Tuesday, February 28, 2017

[Oikos-listan] Postdoc position: Can biodiversity provide resilient plant protection in the future?

I have a vacancy for a postdoc position on Biodiversity and plant protection. Deadine 27 March.


More info here: http://www.slu.se/en/about-slu/jobs-vacancies/read-more/?eng=1&Pid=3008


Best wishes,


Mattias Jonsson




Friday, February 24, 2017

[Oikos-listan] FW: PHD position South Africa

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Loos, Jacqueline <jacqueline.loos@agr.uni-goettingen.de>
Date: 24 February 2017 at 09:57
Subject: PHD position South Africa
Dear colleagues,

Please distribute the attached as you see fit. Deadline is 28 February.

In short: PhD position based in Goettingen, Germany, supervised by Dr. Jacqueline Loos. Fieldwork will take place in South Africa.
Focus is on butterflies, landscape ecology, agricultural intensification, social-ecological context.
Deadline is 28 February 2017.

Thank you

PhD position in Agroecology: "A biodiversity hotspot faces intensification of viticulture:
The role of fynbos remnants for the conservation of butterflies"

Start: 15th April 2017. 3-year position (TV-L E13 65%)
Biodiversity hotspots are global priority areas for nature conservation, as they contain numerous endemic
species and have lost much natural habitat in the past. One example is the Fynbos biome within the Cape
Floristic Region in South Africa, which is under pressure due to land-use change. Here, viticulture
increasingly expands into remnants of Renosterveld vegetation, with unpredictable consequences for the
associated fauna. Whether an integrative conservation approach may offer solutions both for biodiversity
and human well-being in these landscapes is yet
unexplored and would need profound
understanding of the complex social-ecological
interactions. This research project aims at
understanding both the responses of species
towards their environment and the underlying
mechanisms that drive anthropogenic land-use
change. Through the lens of interdisciplinary
landscape sustainability science, this project uses
butterflies as target species, because they are of
high conservation concern and offer great potential
for ecological and ethno-cultural studies.
Biodiversity patterns of butterflies will be tested in
response to different and interacting biophysical
and socio-economic settings. Moreover, by using
butterflies as boundary objects between human
and nature in this study, the underlying intrinsic
values which humans assign to biodiversity will be unraveled. The three following hypotheses shall be
tested: (1) The amount, the size, the connectivity, and the quality of native Renosterveld vegetation patches
determine the viability of endangered butterfly
populations. (2) Butterfly diversity changes along a
gradient of spatial heterogeneity of the agricultural
mosaic. (3) Socio-economic settings and the values held
by local land managers influence biodiversity patterns.
Existing distribution and habitat data in the Swartland shall
be synthesised for endangered butterflies, which will then
be surveyed in habitat remnants of Renosterveld
vegetation. Butterfly diversity shall then be assessed
along a land-use gradient cross the entire landscape.
Data on the environment, the socio-economy and the
underlying value system of land managers shall be
collected. Various aspects of butterfly diversity shall be
statistically modelled for responses to different biophysical
and anthropogenic settings. The outcome of this research
project shall deliver scientific evidence on how to best
shape ecologically meaningful and socially acceptable
solutions for a sustainable land management in one the
most important biodiversity hotspots on Earth.
• Master´s or equivalent degree in ecology/biology, sustainability science, agriculture or related
• Experience in field research, preferably in botany and/or entomology
• Capacity to formulate and solve research problems and effectively interpret research results
• Basic knowledge in ecological statistics and GIS
Cultivated fields encorach into Renosterveld remnants
(source: Wikipedia)
The endangered Schloz´s opal is only one of many
endemic species in the Swartland, South Africa
(source: Benton Blue Trust)
• Willingness to work interdisciplinary and in collaboration with colleagues in an
international setting
• Fluency in written and spoken English
How to apply
The application should include:
• CV including information about former academic education and degrees, professional experience,
list of publications (if any), fellowships/awards, conference contributions, language skills and further
relevant skills and abilities
• Cover letter stating the candidate´s research interests and motivation to join the project
• Names (with email address) of at least two references
• Master´s thesis abstract
The application portal for this position can be found here:
The application period ends on February 28th, 2017. For further information, please contact Dr. Jacqueline
Loos, (jloos@gwdg.de).
Göttingen University is an equal opportunities employer and places particular emphasis on fostering career
opportunities for women. Qualified women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply. Göttingen University
is a family-friendly employer and supports the compatibility of research and family. Disabled persons with
equivalent aptitude will be preferentially considered. All application files will be deleted after three months.


