Wednesday, November 30, 2016

[Oikos-listan] Fwd: A NERC funded PhD combining agroecology with precision agronomy - please help me advertise

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: A NERC funded PhD combining agroecology with precision
agronomy - please help me advertise
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2016 10:19:50 +0000
From: Lynn Dicks (BIO) <>

Dear all

Please could you advertise this NERC-funded PhD Studentship to your
students or research assistants interested in conservation, agriculture,
agroecology, ecosystem services, countryside management, insect ecology?
It is a wonderful opportunity to get combined research and agronomy
training, with a strong GIS element and potentially some citizen science.

A poster attached, in case you can put it up, or send it to Masters or
third year students.

It's advertised online here:

Application deadline 20 January 2017.

Thanks a lot for your help and best wishes,



Dr Lynn Dicks

NERC Research Fellow

Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia


Twitter: @LynnDicks

Direct telephone: +44 (0)1603 597659

Latest work: Ten Policies for Pollinators

Oikos-listan mailing list

[Oikos-listan] attachment - 15 PhD positions in 'resilience of lake ecosystems' program

This time with attachment - sorry!



Dear all,


see attached pdf file for the full details of this exciting possibility at the University of Konstanz, Germany.






The Research Training Group "R3 Responses to biotic and abiotic changes, Resilience and R

eversi-bility of lake ecosystems" funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and based at the University of Konstanz welcomes applications for up to


15 PhD Positions


for a three-year structured program. The RTG will start on 1 April 2017.


The scientific goal of this RTG is to study the mechanism resulting in the resilience of lake ecosystems to environmental change. Our approach is to study the response of a model system – Lake Constance – with a multitude of different approaches and from different viewpoints, i.e., combining classical and novel methods such as population genomics and metagenomics approaches, metabolic profiling, compound-specific stable-isotope analyses, comparative multi-species experiments, paleo-limnological and resurrection ecology approaches, time-series analyses, and numerical simulation models.


see also

Sebastian Diehl
Professor of Ecology
Department of Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University
90187 Umeå, Sweden

[Oikos-listan] junior professorship environmental genomics in aquatic systems


The Department of Biology at the University of Konstanmz, Germany, seeks to fill the


Junior Professorship of Environmental Genomics in Aquatic Systems


from October 2017.


See attachment for details.




Sebastian Diehl
Professor of Ecology
Department of Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University
90187 Umeå, Sweden

[Oikos-listan] 15 PhD positions in 'resilience of lake ecosystems' program

Dear all,


see attached pdf file for the full details of this exciting possibility at the University of Konstanz, Germany.






The Research Training Group "R3 Responses to biotic and abiotic changes, Resilience and R

eversi-bility of lake ecosystems" funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and based at the University of Konstanz welcomes applications for up to


15 PhD Positions


for a three-year structured program. The RTG will start on 1 April 2017.


The scientific goal of this RTG is to study the mechanism resulting in the resilience of lake ecosystems to environmental change. Our approach is to study the response of a model system – Lake Constance – with a multitude of different approaches and from different viewpoints, i.e., combining classical and novel methods such as population genomics and metagenomics approaches, metabolic profiling, compound-specific stable-isotope analyses, comparative multi-species experiments, paleo-limnological and resurrection ecology approaches, time-series analyses, and numerical simulation models.


see also

Sebastian Diehl
Professor of Ecology
Department of Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University
90187 Umeå, Sweden

[Oikos-listan] PhD position Experiment Plant Ecology

Dear Colleagues,


we seek a scientist (65%) (PhD-position) within the joint research project „Wetscapes" (matter and nutrient cycling in wet organic soils as basis for land use, climate response and water protection) at the working group „Experimental Plant Ecology" with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kreyling, at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität in Greifswald, Germany.

The position starts at 01.03.2017 and is limited to three years and four months. Please apply no later than January 1st, 2017, at

See attached document for more information.


Please circulate within institutional lists or directly to suitable candidates.




--   Gesche Blume-Werry, PhD | PostDoc at Umeå Plant Science Centre, Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Climate Impacts Research Centre, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University | | +46 90 7865312 | Abisko Scientific Research Station, Vetenskapens Väg 38, 981 07 Abisko, Sweden  

Monday, November 28, 2016

[Oikos-listan] Fwd: PostDoc position in community- and macro-ecology of butterflies

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: PostDoc position in community- and macro-ecology of butterflies
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2016 22:55:14 +0100
From: Josef Settele <>
To: Josef Settele <>
CC: Oliver Schweiger <>, Martin Wiemers

Dear all,
(sorry for cross-postings)

attached the call for applications for a postdoctoral position in
"community- and macro-ecology of butterflies" in our team (acronym:
sECURE; work planned in close collaboration with Dr. Oliver Schweiger,
Dr. Martin Wiemers and with other members of iDiv, including Prof. Dr.
Henrique Pereira and Prof. Dr. Jon Chase).

Please spread among appropriate circles.
Looking forward to convincing applications.
(See the working group webpage: for
the overall framing.)


Prof. Dr. Josef Settele
Animal Ecology and Social-Ecological Research
Dept. of Community Ecology
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ

[Oikos-listan] Fwd: PostDoc position in community- and macro-ecology of butterflies

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Josef Settele <>
Date: 26 November 2016 at 22:55:14 GMT+1
To: Josef Settele <>
Cc: Oliver Schweiger <>, Martin Wiemers <>
Subject: PostDoc position in community- and macro-ecology of butterflies

Dear all,
(sorry for cross-postings)

attached the call for applications for a postdoctoral position in "community- and macro-ecology of butterflies" in our team (acronym: sECURE; work planned in close collaboration with Dr. Oliver Schweiger, Dr. Martin Wiemers and with other members of iDiv, including Prof. Dr. Henrique Pereira and Prof. Dr. Jon Chase).

