research Associate, Centre for African Conservation Ecology, Department of Zoology

Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Behavioral Ecology Conference


This years International conference in Behavioral Ecology - the ISBE-conference will be held in Minneapolis, US  11-16 August 2018 -  see The conference covers the science of evolutionary behavioral ecology in a broad sense.

SIGN UP Before July 20

 It is a warmly welcoming international conference with diverse and high-profile scientists, the conference works with equal opportunities, there are arrangements like diversity lunch, post-doc lunch, sign up to meet senior faculty (mentors) etc. see  The conference is held in a very good conference facility and Minnesota is beautiful for anyone interested in nature.

ISBELogo6_3-01_LEFT_v2Register and submit your abstract to present a poster at ISBE 2018.

July 20, 2018,
is the deadline for online registration, for submitting a poster abstract, for purchasing tickets to attend the closing super social (limited tickets remain!), and for booking rooms in conference hotels at a discounted rate.

August 11-16, 2018 are the dates for the ISBE 2018 Conference

Please visit the 
ISBE 2018 conference website
 for updates and additional information. Follow ISBE 2018 on facebook and twitter, and please share this email with anyone you believe may be interested in attending. 

Page Title

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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Oikos list: Senior lecturer in Crop Production with focus on weeds

Job vacancy at the SLU in Uppsala, Sweden: Senior lecturer in Crop Production with focus on weeds in agricultural crops

We are looking for a senior lecturer in crop production with a specific responsibility to work with collaboration and extension and who wishes to contribute to sustainable agricultural production and develop collaboration and dialogue between society and the university.


See the following link for further information:



Dr Paula Persson

Prefekt / Head of Department


Växtekologi, växt-patogen interaktioner / Plant Ecology, plant-pathogen interactions


Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Växtproduktionsekologi / Crop Production Ecology

PO Box 7043, SE 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden

Visiting address: Ulls väg 16

Phone: +46 18 67 23 58, Mobile: +46 70 53 248 17




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E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Oikos list: Naturvårdsverket söker biolog/ekolog för kortare uppdrag

Naturvårdsverket söker biolog/ekolog för kortare uppdrag


Naturvårdsverket söker en nyutexaminerad student alt doktorand inom biologi/ekologi för ett tidsbegränsat uppdrag på 4-5 månader under 2018.

Uppdragets huvuduppgift är att bidra i Naturvårdsverkets prövning av nematoder, insekter och spindeldjur som används som biologiska bekämpningsmedel

Vi söker dig som är analytisk och noggrann, har vana att söka och sammanställa vetenskaplig litteratur, skriver svenska flytande och kan arbeta självständigt.  

Placeringsort är Östersund eller Stockholm

Vid intresse kontakta Maria Björkman ( för mer information.
--   Dr. Jessica K. Abbott  Senior University Lecturer  Department of Biology  Section for Evolutionary Ecology  Lund University  Sölvegatan 37  223 62 Lund, Sweden  Phone: 046 222 9304  Website:    "It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."  - Charles Darwin, Descent of Man

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

FW: PhD positions in pollination

Dear all,


I hope you are well. I will be moving to University College Dublin in September, and have three upcoming PhD positions available on pollinators and pollination, and the impacts of both pesticide use and weather. For detailed descriptions and more information please see Please spread the word around any candidates who may be interested!


It’s a great time for pollination research in Ireland and Jane also has some positions available at Trinity College Dublin:






Dr Dara Anne Stanley


Lecturer in Plant Ecology

Room 326, Martin Ryan Building

Botany and Plant Science, School of Natural Sciences

National University of Ireland Galway


Ph: +353 (91) 49 34 22


Monday, June 4, 2018

Oikos list: Open PhD positions in Regensburg


2 fully-funded PhD positions in forest ecology, Uni Regensburg, Germany

See more details and the official job announcements at

Starting as early as possible (approximately autumn this year).

PhD 1 in statistical forest ecology, working on estimating demographic rates and community dynamics from forest inventory data in the BayForDemo project with Lisa Hülsmann.

PhD 2 in forest modeling / model calibration, working on Bayesian calibration and uncertainty analysis of process-based vegetation / ecological models (with Florian Hartig, along the lines of Hartig et al., 2012, using the BayesianTools R package).




Dr. Lisa Hülsmann
Theoretical Ecology
University of Regensburg
Universitätsstraße 31
93053 Regensburg

phone: +49-941 943-4335
room: E4_2.103