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For more information please visit http://www.symanteccloud.com

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

[Oikos-listan] Ledigt jobb som seniorkonsult inom terrester ekologi


Intressant jobberbjudande för t.ex. naturvårdsspecialister eller artexperter med erfarenhet från konsultbranschen:


Med vänlig hälsning,

Sofia Nygårds
Oikos-listan mailing list
To unsubscribe go to http://wallace.teorekol.lu.se/mailman/options/oikos-listan, or send a request to jessica.abbott@biol.lu.se

[Oikos-listan] Nominera pristagare till Artdatabankens naturvårdspris

Vem tycker du ska få Artdatabankens naturvårdspris 2017?

Priset utdelas årligen till ”person, organisation eller företag som genom forskning, miljöanalys, information, utbildning eller praktiska åtgärder gjort en enastående insats för att bevara den biologiska mångfalden”.


Välkommen med din nominering senast 26 februari. Mer information och formulär för nominering finns här: http://www.artdatabanken.se/verksamhet-och-uppdrag/naturvaardspris/.



In English:

Welcome with nominations for Artdatabankens naturvårdspris 2017:





Erik Öckinger

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Department of Ecology
PO Box 7044, SE-750 07 UPPSALA
Visiting address: Ulls väg 16
Phone: +46 18 672303




Thursday, February 16, 2017

[Oikos-listan] Fwd: [ECOLOG-L] Pollination Ecology position at University of Florida

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [ECOLOG-L] Pollination Ecology position at University of Florida
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2017 08:57:19 -0700
From: David Inouye <inouye@UMD.EDU>
Reply-To: David Inouye <inouye@UMD.EDU>

Pollination Ecology position at University of Florida

The Entomology and Nematology Department at the University of Florida is
accepting applications for an Assistant Professorship focused on
pollination ecology in natural areas and crop systems. This is a
12-month, tenure-accruing position that will be 60% research (Florida
Agricultural Experiment Station), 25% Extension (UF/IFAS Extension
Service), and 15% teaching (College of Agricultural and Life Sciences).
The position is based in Gainesville, FL, USA. The primary focus within
the research assignment is the pollination ecology and/or conservation
of non-Apis bees. The Extension responsibilities will include developing
and implementing an effective statewide Extension education program to
support conservation efforts and stakeholders who rely on the
pollination services that non-Apis bees provide. The teaching
responsibilities will include developing an undergraduate/graduate
course in pollinator ecology/conservation and participation in revolving
topic seminars in the candidate's area of expertise. Please forward this
announcement to all interested parties. More information about the
position can be found athttp://explore.jobs.ufl.edu/cw/en-us/job/501323.
The University of Florida is an Equal Opportunity Institution.

Andrea Lucky, Ph.D.
Entomology & Nematology
University of Florida
1881 Natural Area Dr.
Gainesville, FL 32611-0620
Oikos-listan mailing list
To unsubscribe go to http://wallace.teorekol.lu.se/mailman/options/oikos-listan, or send a request to jessica.abbott@biol.lu.se

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

[Oikos-listan] Two PhD positions in Animal Ecology at Uppsala University

Uppsala University hereby invites applications for 2 Ph.D. positions in Animal Ecology at the Department of Ecology and Genetics, Evolutionary Biology Centre (EBC) with an application deadline of March 15.

Position 1: The Evolution of Adaptive Epigenetic Inheritance, in the lab of Dr. Martin Lind
Position 2: Causes and Consequences of Variation in Mutation Rate, in the lab of Dr. David Berger

The two advertised positions are independent. Applicants that are interested in both positions should submit two separate applications.