Please spread among appropriate circles.
Looking forward to convincing applications.
(See the working group webpage: for the overall framing.)


Prof. Dr. Josef Settele
Animal Ecology and Social-Ecological Research
Dept. of Community Ecology
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ

Thursday, November 24, 2016

[Oikos-listan] VB: PhD opportunities

On behalf of Prof Matt Gage, UEA, UK, who is looking for 2 Phd-candidates.

Best wishes,


Hanne Løvlie, Associate professor

IFM Biology

AVIAN Behavioural Genomics and Physiology Group

Linköping University

58183 Linköping



Från: Matthew Gage (BIO) <>
Skickat: den 22 november 2016 14:20
Till: Andrea Pilastro; Adam Chippindale; Allan Pacey; Andreas Siegler; Andrew Pemberton; Andy Clark; Andy Stephenson; Angelika Denk; Anne Lize; Anne magurran; Bill Holt; Brian Preston; C Bennison; Charlie Cornwallis; Clarissa House; Clelia Gasparini; David Hosken; Geoff Parker; Hanne Lovlie; Harry Moore; Helena elofsson; Ian Mayer; J blount; J Linklater; Jim Cummins; John Fitzpatrick; Jonathan Evans; Leigh Simmons; Lotta Kvarnemo; Luc Bussiere; Lukas Scharer; M Anderson; Mariana Wolfner; Mats Olsson; Neil Gemmell; Nicola Hemmings; Nina Wedell; Patricia Brennan; Paul Eady; Paula Stockley; Rhonda Snook; Sara Calhim; Sheri Johnson; Simone Immler; Stefan Karl Luepold; Steven Ramm; Stuart Humphries; Stuart Wigby; Tim Birkhead; Tom Pizzari; Creer Simon; Mike Bruford;;; Chris Jiggins; COLEGRAVE Nick; Jon Bridle; Tregenza, Tom; Matthew Gage (BIO);; Julia Ferrari; Kathryn Elmer; Catherine Walton; Simon Creer;; Fowler, Kevin; Dmitry Filatov; Bill Kunin; Angus Davison; David Lunt (; Mark Blaxter; Stuart Piertney
Ämne: PhD opportunities
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Please bring the attached PhD studentship opportunities on sexual selection / sperm biology to any interested students. 

Many thanks and best wishes, Matt Gage

Professor Matthew JG Gage

School of Biological Sciences

University of East Anglia

Norwich Research Park

Norwich, NR4 7TJ


UK Top 15 (14th in the Guardian University Guide 2015; 15th in the Complete University Guide 2015)
UK Top 3 for Student Experience (Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey 2014)
World top 1% (Times Higher Education World Rankings 2013-14) 
World Top 100 (Leiden Ranking 2014)


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

[Oikos-listan] Postdoc in Plant Pathology: can strawberry cope with multiple enemies?

Postdoc in Plant Pathology: can strawberry cope with multiple enemies?

Wild and cultivated strawberries are attacked by several fungal pathogens, and herbivores. Wild plant genotypes may vary in resistance against these enemies. Ideally, however, future cultivated varieties should carry resistance to multiple pathogens and pests simultaneously.

The first aim of this postdoc project is to screen wild Fragaria vesca genotypes for resistance against 1-3 fungal pathogens (including Diplocarpon earlianum). The wild plant genotypes are already known to vary in other important traits, including resistance to insect herbivores. The second aim is to start investigating the genetics behind resistance.


The postdoc will join an interdisciplinary group aiming at elucidating the multifunctional roles of plant resistance for pathogens, insect herbivores, pollinators, and fruit quality.


Please find the online ad here:  


Best regards,




Johan A. Stenberg
Associate Professor

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Department of Plant Protection Biology
PO Box 102, SE-230 53 ALNARP
Visiting address: Sundsvägen 14
Tel: +46 40 41 53 78,


Sunday, November 20, 2016

[Oikos-listan] Ph.D. position on biodiversity and ecosystem services in urban areas

The NTNU University Museum (Trondheim, Norway) seeks a highly qualified, ambitious, and 

motivated candidate for a 3 year PhD position on: 'Sustaining 

biodiversity and ecosystem services in urban areas under changing 

land-use and climate pressures'.

This PhD will be positioned with the main supervisor at Department of 

Natural History, NTNU University museum and with a co-supervisor at the 

Centre of Biodiversity Dynamics (CBD, Department of Biology), and is 

financed through Deadline 18 



Friday, November 18, 2016

[Oikos-listan] Ledig tjänst hos GBIF-Sweden

Projektassistent sökes till GBIF-Sweden – se länk:


Anders Telenius

Node Manager

Naturhistoriska riksmuseet

Box 50007

104 05 Stockholm

08-5195 5129

[Oikos-listan] ärenden till årsmötet / annual meeting points for discussion

In English below

Svenska föreningen Oikos kommer att ha årsmöte under Oikoskongressen i Lund, 7-9 februari 2017 ( Har du en fråga som du tycker bör tas upp under föreningens årsmöte? I så fall hör av dig till mig senast den 13/1 2017!

Jessica Abbott.


The Swedish Society Oikos will have its annual general meeting during the Oikos conference in Lund, 7-9 February 2017 ( Do you have a point for discussion that you would like brought up during the annual meeting? If so, please let me know before 13/1 2017!

Jessica Abbott.

--   Dr. Jessica K. Abbott  Senior University Lecturer  Department of Biology  Section for Evolutionary Ecology  Lund University  Sölvegatan 37  223 62 Lund, Sweden  Phone: 046 222 9304  Website:    "It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."  - Charles Darwin, Descent of Man