POSITION 1 – The Evolution of Adaptive Epigenetic Inheritance
The belief that the genetic code is the sole basis for biological inheritance has been challenged by the discovery of trans-generational epigenetic inheritance, where environmentally induced phenotypes are inherited for several generations by factors that determine how DNA is read. However, the adaptive significance of a complementary inheritance system that is induced by the environment is enigmatic.

The applicant will investigate the evolution of adaptive epigenetic and trans-generational inheritance during adaptation to new environments (high or fluctuating temperature) in the powerful laboratory Caenorhabditis remanei nematode model system. We will use a combination of experimental evolution, trans-generational phenotypic assays of life history traits (fitness, growth, development, lifespan) and gene expression approaches, including analyses of already existing lines. The project is supported by a grant from the Swedish research Council (VR).

The applicant will join the lab of Dr. Martin Lind, and be part of the well-equipped nematode lab, at the moment led by three PIs (Dr. Lind, Dr. Bolund, Dr. Maklakov) interested in life-history evolution, inheritance, ageing and sexual selection.

Qualifications: A relevant master degree or equivalent in evolutionary biology, genetics, ecology or a related field. We are looking for you who are motivated, highly reliable, driven and well-organised, and have a broad interest in evolutionary biology. It is desirable if you have experience of laboratory work and/or animal husbandry (of any organism). Because the holder of this position will interact closely with other lab members, we put emphasis on personal ability, independence and ability to collaborate. You should have the capacity to express yourself well in speech and writing in English.

POSITION 2: Causes and Consequences of Variation in Mutation Rate
Variation in mutation rate is a pivotal determinant of rates of adaptation and extinction and a causative agent in human health problems, including ageing, cancer, and genetic disease. Mutation rate has typically been treated as an invariable species-specific parameter but this view has recently been challenged by studies showing that mutation rate can vary with health, nutritional state, sex, and age. The evolutionary causes and consequences of this variation remain largely unexplored and the successful applicant will take an experimental approach to understand among-individual variation in mutation rate with the overarching aim to explore how this variation may influence evolution in novel environments.

The research will take advantage of the finished genome assembly of the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus, potentially combined with experiments on other available laboratory study systems such as butterflies, fruit flies and nematode worms. The successful candidate will employ experimental evolution and/or mutation accumulation approaches in combination with comparative analysis of quantitative genetic and genomic data.

The candidate will work in direct association with one PI (Dr. David Berger, main supervisor) and share lab space with members of Prof. Göran Arnqvist's group, with whom interactions and collaborations are encouraged. Currently, the beetle lab consists of 10 members working on various aspects of life history evolution, sexual selection, and evolutionary genetics. The position is funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR).

Qualifications: We seek a highly motivated and enthusiastic person with a broad interest in evolutionary biology. Experience in quantitative/molecular/population genetics, or in life history- and sexual selection theory, is an advantage, but not a requirement. Experience of laboratory work or in using statistical software (e.g. R, SAS, Mathematica, Python) is also a merit. Because the holder of this position will interact closely with other lab members, we will put emphasis on both independence and ability to collaborate. The applicant is expected to be fluent in English.


WORKING PLACE: EBC hosts one of the world's largest aggregations of evolutionary biologists. The Department of Ecology and Genetics is an international environment with staff and students from all over the world. Our research spans from evolutionary ecology and genetics to studies of ecosystems. A number of high-profile projects address natural and sexual selection, local adaptation, speciation, molecular evolution, microbial diversity, and ecosystem processes. For more information, see ieg.uu.se. Our graduate school offers a creative and stimulating environment and offers a rich variety of seminars, journal clubs, courses and possibilities to interact with other scholars and students. Uppsala University is the oldest university in Scandinavia and the city of Uppsala is a vibrant college town with beautiful surroundings conveniently situated 40 minutes by train from Stockholm.

POSITION: The graduate program covers four years of full-time study. The position can be combined with teaching (maximum 20%), which prolongs the employment with the corresponding time. The successful candidate will receive salary and full social benefits according to local agreements. More information about salary levels: http://www.saco.fackorg.uu.se/verksamhet/doktorandfragor/doktorandstege
Rules governing PhD candidates are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance Chapter 5, §§ 1-7 and in Uppsala university's rules and guidelines http://regler.uu.se/Rules_and_regulations_in_English/. More information about postgraduate studies at Uppsala University is available at http://www.teknat.uu.se/education/postgraduate/.

APPLICATION: The application should include 1) a letter of intent describing yourself, your research interests and motivation for why you apply for the current position and want to do a PhD, 2) a CV 3), a short description of your education, 4) an authorized copy of your master degree and course grades, 5) the names and email of at least two referees, 6) relevant publications including master thesis. The application should be written in English.

Uppsala University aims for gender balance and diversity in all activities in order to achieve a higher quality at all levels of the organization. We therefore welcome applicants of any gender and with different birth background, functionality and life experience.

PAY: According to local agreements

STARTING: As soon as possible or as otherwise agreed.


For further information about the two positions please contact:

Dr. Martin Lind, martin.lind@ebc.uu.se (Position 1)


Dr. David Berger, david.berger@ebc.uu.se (Position 2)


You are welcome to submit your application(s) no later than 15th of March 2017

Position 1: http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/join-us/details/?positionId=134442

Position 2: http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/join-us/details/?positionId=134561

You can apply for both positions, with separate applications.

Martin Lind

Assistant Professor
Dept. of Animal Ecology
Evolutionary Biology Centre
Uppsala University
Norbyvägen 18D
752 36 Uppsala


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

[Oikos-listan] reminder for deadline abstract submission EOU2017 conference


Reminder: Abstract submission to European Ornithological Union conference in August 2017 in Turku / Åbo will close in 2 weeks.

Information on the conference and abstract submission available at

all the best

Jon E. Brommer
PhD, Assistant professor
Dept of Biology
FI-20014 University of Turku
*** Vertebrate Ecology Research Group ***

Oikos-listan mailing list
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[Oikos-listan] Inventering av UW miljöer kring Åland (lediga jobb)


Utexaminerad marinbiolog och 2 st MSc studenter sökes för att göra undervattensinventeringsarbete i Ålands skärgård under sommaren 2017, se bifogad annons för tilläggsinformation.

Annonsen får gärna spridas inom era nätverk.


Sonja Salovius-Laurén PhD
Senior Researcher VELMU
Environmental and Marine Biology
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Åbo Akademi University
Artillerig. 6
FI-20520, Åbo Finland
+358 (0)2 215 3450, direct
+358 (0)40 742 6672, mobile
+358 (0)2 215 3428, fax

[Oikos-listan] post-doc at Umeå University

Dear all,
We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher
 within the project “Herbivore driven plant cycles: using drones to study plant communities and carbon fluxes”
Please circulate to qualified candidates.
Johan Olofsson

Monday, February 13, 2017

[Oikos-listan] Senior Researcher (specialforskare) at the Bioeconomy Research Team, Novia UAS Finland

Senior Researcher (specialforskare) at the Bioeconomy Research Team of Novia UAS, Raseborg

The Novia UAS ÅboRaseborg unit, Campus Raseborg announces a vacant position as
Senior Researcher (specialforskare) at the Bioeconomy Research Team of Novia UAS

for the period 1.4.2017 - 31.12.2021 or according to agreement.

We offer a dynamic campus in Raseborg in the southwest of Finland with nearby research areas and facilities in natural settings.
The Bioeconomy Research Team at Novia UAS performs high-class research and supports existing research and development projects, mainly within the field of bioeconomy and natural resource management.

The required main tasks are:

to establish externally funded research groups
to maintain active international and national networks
tuition and supervision at bachelor and master levels
to contribute to the research and development activities at Novia UAS

Applications are invited from individuals with:

a PhD exam within the field of bioeconomy
a wide scientific production within the field
proven skills in tuition and supervision

Preferred areas of research are entrepreneurship within natural resources, circular economy and bioeconomy. Successful candidates should be able to create cross-disciplinary scientific synergies and take an active interest in applied research work.
- See more at: https://www.novia.fi/about-novia/news/senior-researcher-specialforskare-at-the-bioeconomy-research-team-of-novia-uas-raseborg#sthash.GMYbkXK0.dpuf

all the best

Jon E. Brommer
PhD, Assistant professor
Dept of Biology
FI-20014 University of Turku
*** Vertebrate Ecology Research Group ***

Oikos-listan mailing list
To unsubscribe go to http://wallace.teorekol.lu.se/mailman/options/oikos-listan, or send a request to jessica.abbott@biol.lu.se

Thursday, February 9, 2017

[Oikos-listan] Postdoctoral position at Lund university

The Center for Environmental and Climate Research at Lund university is announcing a postdoctoral position focusing on Management of agricultural landscapes to conserve biodiversity.




[Oikos-listan] Nordic conference - second announcement

Nordic Conference on Reindeer Husbandry Research

Jukkasjärvi (Kiruna), Sweden, 29-31 May 2017


Welcome to the above conference - You may now register at https://dinkurs.se/appliance/?event_id=43739

Updated information will be available at: www.slu.se/NCRH


Abstracts (maximum 2500 characters including spacing) should be sent by mail to birgitta.ahman@slu.se. Indicate session (see preliminary program, next page), if you prefer oral or poster presentation, and presenter if not first author.


Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts is 15 March.


Hope to see you at the conference.

(Sorry for any double mailing)


Birgitta Åhman

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

HUV / Animal Nutrition and Management
Box 7024, 750 07 UPPSALA
Gatuadress: Ulls väg 26, 756 51 Uppsala
Telefon: +46 18 672308, mobil: +46 70 375 22 06 (nytt nummer)

[Oikos-listan] Postdoc job - ecological and evolutionary responses to recent environmental change

Hi all,

See below for a really interesting position in a great lab.


We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Associate to undertake research on UK butterflies and moths in order to understand the ecological and evolutionary responses of species to recent environmental change. You will compare present-day populations with museum specimens across a wide range of species, complemented by detailed lab and field studies of the speckled wood butterfly Pararge aegeria.

You will have experience of ecological fieldwork, insect rearing and the analysis of long-term ecological data. You will collaborate with other researchers on the project, who are developing genomic information and carrying out computer modelling. You will disseminate the results through written scientific papers and oral presentations, and also disseminate their implications for policy and conservation.

You will join an exciting NERC funded project, based in the research groups of Jane Hill, Chris Thomas, Kanchon Dasmahapatra and Calvin Dytham in the Department of Biology at York. The project will involve collaboration with the research groups of Ilik Saccheri and Greg Hurst at the University of Liverpool, Jon Bridle and Mark Beaumont at the University of Bristol, Ian Owens at the Natural History Museum, David Roy at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, James Bell at Rothamsted Research and Richard Fox and colleagues at the NGO Butterfly Conservation.

For informal enquiries please contact Professor Jane Hill on +44 (0)1904 328642 or email jane.hill@york.ac.uk.


Alistair Auffret
Postdoctoral researcher

Biogeography and Geomatics Unit
Dept of Physical Geography
Stockholm University

Dept of Biology
University of York

Personal webpage

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

[Oikos-listan] post-doc in river ecology

Please spread the word

Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Ecology of River Restoration: Dam Removal and fish-friendly Turbines

best wishes



Anders Nilsson, PhD, Professor
Lund University
Dept. Biology - Aquatic ecology
Ecology Building
SE-22362 Lund

+46-(0)46-2228365 (work)
+46-(0)46-2224536 (fax)
+46-(0)70-3462566 (mobile)
+46-(0)418-661066 (home)
pandersnilsson (skype)
Web page
Aquatic Ecology on Facebook
Google Scholar

Ὁ βίος βραχὺς,
ἡ δὲ τέχνη μακρὴ,
ὁ δὲ καιρὸς ὀξὺς,
ἡ δὲ πεῖρα σφαλερὴ,
ἡ δὲ κρίσις χαλεπή

[Oikos-listan] PhD-position in Plant Ecology at Stockholm University on Plants, Insects & Microbes

Dear colleagues,


We are looking for a highly motivated PhD-student to join the long-term research on the interactions between plants, insects & microbes.


For more information see the project description (below) and the following link:



and don’t hesitate to contact me directly by email, (closing date is March 3)


My best,


Ayco Tack




Project description

Plants interact with a large number of insects and microorganisms, including pests like herbivores and pathogens, and mutualists like parasitoids and mycorrhizal fungi. In both agricultural fields and natural communities these microbe and insect species commonly co-occur on the same plant individual. While we know how insects interact with insects, and microbes with microbes, interkingdom interactions among plant-associated microbes and insects have only rarely been investigated. To fill this gap, the current project combines experimental and molecular approaches to gain a predictive understanding of how direct and indirect interactions among insects and microbes structure terrestrial plant-based communities. The project can be subdivided into two modules. The student will first explore the role of these interactions within a community context in a multi-factorial greenhouse experiment, focusing on the food webs surrounding the plant Plantago lanceolata and Bistorta vivipara. Next, the student will pinpoint the plant-mediated interactions between microbes and insects by probing the response of the plant – in terms of gene expression and defense-related phytohormonal pathways – to microbe, insect and simultaneous attack.




Ayco Tack
Assistant professor
Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences

Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting address: Svante Arrhenius Väg 20A, room N420
Phone: + 46-(0)8-163959
Mobile: + 46-(0)70-4942557





Tuesday, February 7, 2017

[Oikos-listan] Fwd: PFNZ postdoc

Postdoc position in Auckland on 'Optimal strategy for achieving Predator Free New Zealand'.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: PFNZ postdoc
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2017 00:25:44 +0000
From: James Russell <j.russell@auckland.ac.nz>
To: jonas.knape@slu.se <jonas.knape@slu.se>

[Oikos-listan] PhD-student position in ecology with focus on landscape genetics at Umeå University

Dear all,

We are seeking candidates for a PhD student position in ecology with focus on landscape genetics at Umeå University. The project will use recent conceptual and methodological advances in genetics and spatial ecology to study patterns in gene flow in riverine plants and how these are influenced by landscape structure and obstruction of dispersal pathways by dams.

Information about the position and how to apply, English version: https://umu.mynetworkglobal.com/en/what:job/jobID:134617/where:4/

Information about the position and how to apply, Swedish version: https://umu.mynetworkglobal.com/se/what:job/jobID:134617/where:4/

Please circulate to qualified candidates!

The last day to apply is March 17, 2017.


Roland Jansson and Xiao-Ru Wang

Roland Jansson
Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University
SE-901 87 Umeå
Phone +46-90-7869573 alt +46-70-3686605

Friday, February 3, 2017

[Oikos-listan] PhD position in Ecology at Umeå University

Dear all,
We are seeking candidates for a PhD student positions in Ecology at Umeå University The project will focus onstudying how the importance of herbivores for vegetation composition and nutrient cycling varies across arctic ecosystems. 
Please circulate to qualified candidates.
Johan Olofsson and Maja Sundqvist

Thursday, February 2, 2017

[Oikos-listan] FW: Doktorandtjänst SU

För kännedom. Tvärvetenskaplig doktorandtjänst vid Stockholm Resilience Center/SU.
/Lena G.

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Nohrstedt [mailto:Daniel.Nohrstedt@statsvet.uu.se]
Sent: den 1 februari 2017 16:54
To: Hans-Örjan Nohrstedt <honohrstedt@hotmail.com>; Lena Gustafsson <Lena.Gustafsson@slu.se>
Subject: Doktorandtjänst SU

Vi rekryterar nu en doktorand till vårt VR projekt om samverkan och förvaltning av vattenresurser:
Placering vid Stockholm Resilience Center/SU. Profilen ligger utanför mitt område, kanske ni kan hjälpa oss att sprida detta i lämpliga kretsar?

Oikos-listan mailing list
To unsubscribe go to http://wallace.teorekol.lu.se/mailman/options/oikos-listan, or send a request to jessica.abbott@biol.lu.se

[Oikos-listan] Symposium "Human-induced landscape of fear: how much is too much?" - Monday, Feb 6, 13:00



We are pleased to invite you to a symposium entitled "Human-induced landscape of fear: how much is too much?", which will be held in connection to the Swedish Oikos Meeting 2017 next week in Lund.


The symposium will take place on Monday, February 6, starting at 13:00.


Please, see attached document for a detailed schedule and talk titles.


Kind regards,

The organizers: Alessia Uboni and Anna Skarin



Alessia Uboni, PhD
Postdoctoral researcher

Department of Animal Nutrition and Management

Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala, Sweden


[Oikos-listan] updated Call to annual meeting Swedish Oikos

It turns out there were a couple of errors and unnecessary points in the
original call. Please refer to the attached call to meeting instead.


Dr. Jessica K. Abbott
Senior University Lecturer
Department of Biology
Section for Evolutionary Ecology
Lund University
Sölvegatan 37
223 62 Lund, Sweden
Phone: 046 222 9304
Website: http://jessicakabbott.com

"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."
- Charles Darwin, Descent of Man

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

[Oikos-listan] FW: PhD in UK, postdoc in USA about social insects

>>Graduate positions are available in evolutionary theory and mathematical
>>modelling at the School of Biological Sciences of Royal Holloway,
>>University of London. Some topics of interest are:
>>- Modelling the spread of pathogens and symbionts in social insect
>>colonies (Professor Vincent Jansen)
>>- The common good and alignment of evolutionary interest between
>>endogenous retroviruses and their hosts (Professor Vincent Jansen)
>>- The fitness consequences of spatial cognition in the bumblebee Bombus
>>terrestris (Dr Elli Leadbeater)
>>The deadline is 31 January 2017, but contact the supervisors
>>(Vincent.Jansen@rhul.ac.uk or Elli.Leadbeater@rhul.ac.uk) if an extension
>>to the deadline is needed
>>For details see:
>>These are fully funded studentships, many available to applicants form
>>the EU (some are restricted to UK residents)
>>A highly motivated postdoctoral research fellow is sought for a
>>collaborative project to study the signals that elicit hygienic behavior
>>of honey bees towards brood to combat Varroa mites. This natural defense
>>against the most detrimental parasite is critical for improving honey bee
>>health and ensuring the sustainability of apiculture and its pollination
>>services. The primary location for this project will be the Rueppell lab
>>at UNCG and the project will be performed in collaboration with Marla
>>Spivak (University of Minnesota), Coby Schal (North Carolina State
>>University) and Jocelyn Millar (University of California at Riverside).
>>We seek an independent scientist who is interested in working with us on
>>experiments at the interface between chemical ecology and fundamental and
>>applied apicultural research.
>>While the primary responsibility of this position is the identification
>>of chemical elicitors of hygienic behavior, including bioassay-guided
>>fractionation of extracts and/or volatile mixtures, testing the
>>bioactivity of candidate substances, and advancing potential practical
>>applications of the results, the candidate may initiate experiments to
>>realize related research ideas. An excellent track record of research
>>productivity, willingness to travel, analytical thinking, team working,
>>and good English communication skills are essential. Practical experience
>>with insect behavioral assays, expertise in chemical ecology, and an
>>interest in honey bee health are preferred.
>>The Rueppell lab currently consists of two postdocs and multiple graduate
>>and undergraduate students who work in honey bees on a variety of topics.
>>The advertised position is full-time and salary will be commensurate with
>>experience. The position is pending financial approval from USDA and will
>>have a likely start date of March 2017 in the Department of Biology at
>>the University of North Carolina in Greensboro. It will be initially
>>offered for one year, with potential renewals for two additional years.
>>To learn more or to apply for this position please visit the
>>UNCGjobsearch website at https://jobsearch.uncg.edu and review position
>>UNCG is an EEO/AA employer with a strong commitment to increasing
>>diversity. EOE AA/M/F/D/V.
>>For best consideration, please apply before 15 Febuary 2017. The position
>>will stay open until filled.

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